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北外哪个系容易进外交部(北京外国语大学英语学院)BFSU is generally referred to as the School of English at Beijing Foreign Studies UniversityBeijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) is located on Xisanhuan North Road Haidian District Beijing with two campuses on both sides of the Third Ring Road. BFSU is one of the first group of "Project 211" universities one of the "985" superior discipline innovation platform universities





School of English Beijing Foreign Studies University

BFSU is generally referred to as the School of English at Beijing Foreign Studies University

Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) is located on Xisanhuan North Road Haidian District Beijing with two campuses on both sides of the Third Ring Road. BFSU is one of the first group of "Project 211" universities one of the "985" superior discipline innovation platform universities and one of the first group of first-class discipline construction universities directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education. According to incomplete statistics among the alumni of BFSU more than 400 have served as ambassadors and more than 1 000 have served as counselors thus BFSU has won the reputation of "Cradle of Diplomats of the Republic of China".

School of English Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) is a secondary school of Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) which was founded in 2001 on the basis of the former Department of English and the Department of Foreign Studies. [1] According to the official website of the college in February 2020 there are two undergraduate majors in the college. It has 2 second-level disciplines authorized for doctor's degree 2 second-level disciplines authorized for master's degree and 1 professional master's degree authorization center. There are 26 professors and 35 associate professors. There are 800 undergraduate students 350 master's students and about 50 doctoral students.
