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高考英语语法填空介词的用法(高考英语介词考点)At the gate of the house there are many children playing glassball.There is a beautiful lake at the foot of the hill. 山脚下有一个美丽的湖。李和我平安地到达黑山县 一切很好 勿念。I live in a great city (big city) my sister lives at a small town while my parents live at a village. 我住在大城市 我姐姐住在一个小城镇 而我的父母则住在农村。常用at的小地点:



Li and I arrived at Heishan county safe and sound all is well. Don't worry.

李和我平安地到达黑山县 一切很好 勿念。

I live in a great city (big city) my sister lives at a small town while my parents live at a village. 我住在大城市 我姐姐住在一个小城镇 而我的父母则住在农村。


There is a beautiful lake at the foot of the hill. 山脚下有一个美丽的湖。

At the gate of the house there are many children playing glassball.


Who's standing there at the door? 谁站在门口?

at home 在国内 在家里

方位关系(1)on “在...上”

on the Internet / screen / radio / air / TV 在网络上/屏幕上/ 收音机上/广播上/电视上

on the top of ...在...顶部


on the east/west/north/south 在东/南/西/北方

on the left / right 在左边/右边

works on a/the farm在一个农场工作

(2)in “在...里”

in the rain / sun /car

in bright / dim light/ sunlight

in the shade of a tree

2、表“用...”的三个介词区别:有形with ;无形by;语言、单位、材料in

The workers are paving a road with stone. 工人们正用石子铺路。(有形用with)

The teacher is correcting the paper with a new pen. 这位教师正用一支新笔批改论文。(有形用with)

"Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy(用策略)" is a good opera.


The product is separated by distilation into gasoline and gas oil.

这种产品是用蒸馏分离出气油和粗柴油。 (表示方式、手段、方法--无形用by)

I really can't express my idea in English freely in-deed.

我确实不能用英语流利地表达我的思想。 (表示某种语言用in)

I wrote a novel in Russian. 我用俄语写了一本小说。(同上)

The kilometer is the biggest unit of length in the metric system.

公里是米制中最长的长度单位。 (表示度、量、衡单位的用in )

The length is measured in meter kilometre and centimetre.


This board was cast in bronze not in gold. 这个牌匾是用铜铸的 不是用金铸的。




a prisoner in irons 带着镣铐的囚犯

be (dressed) in rags 衣衫褴褛

in red 穿着红色衣服

in disguise 乔装打扮

in uniform 穿着制服

in mourning 穿着丧服

in brown shoes 穿着棕色鞋

in his shirt sleeves 穿着衬衫


Many who came in despair went away in hope.

许多人带着绝望情绪而来 却满怀希望而去。

The poor girl was in tears. 这个贫苦女孩泪流满面。

She spoke in grief rather than in anger.

与其说她讲得很气愤 不如说她讲得很伤心。

His mind was in great confusion. 他脑子里很乱。

Today everybody is in high spirits and no one is in low ebb.

今天大家都兴高采烈 没有一个情绪低落的。


The compaign was in full swing. 运动正值高潮中。

The house was in ruins. 这房屋成了废墟。

Her clothes were in rags. 她的衣跟穿破了。

His shoes were in holes. 他的鞋穿出窟窿了。

The condition air is in good state. 这台空调还好好的。


He has not been in good health for some years. 他几年来身体一直不好。

The Democratic Party was then in power. 那时民主党执政。

They found the patient in a coma. 他们发现病人处于昏迷状态。


例:we accepted the item in principle. 我们在原则上接受了这个条款。

They are never backward in giving their views. 在发表意见方面 他们从来不后退。

The backward area has achieved self-sufficient in grain. 这个落后的地区在粮食方面已能自给。

A good teacher must be an example in study. 一个好的教师必须是学习方面的模范。
