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高考英语3500单词对照表(突破高考英语单词3500)6.The government has ____________ (任命) some experts to find out an ______________ (方法) to the serious problem.5. All families are busy making ___________ (准备) for the _________ (到来) of the new year.3. Jane often ____________ her friends ________/_________ little things(在……上争论)___________(由……引起) their different opinions.4.The Eighth Route Army ________________________(用……武装)enough guns and before l

Day 7

根据提示完成下列句子(appoint  art)

1. I would ________________ (不胜感激) if you can _____________________(约会)with me.

2. It was the _____________ (建筑师/设计师) who designed the building which _____________ (占地) about 600 square hectares.

3. Jane often ____________ her friends ________/_________ little things(在……上争论)___________(由……

引起) their different opinions.

4.The Eighth Route Army ________________________(用……武装)enough guns and before long many enemies were ___________________.(被捕)

5. All families are busy making ___________ (准备) for the _________ (到来) of the new year.

6.The government has ____________ (任命) some experts to find out an ______________ (方法) to the serious problem.

7. Jim ________________ ( 做出决定 ) that he will enter an _______( 美术 ) school which still hasn’t

__________________ (没有得到同意) of his parents.

8. Please use an _______ (箭头)to match the information with the festivals in _________ (四月)

9. Mary ________________________________ for (为…表感谢) what the neighbors has _________(安排) for her when she was ill and stayed in the ___________ (轮椅).

10. It always takes me _____________ (大约)1 hour to finish the _____________ (算数) work.

