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全球濒危动物列表(你不知道的世界濒危动物)04中澳粗尾鼠双色獠狨一般指黑白柽柳猴(学名:Saguinus bicolor)是一种濒危的灵长类动物,色泽主要是黑、白、褐三色,尾长,仅大脚趾具扁甲,其余各指、趾均为爪状的尖爪;胸部有1对乳头;后肢比前肢长;牙齿32枚。栖于热带雨林或热带森林草原的树冠上层,很少到地面活动。吃水果、坚果和其他植物性食物,亦食昆虫、蜘蛛、青蛙、小蜥蜴和鸟蛋。视觉敏锐,听、嗅觉次之。白天活动,以家族形式3~12只结群生活。双亲共同哺育幼仔。分布在巴西亚马逊雨林。02金竹驯狐猴金竹驯狐猴(学名:Hapalemur aureus)是一种小型狐猴,头尾全长52-85厘米,头体长28-45 厘米,体重1-1.5 千克,只有小猫大小。背部皮毛浅橙色,有灰色至褐色针毛,下体黄色。脸颊黑色,有很短的口吻,眉毛、脸颊和喉部金黄色,毛茸茸的短耳朵。通常雄性和雌性有相似的外观,但雌性上体往往稍微更灰。主要栖息在马达加斯加潮湿的热







金竹驯狐猴(学名:Hapalemur aureus)是一种小型狐猴,头尾全长52-85厘米,头体长28-45 厘米,体重1-1.5 千克,只有小猫大小。背部皮毛浅橙色,有灰色至褐色针毛,下体黄色。脸颊黑色,有很短的口吻,眉毛、脸颊和喉部金黄色,毛茸茸的短耳朵。通常雄性和雌性有相似的外观,但雌性上体往往稍微更灰。主要栖息在马达加斯加潮湿的热带雨林中和竹林中。



双色獠狨一般指黑白柽柳猴(学名:Saguinus bicolor)是一种濒危的灵长类动物,色泽主要是黑、白、褐三色,尾长,仅大脚趾具扁甲,其余各指、趾均为爪状的尖爪;胸部有1对乳头;后肢比前肢长;牙齿32枚。栖于热带雨林或热带森林草原的树冠上层,很少到地面活动。吃水果、坚果和其他植物性食物,亦食昆虫、蜘蛛、青蛙、小蜥蜴和鸟蛋。视觉敏锐,听、嗅觉次之。白天活动,以家族形式3~12只结群生活。双亲共同哺育幼仔。分布在巴西亚马逊雨林。











07 麋鹿







The last issue of the editor introduced you to 10 endangered animals in the world and today I will introduce you to several endangered animals in the world. If you are interested just read it!

1. White-breasted flying fox

The white-breasted flying fox also known as the Luke flying fox Kashima flying fox is a species of the flying fox family mainly distributed in the Federated States of Micronesia. It was listed as a critically endangered species in the IUCN Red List in 1996 and hunting for it was banned after 1989 and the number gradually stabilized.

2. Golden Bamboo Taming Lemur

The golden bamboo tamer lemur (scientific name: Hapalemur aureus) is a small lemur with a head and tail length of 52-85 cm a head and body length of 28-45 cm and a weight of 1-1.5 kg only the size of a kitten.

The fur on the back is light orange with gray to brown needle hair and the lower body is yellow. The cheeks are black with a short muzzle the eyebrows cheeks and throat are golden yellow and the hairy short ears. Males and females usually have similar appearance but female upper body tends to be slightly grayer. Mainly inhabits in Madagascar's humid tropical rainforest and bamboo forest.

3. Two-color tamarin

The bicolor tamarin generally refers to the black and white tamarin (scientific name: Saguinus bicolor) is an endangered primate. The color is mainly black white and brown. The tail is long only the big toe has flat nails and the rest of the fingers and toes. All are claw-like pointed claws; there are a pair of nipples on the chest; hind limbs are longer than forelimbs; 32 teeth.

It lives in the upper layer of the canopy of tropical rainforests or tropical forests and grasslands and rarely moves on the ground. Eat fruits nuts and other plant foods as well as insects spiders frogs small lizards and bird eggs. He has sharp vision followed by hearing and smell. Active during the day living in groups of 3 to 12 in the form of a family.

Both parents nurture their cubs together. Distributed in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil.

4. China-Australia Couch

The Chinese-Australian rat also known as the Chinese-Australian white-tailed rat is a kind of rat. They are only distributed in Australia. Their ground activities are mainly foraging. The feeding range is not large mostly about 1-5 meters from the entrance of the cave and rarely 10 meters away. The action is fast and each feeding time is only 10-20 seconds.

The plant stems are snapped off quickly dragged back into the hole or placed near the hole and then eat again immediately. After 10-20 consecutive feedings he stayed in the cave for a while.

There is no hibernation in winter. After the habitat is covered with snow the criss-crossing "snow trails" are dug under the snow cover and activities are carried out in the meantime generally not coming from the snow.

5. Pacific porpoise

The Pacific porpoise is 1.85 meters long and generally weighs between 50 and 60 kilograms. It is a smaller toothed whale. Feed on fish. Near the main coast about 20 meters of medium depth and relatively calm sea. Due to human hunting and environmental pollution the Pacific porpoise is on the verge of extinction.

The main reasons for their endangerment are human whaling activities and environmental pollution.

Since the 21st century the biggest threat to porpoises comes from marine environmental pollution. In particular heavy metals such as mercury lead or cadmium will accumulate in the muscles and liver of whales. Environmental toxicants such as PCBs and DDT that are soluble in oil will accumulate in fat.

Tar and oil layers can cause skin necrosis. Together with other poisons they further weaken the porpoise. The result is an increase in the number of sick and heavily parasite-infested animals.

6. Darwin Fox

Darwin's fox has a head length of 53 cm a tail length of 22 cm a foot length of 10 cm an ear length of 26 cm and a weight of 2.8 kg. It is a very small fox about the size of a domestic cat. The ears of this fox are short and round; the legs are relatively short; it is characterized by a slender body and a short bushy tail.

Like to live in secondary forests to adapt to typical areas of temperate rain forest plants. On Chiloe Island the forest is Baldivian style. It contains coniferous species a few evergreen species and banded fruit forests. The northern and eastern parts of the island are inhabited by humans and agriculture has also had some influence on this geographical landscape.

On the west coast of the island the Darwin Fox takes full advantage of the fragmented evergreen forest habitat caused by sand dunes. The continental population is found in dense forests of araucaria and five types of beech trees.

7. Elk

Elk also known as "Four Unsimilars" is a rare animal in the world and belongs to the deer family.

Because its face resembles a horse its horns resemble a deer its hooves resemble an ox and its tail resembles a donkey it gets its name from four different. It is native to swamps in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China. It feeds on grass and aquatic plants. Good sex good swimming like to feed on tender grass and aquatic plants.

​Courtship heat begins at the end of June and lasts about 6 weeks. It was once widely distributed in East Asia. Later due to natural climate changes and human factors it was almost extinct at the end of the Han Dynasty. In the Yuan Dynasty the remaining elk were captured and transported to the Royal Hunting Garden for safari hunting. By the 19th century only one group remained in the Royal Hunting Garden in Nanhaizi Beijing.

It was captured by the Eight-Power Allied Forces shortly after being discovered in the West and has since disappeared in China. It was bought by the British in 1898 and bred to 255 and some individuals were sent back to China in 1983. Later more elk returned to their hometowns and some were released into the wild.

8. Bowhorn Antelope

The bow-horned antelope also known as the Chinese diagonal antelope does not drink water for almost all of its life. The water is obtained from feeding plants. Mainly inhabiting semi-desert areas. Due to the shortage of desert plants they often travel thousands of miles to forage; although the habitat environment is very difficult they are still very healthy.

​Most of them move in groups of 5-20 led by the older male antelope. The antelope in the desert has fan-shaped hoofs which is very suitable for walking on the sand and will not sink into the sand.

The Chinese antelope is a critically endangered wild animal unique to China and only exists in the area around Qinghai Lake. It is named after the male antelope has black hard horns with opposite edges. Diagonal antelope (Przewalski's gazelle) is the most endangered antelope in the world.



