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七年级上册初中英语预备课程(暑假预习初中英语)Starter Units P2Starter Units P1年级:七年级科目:英语版本:人教版册次:上册因视频太多无法一一上传,所以请有需要的家长们点击文章末尾的链接关看教学视频










Starter Units P1

Starter Units P2

Starter Units P3

Starter Units P4

Unit 1 My Name's Gina P1

Unit 1 My Name's Gina P2

Unit 1 My Name's Gina P3

Unit 1 My Name's Gina P4

Unit 1 My Name's Gina P5

Unit 1 My Name's Gina P6

Unit 2 This is my sister P1

Unit 2 This is my sister P2

Unit 2 This is my sister P3

Unit 2 This is my sister P4

Unit 2 This is my sister P5

Unit 2 This is my sister P6

Unit 3 Is this your pencil P1

Unit 3 Is this your pencil P2

Unit 3 Is this your pencil P3

Unit 3 Is this your pencil P4

Unit 3 Is this your pencil P5

Unit 3 Is this your pencil P6

Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag P1

Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag P2

Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag P3

Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag P4

Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag P5

Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag P6

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball P1

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball P2

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball P3

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball P4

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball P5

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball P6

Unit 6 Do you like bananas P1

Unit 6 Do you like bananas P2

Unit 6 Do you like bananas P3

Unit 6 Do you like bananas P4

Unit 6 Do you like bananas P5

Unit 6 Do you like bananas P6

Unit 7 How much are these socks P1

Unit 7 How much are these socks P2

Unit 7 How much are these socks P3

Unit 7 How much are these socks P4

Unit 7 How much are these socks P5

Unit 7 How much are these socks P6

Unit 8 When is your birthday P1

Unit 8 When is your birthday P2

Unit 8 When is your birthday P3

Unit 8 When is your birthday P4

Unit 8 When is your birthday P5

Unit 8 When is your birthday P6

Unit 9 My favorite subject is science P1

Unit 9 My favorite subject is science P2

Unit 9 My favorite subject is science P3

Unit 9 My favorite subject is science P4

Unit 9 My favorite subject is science P5

Unit 9 My favorite subject is science P6

期中复习指导1 情境下的词汇运用

期中复习指导2 情境中的语法运用

期中复习指导3 理解性能力的提升

期末复习指导1 情境中的词汇运用

期末复习指导2 情境中的语法运用


