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小学三年级英语下册知识点归纳总结(小学英语三年级下册知识点分析汇总)  3. big pig six milk /i/  十 钢笔 腿 红色  1. cat bag dad hand /æ/  猫 包 爸爸 手  2. ten pen leg red /e/

作者: 二毛




  1. cat bag dad hand /æ/

  猫 包 爸爸 手

  2. ten pen leg red /e/

  十 钢笔 腿 红色

  3. big pig six milk /i/

  大的 猪 六 牛奶

  4. dog box orange body /ɔ/

  狗 盒子 桔色;桔子 身体

  5. fun run duck under /ʌ/

  有趣的 跑步 鸭子 在…下面

  以上每组单词分别含有元音字母a e i o u 要能准确发这五个元音字母在单词里的音,即/æ/ /e/ /i/ /ɔ/ /ʌ/,音标认识即可,不需要听写。


  Unit 1 Welcome back to school!

  (the)UK Canada (the)USA China

  英国 加拿大 美国 中国

  she he student teacher pupil

  她 他 学生 教师 小学生




  Unit 2 My family

  father(dad) man

  爸爸 男人

  mother(mum) woman

  妈妈 女人

  sister brother

  姐妹 兄弟






  Unit 3 At the zoo

  fat thin

  胖的 瘦的

  tall short

  高的 矮的

  small big

  小的 大的

  long short

  长的 短的


  Unit 4 Where is my car?

  in on

  在…里 在…上

  under 、


  chair desk

  椅子 桌子

  cap ball

  帽子 球

  car boat map

  小汽车 船 地图

  方位词in on under的基本句型为:It's…the…(东西)。desk专指书桌;餐桌为table;cap一般指鸭舌帽;帽子还可以用hat。

  Unit 5 Do you like pears?

  pear (an)apple

  梨 苹果

  (an)orange banana

  桔子 香蕉


  西瓜 /z/


  草莓 /iz/



  可数名词复数可以加s,注意strawberry的不规则变化,apple orange元音开头,用an来形容一个;其余用a;西瓜和草莓复数形式发音要注意,为/z/。

  Unit 6 How many?

  eleven twelve

  11 12

  thirteen fourteen

  13 14

  fifteen sixteen

  15 16

  seventeen eighteen

  17 18

  nineteen twenty

  19 20


  boy and girl

  男孩 和;与 女孩

  new friend today

  新的 朋友 今天

  family giraffe so

  家庭 长颈鹿 这么;那么

  children (单child)


  tail toy box

  尾巴 玩具 盒;箱

  buy fruit kite

  买 水果 风筝




  Unit 1

  A: Boys and girls. We have two new friends today.


  B: Hi I’m Amy. I’m from the UK.


  C: Hi I’m Zhang Peng. I’m from Shandong.


  D: Welcome!


  A: Mr Jones this is Amy. She’s a new student.


  B: Hi Amy.


  C: Hi Mr Jones.


  B: Where are you from?


  C: I’m from the UK.


  Unit 2

  A: Who’s that man?


  B: He’s my father.


  B: Hi dad. This is my friend Amy.


  C: Nice to meet you.


  A: Nice to meet you too.


  A: Who’s that boy?


  B: He’s my brother.


  A: Is she your mother?


  B: Yes she is.


  A: Is he your father?


  B: No he isn’t. He’s my teacher!


  Unit 3

  A: Look at that giraffe.


  B: Wow! It’s so tall!


  C: A bear! (一只熊!)

  B: Ha! It’s short and fat!


  A: Come here children! Look at the elephant.


  B: Wow! It has a long nose.


  C: It has a short tail.


  D: It has small eyes and big ears.


  Unit 4

  A: Let’s go home!


  B: OK!


  B: Uh-oh! Where is my pencil box?


  A: Look! It’s in your desk.


  B: Oh yes!


  A: And your pencil! It’s under your book!


  B: Silly me! Thanks!


  A: Mum where is my cap?


  B: Is it in your bag?


  A: No it isn’t.


  B: Is it in your toy box?


  A: Yes it is.


  A: Bye!


  B: Bye! Have a good time!


  Unit 5

  A: Honey let’s buy some fruit. Do you like oranges?


  B: No I don’t. I like apples.


  A: Do you like pears?


  B: Yes I do.


  A: Have some grapes.


  B: Thanks. I like grapes.

  (谢谢。我喜欢葡萄 。)

  C: Sorry I don’t like grapes. Can I have some bananas?


  D: Here you are.


  Unit 6

  A: Look at the kites!


  B: Wow so beautiful!


  A: How many kites do you see?


  B: 1 2…I see 12!

  (1 2…我看到了12只。)

  A: No! The black one is a bird!


  B: Oh!


  A: Wu Yifan what’s this?


  B: My new crayons.


  A: Wow! How many crayons do you have?


  B: Open it and see!


  A: 1 2…16.You have 16 crayons!

  (1 2…16.你有16只蜡笔。)


  1. Be fat. Be fat. Be fat fat fat!

  Be thin. Be thin. Be thin thin thin.

  Be tall. Be tall. Be tall tall tall!

  Be short. Be short. Be short short short.

  2. Big big big! Make your eyes big.


  Small small small! Make your eyes small.


  Long long long! Make your arms long.


  Short short short! Make your arms short.


  3. Put your foot under your chair.


  Put your hand on your chair.


  Put your arm in your desk.


  Put your hand under your desk.


  4. row a boat 划船

  bounce a ball 拍球

  drive a car 开车

  put on a cap 戴上帽子

  read a map 看地图




  1. Nice to see you = Nice to meet you.

  2. Canada\USA\UK\China\Australia


  其中China-panda 万里长城

  Canada-beaver 多伦多电视塔

  USA-eagle 自由女神像

  Australia-kangaroo 悉尼歌剧院

  UK 大本钟

  3. she’s=she is; he’s=he is; me为I的宾格,一般用在动词后,如follow me.

  4. 表示某人的什么,可以用“s”的形式,如Sarah’s bag; Mike’s pencil.

  5. 26个字母大小写在四线格里的书写一定要认真复习,多加练习。

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