义务教育学校营养改善计划:农村义务教育学生营养改善计划健康儿童行动提升计划action plan for child health improvement补齐民生短板shore up weak links regarding people's livelihoods增进民生福祉是发展的根本目的。必须多谋民生之利、多解民生之忧,在发展中补齐民生短板、促进社会公平正义。 The wellbeing of the people is the fundamental goal of development. We must do more to improve the lives and address the concerns of the people and use development to strengthen areas of weakness and promote social fairness and justice.——201
今年是农村义务教育学生营养改善计划实施的第十年。中国发展研究基金会发布的数据显示,截至2020年底,全国有28个省份1732个县实施了营养改善计划,覆盖农村义务教育学校约13.16万所,受益学生约3798万人。This year marks the 10th anniversary of China's nutrition improvement program for rural students in compulsory education. According to statistics from the China Development Research Foundation by the end of 2020 1 732 counties from 28 provinces have participated in the program covering approximately 131 600 schools and 37.98 million students.
【重要讲话】各级党委和政府、全社会都要关心关爱少年儿童,为少年儿童茁壮成长创造有利条件。Party committees and governments at all levels as well as the society should care for children and create favorable conditions for their growth.——2020年5月31日,致全国各族少年儿童的节日贺词
增进民生福祉是发展的根本目的。必须多谋民生之利、多解民生之忧,在发展中补齐民生短板、促进社会公平正义。 The wellbeing of the people is the fundamental goal of development. We must do more to improve the lives and address the concerns of the people and use development to strengthen areas of weakness and promote social fairness and justice.——2017年10月18日,在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告
营养餐nutritious meals
补齐民生短板shore up weak links regarding people's livelihoods
健康儿童行动提升计划action plan for child health improvement