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古代教育和现代教育内容的区别:古代教育与现代教育的区别在过去,一旦父母们把孩子交给古鲁,他就彻底地放权给了古鲁。而现在的父母们呢,你知道,都比较爱操心。他们对孩子不彻底放手。他们要时不常地插上一杠子。他们想要把自己的东西强加到孩子身上。所有这些问题,使得现今的教育比古鲁学校时期复杂得多。在那个时代,古鲁要教孩子们如何存在,如何生活,如何与人相处,与自己相处。这就是教学的全部。他不用去教孩子们怎样考上如今的大学。And at that time once the parents gave the children to the guru they left him there in his complete authority. Now the parents are very nosey you know? They won't leave the children fully. They want to constantly

萨古鲁 Isha


Questioner: Sadhguru whatever you said about Isha Home School and education just now it's modern and contemporary but what about the ancient schools the gurukuls of the past were they not successful in producing good human beings?


Sadhguru: The ancient gurukuls were definitely like this. The ancient gurukul was 100% the way I am talking. The very purpose and the basic function of the guru is to destroy all the things that you have assumed as true. But now the education also involves equipping the person to earn his living and make his living in the world so we have those twin challenges. At that time the guru was not trying to impart skills for the child to go and survive in the society because if your father was a cobbler you naturally became a cobbler.


If your father was a king you became a king; if your father was something else you became that. You didn't have to be equipped to make a living in some other way in ancient times. The guru was only educating them towards their realization. So the job was I would say more simple because it was one-dimensional but now it's not like that both things need to happen. We have to equip the child to live in the modern world and still not mess him up with the nonsense that's happening in the name of modernity. So it is a much bigger challenge today than what it was back then.


And at that time once the parents gave the children to the guru they left him there in his complete authority. Now the parents are very nosey you know? They won't leave the children fully. They want to constantly meddle with him they want to put their own stuff into him. All those issues are there so it is much more complex today than it was in the gurukul. In the gurukul the guru had to just teach them how to exist how to live how to be with somebody else how to be with himself that was all. He was not trying to equip him for a modern university.


In those days only a few children who had a very academic bent of mind or a very scholastic bent of mind such children were trained in scholarly matters. All the other children naturally went to their father's profession whatever it was. Now it is not so. Even if the father is a cobbler he wants his son to become a professor. That's the situation in the world today isn't it?

