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自制登山锁扣(一种户外运动攀登使用的工具刀)We took cues from climbing holds creating an Island approach that allows the knife to be fully operated single-handedly - just by feel. These islands sit on a unibody of formed steel creating a light yet very rigid chassis with substantial grip.A truly lightweight backcountry-focused knife for adventurers and weekend explorers.英文原文The Redstonefor The James Brand



我们从攀爬支架中提取灵感,允许单手完全操作刀具 。 这些一体成型钢上,创造了一个轻巧但非常坚固的结构,具有强大的抓地力。



在一个严重偏向单色的类别中,我们倾向于用颜色来表达大胆的风景, 材料的分解有助于产生无穷无尽的色彩。



The Redstone

for The James Brand

A truly lightweight backcountry-focused knife for adventurers and weekend explorers.

We took cues from climbing holds creating an Island approach that allows the knife to be fully operated single-handedly - just by feel. These islands sit on a unibody of formed steel creating a light yet very rigid chassis with substantial grip.

The theme of lightweight extends to the clip - a bent wire being the most effective and minimal use of material.

In a category that skews heavily monochromatic we leaned into color to express bold landscapes. The break up of materials lends itself to an endless array of colorways.
