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如何用python爬虫抓取网页:Python爬虫实战 QQ空间全自动点赞工具

如何用python爬虫抓取网页:Python爬虫实战 QQ空间全自动点赞工具demjson 可以解決不正常的json格式数据我们获取字符串后,首先先将前后不一致的都切片扔掉,之后经过一系列处理后发现,我们很难将这个看似像json格式的字符串转换成字典。在这里我继续介绍一个第三方库demjson。这个链接所需要的参数有很多,在这里列举出来这些参数中类似于可变参数的一共有五个。def get_space(): your_url = 'https://user.qzone.qq.com/' str(qq_number) html = requests.get(your_url headers=headers cookies=cookie) if html.status_code == 200: qzonetoken = re.findall('window.g_qzonetoken =(.*?);

  • 前景提要目标确定分析介绍登陆获取cookie寻找XML寻找可变参数获取第一个空间动态寻找点赞所需的URL寻找可变参数功能提升到秒赞全部代码最后还是希望你们能给我点一波小小的关注。奉上自己诚挚的爱心




  • QQ空间秒赞


首先既然是对 QQ空间的一系列操作,自然是先解决登陆方面,在这篇文章里面我就不过多介绍了,因为我上几期之前对QQ空间已经做了一定的介绍了。直接放出链接就好。欢迎看博主以前的文章

def search_cookie(): qq_number = input('请输入qq号:') if not __import__('os').path.exists('cookie_dict.txt'): get_cookie_json(qq_number) with open('cookie_dict.txt' 'r') as f: cookie=json.load(f) return True def get_cookie_json(qq_number): password = __import__('getpass').getpass('请输入密码:') from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options login_url = 'https://i.qq.com/' chrome_options =Options() chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options) driver.get(login_url) driver.switch_to_frame('login_frame') driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="switcher_plogin"]').click() time.sleep(1) driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="u"]').send_keys(qq_number) driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="p"]').send_keys(password) time.sleep(1) driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="login_button"]').click() time.sleep(1) cookie_list = driver.get_cookies() cookie_dict = {} for cookie in cookie_list: if 'name' in cookie and 'value' in cookie: cookie_dict[cookie['name']] = cookie['value'] with open('cookie_dict.txt' 'w') as f: json.dump(cookie_dict f) return True def get_g_tk(): p_skey = self.cookie['p_skey'] h = 5381 for i in p_skey: h = (h << 5) ord(i) g_tk = h & 2147483647寻找XML


如何用python爬虫抓取网页:Python爬虫实战 QQ空间全自动点赞工具(1)



  • uin:
  • scope:
  • view:
  • daylist:
  • uinlist:
  • gid:
  • flag:
  • filter:
  • applist:
  • refresh:
  • aisortEndTime:
  • aisortOffset:
  • getAisort:
  • aisortBeginTime:
  • pagenum:
  • externparam:
  • firstGetGroup:
  • icServerTime:
  • mixnocache:
  • scene:
  • begintime:
  • count:
  • dayspac:
  • sidomain:
  • useutf8:
  • outputhtmlfeed:
  • rd:
  • usertime:
  • windowId:
  • g_tk:
  • qzonetoken:
  • g_tk:


  • qzonetoken
  • windowId
  • rd
  • usertime
  • g_tk
  1. qzonetoken 参数在源码中是个可变的“定值”,因为每次刷新这个参数都会变,但是源码中却给出了他的具体值。直接获取即可。

如何用python爬虫抓取网页:Python爬虫实战 QQ空间全自动点赞工具(2)

def get_space(): your_url = 'https://user.qzone.qq.com/' str(qq_number) html = requests.get(your_url headers=headers cookies=cookie) if html.status_code == 200: qzonetoken = re.findall('window.g_qzonetoken =(.*?);' html.text re.S)[1].split('"')[1] return True

  1. windowId 与 rd 虽说每次刷新结果都不同,但是经过博主多次实验得出,这两个参数对整体并没有什么影响,可以直接抄下来。

'rd': '0.9311604844249088' 'windowId': '0.51158950324406'

  1. usertime 参数看似很眼熟,是个时间戳参数,因为位数不对,说明应该是被放大了一千倍。

'usertime': str(round(time.time() * 1000))

  1. g_tk 参数上次教程已给出。在JavaScript中分析即可获得。

def get_g_tk(): p_skey = self.cookie['p_skey'] h = 5381 for i in p_skey: h = (h << 5) ord(i) g_tk = h & 2147483647获取第一个空间动态


如何用python爬虫抓取网页:Python爬虫实战 QQ空间全自动点赞工具(3)


demjson 可以解決不正常的json格式数据


encode将 Python 对象编码成 JSON 字符串decode将已编码的 JSON 字符串解码为 Python 对象

# 例子 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import demjson js_json = "{x:1 y:2 z:3}" py_json1 = "{'x':1 'y':2 'z':3}" py_json2 = '{"x":1 "y":2 "z":3}' data = demjson.decode(js_json) print(data) # {'y': 2 'x': 1 'z': 3} data = demjson.decode(py_json1) print(data) # {'y': 2 'x': 1 'z': 3} data = demjson.decode(py_json2) print(data) # {'y': 2 'x': 1 'z': 3}


text = html.text[10:-2].replace(" " "").replace('\n' '') json_list = demjson.decode(text)['data']['data'] qq_spaces = json_list[0]

在 qq_spaces 参数中我们发现里面有一个很长也很特殊的一个结果是 html 结果,这个结果里面很长,简单来看是个网页常规代码,应该是被JavaScript写入到网页中了,既然不是全部代码,那么只能用正则提取一下里面的具体我们需要的东西了。

content = str(qq_spaces['html']) try:zanshu = re.findall('<spanclass="f-like-cnt">(.*?)</span>人觉得很赞</div>' content re.S)[0] except:return None time_out = str(qq_spaces['feedstime']) print("名字:" str(qq_spaces['nickname'])) print("QQ号:" str(qq_spaces['opuin'])) print("时间:" time_out) print('赞数:' zanshu) times = qq_spaces['abstime'] his_url = re.findall('data-curkey="(.*?)"' content re.S)[0]寻找点赞所需的URL


如何用python爬虫抓取网页:Python爬虫实战 QQ空间全自动点赞工具(4)



  1. qzreferrer参数为自己QQ空间的网址,表示从哪里来的链接地址。
  2. opuin参数为自己的QQ号,可以直接在代码提取。
  3. unikey参数与curkey参数为被点赞方的链接,即说说链接,刚才已获取。
  4. abstime参数为被点赞方说说的发布时间的时间戳。
  5. fid参数为被点赞方的链接后缀。


def get_zan(times his_url): data = {'g_tk': g_tk 'qzonetoken': qzonetoken} post_data = { 'qzreferrer': 'https://user.qzone.qq.com/' str(qq_number) 'opuin': str(qq_number) 'unikey': str(his_url) 'curkey': str(his_url) 'from': '1' 'appid': '311' 'typeid': '0' 'abstime': str(times) 'fid': str(his_url).split('/')[-1] 'active': '0' 'fupdate': '1' } url = 'https://user.qzone.qq.com/proxy/domain/w.qzone.qq.com/cgi-bin/likes/internal_dolike_app?' url = url urllib.parse.urlencode(data) html = requests.post(url headers=headers cookies=cookie data=post_data) if html.status_code == 200:print("点赞成功" if len(html.text) == 469 else "点赞失败")功能提升到秒赞


  1. 在本地建立一个文件,负责写入最后一条说说所产生的时间戳。
  2. 比对当前时间戳与空间第一条说说是否相同,若相同则无更新。
  3. 点赞后重写文件,以便下次使用代码即可秒赞。

def run_tolike(): if os.path.exists('time_out.txt'): with open('time_out.txt' 'r') as f: time_out = f.read() else:time_out = None while True: get_friends_list() time.sleep(__import__('random').randint(0 5)) # 秒赞?

if not time_out or time_out != time_out: time_out = time_out get_zan(times his_url) return True else:log('说说无更新 等待中...')

with open('time_out.txt' 'w') as f: f.write(str(times))


import time os json import re import demjson import urllib import requests from lxml import etree def log(content): this_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S' time.localtime(time.time())) print("[" str(this_time) "]" content) class QQ_like: def __init__(self qq_number): self.headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36'} self.qq_number = qq_number self.get_preparameter() self.run_tolike() def get_preparameter(self): self.search_cookie() self.get_g_tk() self.get_space() def run_tolike(self): if os.path.exists('time_out.txt'): with open('time_out.txt' 'r') as f: self.time_out = f.read() else:self.time_out = None while True: self.get_friends_list() time.sleep(__import__('random').randint(0 5)) def search_cookie(self): if not os.path.exists('cookie_dict.txt'): self.get_cookie_json() with open('cookie_dict.txt' 'r') as f: self.cookie=json.load(f) return True def get_cookie_json(self): password = __import__('getpass').getpass('请输入密码:') from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options login_url = 'https://i.qq.com/' chrome_options =Options() chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options) driver.get(login_url) driver.switch_to_frame('login_frame') driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="switcher_plogin"]').click() time.sleep(1) driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="u"]').send_keys(self.qq_number) driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="p"]').send_keys(password) time.sleep(1) driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="login_button"]').click() time.sleep(1) cookie_list = driver.get_cookies() cookie_dict = {} for cookie in cookie_list: if 'name' in cookie and 'value' in cookie: cookie_dict[cookie['name']] = cookie['value'] with open('cookie_dict.txt' 'w') as f: json.dump(cookie_dict f) return True def get_g_tk(self): p_skey = self.cookie['p_skey'] h = 5381 for i in p_skey: h = (h << 5) ord(i) self.g_tk = h & 2147483647 def get_space(self): your_url = 'https://user.qzone.qq.com/' str(self.qq_number) html = requests.get(your_url headers=self.headers cookies=self.cookie) if html.status_code == 200: self.qzonetoken = re.findall('window.g_qzonetoken =(.*?);' html.text re.S)[1].split('"')[1] return True def get_friends_list(self): times = "" url = "https://user.qzone.qq.com/proxy/domain/ic2.qzone.qq.com/cgi-bin/feeds/feeds3_html_more?" data = { 'uin': self.qq_number 'scope': '0' 'view': '1' 'daylist': '' 'uinlist': '' 'gid': '' 'flag': '1' 'filter':'all' 'applist': 'all' 'refresh': '0' 'aisortEndTime': '0' 'aisortOffset': '0' 'getAisort': '0' 'aisortBeginTime': '0' 'pagenum': '1' 'externparam': 'undefined' 'firstGetGroup': '0' 'icServerTime': '0' 'mixnocache': '0' 'scene': '0' 'begintime': 'undefined' 'count': '10' 'dayspac': 'undefined' 'sidomain': 'qzonestyle.gtimg.cn' 'useutf8': '1' 'outputhtmlfeed': '1' 'rd': '0.9311604844249088' 'usertime': str(round(time.time() * 1000)) 'windowId': '0.51158950324406' 'g_tk': self.g_tk 'qzonetoken': self.qzonetoken } url = url urllib.parse.urlencode(data) '&g_tk=' str(self.g_tk) html = requests.get(url headers=self.headers cookies=self.cookie) if html.status_code == 200: text = html.text[10:-2].replace(" " "").replace('\n' '') json_list = demjson.decode(text)['data']['data'] qq_spaces = json_list[0] content = str(qq_spaces['html']) try:zanshu = re.findall('<spanclass="f-like-cnt">(.*?)</span>人觉得很赞</div>' content re.S)[0] except:return None time_out = str(qq_spaces['feedstime']) log("名字:" str(qq_spaces['nickname'])) log("QQ号:" str(qq_spaces['opuin'])) log("时间:" time_out) log('赞数:' zanshu) times = qq_spaces['abstime'] his_url = re.findall('data-curkey="(.*?)"' content re.S)[0] if not self.time_out or self.time_out != time_out: self.time_out = time_out self.get_zan(times his_url) return True else:log('说说无更新 等待中...') else:log(html.status_code) def get_zan(self times his_url): data = {'g_tk': self.g_tk 'qzonetoken': self.qzonetoken} post_data = { 'qzreferrer': 'https://user.qzone.qq.com/' str(qq_number) 'opuin': str(qq_number) 'unikey': str(his_url) 'curkey': str(his_url) 'from': '1' 'appid': '311' 'typeid': '0' 'abstime': str(times) 'fid': str(his_url).split('/')[-1] 'active': '0' 'fupdate': '1' } url = 'https://user.qzone.qq.com/proxy/domain/w.qzone.qq.com/cgi-bin/likes/internal_dolike_app?' url = url urllib.parse.urlencode(data) html = requests.post(url headers=self.headers cookies=self.cookie data=post_data) if html.status_code == 200:log("点赞成功" if len(html.text) == 469 else "点赞失败") with open('time_out.txt' 'w') as f: f.write(str(times)) if __name__ == "__main__": qq_number = input('请输入qq号:') QQ_like(qq_number)
