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运筹学常用优化方法(运筹学应用之顶刊论文综述)1. 动态契约中的最优监督设计Adverse events are harmful to a firm or to the society. In many occasions better effort in safeguarding a system can reduce the chance of such events. Consider the scenario in which a company (i.e. “principal”) hires a subcontractor (i.e. “agent”) to fulfill the duty of a safeguard. The agent’s effort is unobservable and the principal may from time to time conduct on-site moni

优化|运筹学应用之顶刊Operations Research论文综述(68(5)期)



作者:陈宇文 (牛津大学工程系在读博士) 翁欣 (清华大学在读博士)



OR 68(5) 期

Optimal Monitoring Schedule in Dynamic Contracts

Adverse events are harmful to a firm or to the society. In many occasions better effort in safeguarding a system can reduce the chance of such events. Consider the scenario in which a company (i.e. “principal”) hires a subcontractor (i.e. “agent”) to fulfill the duty of a safeguard. The agent’s effort is unobservable and the principal may from time to time conduct on-site monitoring. However monitoring is often costly to the principal. In a dynamic environment in which the principal can use both monetary payments and monitoring to induce effort how to optimally schedule them is a challenging and important problem. In “Optimal Monitoring Schedule in Dynamic Contracts ” Chen Sun and Xiao provide theoretical guidance on designing the optimal monitoring and payment schedules that always induce full effort from an agent. The authors formulate the contract design problem as a stochastic optimal control model and provide a complete characterization of the optimal solution. Their analysis suggests that the optimal dynamic contracts are simple to describe easy to compute and implement and intuitive to explain.

1. 动态契约中的最优监督设计


作者:Mingliu Chen Peng Sun Yongbo Xiao



Improving Ambulance Response Times in Developing Urban Centers

The lack of emergency medical transportation is viewed as the main barrier to the access and availability of emergency medical care in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Designing emergency response systems for urban centers in LMICs presents several unique challenges not encountered in high-income countries. For example it is not the cultural norm and often not physically possible because of congestion for motorists to yield for emergency vehicles. In “Ambulance Emergency Response Optimization in Developing Countries ” Boutilier and Chan develop a prediction-optimization framework tailored for emergency response optimization in developing urban centers and provide an in-depth investigation into various policy questions. To do this the authors traveled to Dhaka Bangladesh one of the largest cities in the world to conduct field research and collect data. The data were initially used to develop machine learning models that estimate the spatial-temporal demand and travel times through the city—a first in a developing urban center. The predictions were then leveraged to create uncertainty sets as part of a robust-optimization model that provides a unified framework for emergency response optimization under travel time and demand uncertainty. Their policy experiments found that the performance of the current system can realized with one third of the current resources and that a fleet of small motorcycle-style ambulances can capture three times more demand and reduce response times by up to 35%.

2. 发展中国家救护车应急响应优化


作者:Justin J. Boutilier Timothy C. Y. Chan



Dynamic Inventory and Price Controls Involving Unknown Demand on Discrete Nonperishable Items

When a new product has just been introduced or the economy has just entered a new phase a firm is often at a loss as to what the underlying demand pattern has become let alone how best to respond to it. A natural idea is to manage ordering and pricing activities while simultaneously learning about the demand pattern. In “Dynamic Inventory and Price Controls Involving Unknown Demand on Discrete Nonperishable Items ” Katehakis Yang and Zhou formalize this idea. They design control policies that adapt with demand observations made over time. A policy’s regret is the lag of its performance behind that of an allknowing one tailor-made for a specific demand pattern. For the proposed policies the worst regrets over large ambiguity sets of unknown demand patterns are found to grow reasonably slowly over time.

3 包含非腐败物品未知需求的动态库存与价格控制


作者:Michael N. Katehakis Jian Yang Tingting Zhou



Waterfall and Agile Product Development Approaches: Disjunctive Stochastic Programming Formulations

When engaging in the development of new products the primary objective of start-up companies is to generate a specified return level quickly and with high confidence. Achieving this goal is complicated because of uncertainties in projects’ returns and durations. In “Technical Note—Waterfall and Agile Product Development Approaches: Disjunctive Stochastic Programming Formulations ” Kettunen and Lejeune develop new disjunctive chance-constrained programming models that capture this goal. The first static model reflects the traditional waterfall product development process whereas the second one is dynamic and depicts the agile product development process. Kettunen and Lejeune design a novel reformulation method and a decomposition algorithm and use them on a new product development problem encountered by a U.S.-based software start-up company. The results reveal that high confidence in reaching a certain return can be achieved by investing in projects with a longer development time and higher risk. Additionally overlooking the capability to make dynamic decisions as allowed by the agile approach leads to overestimating the time needed to obtain the targeted return.

4. 瀑布式和敏捷式产品开发方法:分离随机规划建模


作者:Janne Kettunen Miguel A. Lejeune



Pricing and Prioritization in a Duopoly with Self-Selecting Heterogeneous Time-Sensitive Customers Under Low Utilization

Research in service operations management generally considers prioritization beneficial for service providers (SPs) as they can better differentiate their customers. The healthcare entertainment restaurant and airline industries use prioritization in some form for their service offerings. However what happens when SPs compete? How will they provide service? In “Technical Note—Pricing and Prioritization in a Duopoly with Self-Selecting Heterogeneous Time-Sensitive Customers Under Low Utilization ” Sainathan answers these questions by analyzing a three-stage game between two SPs. In the first stage they decide whether to prioritize; in the second stage they set their prices; and in the third stage customers self-select and purchase their best service options. The author identifies six possible equilibria: high price low price regular extreme reduced class and differentiated. He also derives conditions for each of them to be the overall equilibrium. In particular the author shows there are many situations in which at least one SP chooses not to prioritize.

5. 在低利用率下的具有自选择、异构、时间敏感的客户的双头垄断市场定价和优先排序


作者:Arvind Sainathan



A Stochastic Integer Programming Approach to Air Traffic Scheduling and Operations

To mitigate flight delays air traffic managers have access to two main levers: ground-holding programs (operational interventions at the tactical level) and demand management (scheduling interventions at the strategic level). In “A Stochastic Integer Programming Approach to Air Traffic Scheduling and Operations ” Wang and Jacquillat optimize these two sets of decisions in a network of airports under weather-related uncertainty. The problem is formulated as a two-stage stochastic program with integer recourse. To solve it the authors propose a decomposition algorithm based on new optimality cuts (leveraging the dual relaxation of the second-stage problem) and accelerate it by using neighborhood constraints (switching from exploration to exploitation in later iterations). Results suggest that limited scheduling interventions can lead to large delay reductions and that significant benefits can be achieved through scale integration (by optimizing scheduling and operating decisions in the entire network) and scope integration (by optimizing scheduling and operating decisions together).

6. 一种用于航空交通调度与运营的随机整数规划方法


作者:Kai Wang Alexandre Jacquillat



Adaptive Matching for Expert Systems with Uncertain Task Types

Two-sided online markets often propose matches based on imperfect knowledge of the characteristics of the two parties to be matched. Such uncertainty may result in inferior matches and may in turn incur negative externalities: A matched resource becomes unavailable to a more suitable party at least for a while. For example in labour platforms if an expert is matched to a task which does not meet his or her expertise then the other tasks which meet the expert’s expertise may suffer. Similarly in hospitality platforms an economical accommodation becomes unavailable to a financially constrained customer if it is matched to a flexible customer. Thus to optimize the long-term efficiency a platform needs to optimize exploration-exploitation trade tradeoff while accounting for the resource usage. In “Adaptive Matching for Expert Systems with Uncertain Task Types ” Shah Gulikers Massoulié and Vojnovi´c address this challenge by developing a new model and optimal algorithm for a task-expert matching system where a task is matched to an expert using not only the prior information about the task but also the feedback obtained from the past matches.

7. 具有不确定任务类型的专家系统自适应匹配


作者:Virag Shah Lennart Gulikers Laurent Massoulié Milan Vojnović



Production Scheduling for Strategic Open Pit Mine Planning: A Mixed-Integer Programming Approach

Production scheduling is a large-scale optimization problem that must be solved on a yearly basis by every open pit mining project throughout the world. Surprisingly however this problem has only recently started to receive much attention from the operations research community. In “Production Scheduling for Strategic Open Pit Mine Planning: A Mixed-Integer Programming Approach ” Rivera Espinoza Goycoolea Moreno and Muñoz propose an integer programming methodology for tackling this problem that combines new classes of preprocessing schemes cutting planes heuristics and branching mechanisms. This methodology is shown to compute near-optimal solutions on a number of real-world planning problems whose complexity is beyond the capabilities of preexisting approaches.

8. 有策略性的露天矿生产计划:混合整数编程方法


作者:Orlando Rivera Letelier Daniel Espinoza Marcos Goycoolea Eduardo Moreno Gonzalo Muñoz



Data-Based Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control with Censored Demand and Limited Price Changes

Pricing and inventory replenishment are important operations decisions for firms such as retailers. To make these decisions effectively a firm needs to know the demand distribution and its dependency on selling price which is usually estimated using sales data at various testing price levels. Although more testing prices can lead to a better estimation of the demand–price relationship frequent price changes are costly and come with adverse effect such as customers’ negative perception. In “Technical Note—Data-Based Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control with Censored Demand and Limited Price Changes ” by Chen Chao and Wang data-driven algorithms are developed that learn the demand structure with constraints on the number of price changes. These algorithms are shown to converge to the optimal *clairvoyant* solution and the convergence rates are the best possible in terms of profit loss.

9. 需求和价格变动受限的基于数据的动态定价和库存控制

定价和库存补充是零售商之类公司的重要运营决策。为了有效地做出这些决策,公司需要了解需求分布及其对售价的依赖性,这通常是通过使用各种测试价格水平下的销售数据来估算需求的分布。尽管更多样的测试价格可以更好地估计需求价格关系,但频繁的价格变动会带来很高的成本,并会随之带来例如客户负面评价等的负面影响。~~ ~~在本文中,作者提出一种新的数据驱动算法,该算法可在带价格变化次数的约束条件下学习需求结构。这些算法被证明可以收敛到最优结果,并且收敛速度就利润损失而言是最好的。

作者:Boxiao Chen Xiuli Chao Yining Wang



Robustness of Linear Contracts Under Moral Hazard

Linear contracts and their variants are quite popular in practice for example salesforce incentives and chief executive officer compensation. However agency theory typically stipulates complex contract forms. In “Robust Contract Designs: Linear Contracts and Moral Hazard ” Yu and Kong provide an alternative explanation for the popularity of linear contracts: The robustness to model uncertainty renders the linear or generalized linear forms of the contracts under moral hazard. They adopt the worst case decision criterion and robust incentive compatibility to ensure that the agent always behaves. The results are robust to general effort-contingent distributions and the risk-averse agent. These findings also shed light on how to design robust contracts when firms are facing model uncertainty or incomplete model information.

10. 道德风险下线性契约的鲁棒性


作者:Yimin Yu Xiangyin Kong



Interior-Point-Based Online Stochastic Bin Packing

Static bin packing is the problem of partitioning a set of items (with scalar sizes) into identical bins of a given capacity under the constraint that the total size of no partition exceeds the bin capacity. In the online variant the list of items is revealed one at a time—an item must be assigned irrevocably to a partition at the time it is revealed. In “Interior-Point Based Online Stochastic Bin Packing ” Gupta and Radovanovi´c look at the online variant under the assumption that the item sizes are independent samples from a common unknown distribution. The authors show that a greedy heuristic that assigns items so as to minimize a carefully chosen penalized Lagrangian of the offline math program is asymptotically optimal. Since the proposed heuristic is greedy in nature it extends readily to nonstationary item size sequences for which the authors prove a novel family of performance bounds.

11. 基于内点法的在线静态装箱问题


作者:Varun Gupta Ana Radovanović



Nonstationary Bandits with Habituation and Recovery Dynamics

In many sequential decision-making settings where there is uncertainty about the reward of each action frequent selection of specific actions may reduce expected reward while choosing less frequently selected actions could lead to an increase. These effects are commonly observed in settings ranging from personalized healthcare interventions and targeted online advertising. In “Nonstationary Bandits with Habituation and Recovery Dynamics ” Mintz Aswani Kaminsky Flowers and Fukuoka address this problem. The authors propose a new class of models called ROGUE (reducing or gaining unknown efficacy) multiarmed bandits. They present a maximum likelihood approach to estimate the parameters of these models and we show that these estimates can be used to construct upper confidence bound algorithms and epsilon-greedy algorithms for optimizing these models with strong theoretical guarantees. The authors conclude with a simulation study to show that these algorithms perform better than current nonstationary bandit algorithms in terms of both cumulative regret and average reward.

12. 具有惯性和恢复动态的非平稳老虎机


作者:Yonatan Mintz Anil Aswani Philip Kaminsky Elena Flowers Yoshimi Fukuoka



Fast Best-Subset Selection: Coordinate Descent and Local Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms

In several scientific and industrial applications it is desirable to build compact interpretable learning models where the output depends on a small number of input features. Recent work has shown that such best-subset selection-type problems can be solved with modern mixed integer optimization solvers. Despite their promise such solvers often come at a steep computational price when compared with open-source efficient specialized solvers based on convex optimization and greedy heuristics. In “Fast Best-Subset Selection: Coordinate Descent and Local Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms ” Hazimeh and Mazumder push the frontiers of computation for best subset-type problems. Their algorithms deliver near-optimal solutions for problems with up to a million features—in times comparable with the fast convex solvers. The author’s work suggests that principled optimization methods play a key role in devising tools central to interpretable machine learning which can help in gaining a deeper understanding of their statistical properties.

13. 快速最佳子集选择:坐标下降和局部组合优化算法

在一些科学和工业应用中,需要构建紧凑的,可解释的学习模型,同时我们期望模型的输出取决于少量的输入功能。最近的研究表明,此类最佳子集选择类型问题可以使用现代混合整数优化求解器来解决。尽管有其前景,但与基于凸优化和贪婪启发式的开源高效专业求解器相比,此类求解器通常要付出高昂的计算成本。在论文“快速的最佳子集选择:坐标下降和局部组合优化算法”中,作者将最佳子集类型问题的计算能力进行了提升。他们的算法可以为多达一百万个特征的问题提供近乎最优的解决方案,同时其时间可与快速凸型求解器相媲美。作者的工作表明,有原则的优化方法(principled optimization methods)在设计对可解释机器学习工具方面起着关键作用,可以帮助人们加深对其统计特性的理解。

作者:Hussein Hazimeh Rahul Mazumder



Optimal Online Learning for Nonlinear Belief Models Using Discrete Priors

Sequential decision-making problems with high measurement noise usually involve nonconcave value of information that is the value of information is not concave in the amount of information collected. In such cases existing single-period lookahead policies may be ineffective. In “Optimal Online Learning for Nonlinear Belief Models Using Discrete Priors ” Han and Powell propose multiperiod lookahead policies that are effective in measuring the value of information and yet computationally tractable. They also establish consistency for the proposed policies a rare result for online learning. Finally they demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach in three applications: a health setting where one makes medical decisions to maximize healthcare response a dynamic pricing setting where one makes pricing decisions to maximize the cumulative revenue and a clinical pharmacology setting where one makes dosage controls to minimize the deviation between actual and target effects.

14. 基于离散先验的非线性信念模型的最优在线学习


作者:Weidong Han Warren B. Powell



Central Limit Theorems for Estimated Functions at Estimated Points

The need to estimate a function value from sample data at a point that is itself estimated from the same data set arises in many application settings. Such applications include value at risk conditional value-at-risk and other so-called distortion risk measures. In “Technical Note—Central Limit Theorems for Estimated Functions at Estimated Points ” Glynn Fan Fu Hu and Peng provide a simple proof for a central limit theorem for such estimators and provide an accompanying batching/sectioning methodology that can be used to construct large-sample confidence intervals in the presence of such estimators.

15. 估计函数在估计点的中心极限定理


作者:Peter W. Glynn Lin Fan Michael C. Fu Jian-Qiang Hu Yijie Peng



Decision Making When Things Are Only a Matter of Time

Suppose that “risk” does not concern “what” may happen but “when” something may happen. In “Decision Making When Things Are Only a Matter of Time ” Ebert analyzes time risk preferences: that is preferences toward the risk of something happening sooner or later. The author defines and characterizes “prudence” and “temperance” for discount functions in analogy to the corresponding concepts for utility functions. Prudent discounting and temperate discounting matter for time risk preferences and thus decisions in which an important event is only a matter of time. For example the disutility from climate change—which is only a matter of time—is underestimated when ignoring the uncertainty about when its undesired consequences come into effect.

16. 当事物仅与时间有关时的决策

本文假设“风险”与可能发生的“什么”无关而与可能发生的“何时”有关。作者在本文中分析了时间风险偏好:即对事物早晚发生的风险的偏好。作者利用了类似于效用函数(utility functions)中的对应概念来定义和表征折现函数(discount functions)中的“谨慎(prudence)”和“节制(temperance)”。谨慎和节制的折现对时间风险偏好很重要,也因此,它们对仅与时间相关因素的重要事件的决策同样重要。例如,当忽略负面后果何时生效的不确定性时,(只与时间有关的)气候变化的负效用被低估了。

作者:Sebastian Ebert



Time Inconsistency of Optimal Policies of Distributionally Robust Inventory Models

In “Technical Note—Time Inconsistency of Optimal Policies of Distributionally Robust Inventory Models ” Shapiro and Xin extend previous studies of time inconsistency to risk averse (distributionally robust) inventory models and show that time inconsistency is not unique to robust multistage decision making but may happen for a large class of risk averse/distributionally robust settings. In particular the authors demonstrate that if the respective risk measures are not strictly monotone then there may exist infinitely many optimal policies which are not base-stock and not time consistent. This is in a sharp contrast with the risk neutral formulation of the inventory model where all optimal policies are base-stock and time consistent.

17. 分布式鲁棒库存模型的最优策略的时间不一致问题


作者:Alexander Shapiro Linwei Xin



Learning in Combinatorial Optimization: What and How to Explore

When moving from the traditional to combinatorial multiarmed bandit setting addressing the classical exploration versus exploitation trade-off is a challenging task. In “Learning in Combinatorial Optimization: What and How to Explore ” Modaresi Sauré and Vielma show that the combinatorial setting has salient features that distinguish it from the traditional bandit. In particular combinatorial structure induces correlation between cost of different solutions thus raising the questions of what parameters to estimate and how to collect and combine information. The authors answer such questions by developing a novel optimization problem called the lower-bound problem (LBP). They establish a fundamental limit on asymptotic performance of any admissible policy and propose near-optimal LBP-based policies. Because LBP is likely intractable in practice they propose policies that instead solve a proxy for LBP which they call the optimality cover problem(OCP). They provide strong evidence of practical tractability of OCP and illustrate the markedly superior performance of OCP-based policies numerically.

18. 组合优化中的学习:怎样去探索,如何去探索


作者:Sajad Modaresi Denis Sauré Juan Pablo Vielma



Optimization of Tree Ensembles

Predictive models based on ensembles of trees such as random forests and gradient boosted trees are widely used in machine learning and data science. In many applications the features that these models use are controllable and can be regarded as decision variables. This leads to a natural prescriptive analytics problem: How should these features be set so as to maximize the value predicted by the tree ensemble model? In “Optimization of Tree Ensembles” Misic proposes a mixed-integer optimization (MIO) model of this problem proposes a hierarchy of approximations to this formulation based on truncating the trees at a particular depth and develops two specialized constraint generation methods for solving the problem at scale. Using real data sets including two detailed case studies in drug design and customized pricing the author shows how this approach can efficiently solve large-scale problem instances to full or near optimality and outperforms solutions obtained by heuristic approaches.

19. 树集成模型的优化


作者:Velibor V. Mišić


