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恶意软件有什么症状?什么是恶意软件Malware is code that is designed to maliciously disrupt the normal operation of or cause harm to a network or user’s computer phone tablet or other devices. There is a wide range of different malware categories including but not limited to worms trojans spyware and keyloggers. These terms are often used interchangeably and a growing number of malware variants now incorporate a blend of d



恶意软件的传播方式有多种,导致设备受感染。其中包括:附加到网络钓鱼电子邮件的恶意文件、电子邮件正文中的恶意 URL 链接、偷渡式下载、受感染的 USB 设备、通过利用外围防火墙上的开放端口进行的直接网络入侵,或漏洞在设备的操作系统或已安装的应用程序中。



Malware is code that is designed to maliciously disrupt the normal operation of or cause harm to a network or user’s computer phone tablet or other devices. There is a wide range of different malware categories including but not limited to worms trojans spyware and keyloggers. These terms are often used interchangeably and a growing number of malware variants now incorporate a blend of different techniques. The vast majority of today’s malware is focused on making money for the malware authors. This is typically done by stealing confidential data such as usernames passwords credit card details or other financial particulars. This sensitive information is then used to launch further attacks on individuals and businesses or is sold to other malicious actors. It is designed to bypass security systems and avoid detection making it extremely difficult for security teams to ensure that users and the wider business are not adversely impacted.

There are a number of different ways that malware is distributed resulting in infected devices. These include: a malicious file attached to a phishing email a malicious URL link in the body of an email a drive-by download an infected USB device direct network intrusion through exploitation of open ports on perimeter firewalls or a vulnerability in the device’s operating system or installed applications.
