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英国王室有多少公主:英国公主结婚 婚纱竟然靠借

英国王室有多少公主:英国公主结婚 婚纱竟然靠借维多利亚选择了白色的色调,并不是要体现她的纯正,因为习俗通常已说明了这一切,而是想要更有效地凸显裙上的蕾丝花边。这位时髦的女王还提出了一些婚礼的要求:除她之外,婚礼上没人可以穿白色,而且在婚纱制作完成后,她将图案模板也销毁了,这样婚纱就无法被复制了。Queen Victoria is largely credited withstarting the popular tradition of brides wearing white to their weddings aftershe selected a gown made of silk satin and lace to wear while saying her vowsto Prince Albert.#1 Queen Victoria 1840维多利亚女王,1840维多利亚女王被公认为开启了新娘在婚礼上穿白色婚纱的传统。她

这件复古礼服为女王1962年在莱斯特广场奥迪安电影院(Odeon Leicester Square)出席阿拉伯的劳伦斯 (Lawrence of Arabia)首映礼时所穿。象牙色双面横绫缎塔夫绸长裙上点缀着近万颗闪闪发光的珠子,与水钻交相辉映,典雅而不失华丽。

为了适应碧翠丝公主的身型,女王高级服装师安吉拉·凯利(Angela Kelly)特意对礼服进行了微调,加上乌干纱材质的蓬袖,为整体增添了一份甜美的气息。


英国王室有多少公主:英国公主结婚 婚纱竟然靠借(1)


#1 Queen Victoria 1840


英国王室有多少公主:英国公主结婚 婚纱竟然靠借(2)

英国王室有多少公主:英国公主结婚 婚纱竟然靠借(3)


Queen Victoria is largely credited withstarting the popular tradition of brides wearing white to their weddings aftershe selected a gown made of silk satin and lace to wear while saying her vowsto Prince Albert.


Victoria picked the white shade not to symbolizeher purity as the tradition usually insinuates now but because she wanted tohighlight the lace on her dress to greater effect. The stylish queen also hadsome bridal demands: no one else could wear white at her wedding and she hadthe pattern for her wedding dress destroyed after the dress was made so that itcouldn’t be replicated.

#2 Wallis Simpson Duchess of Windsor 1937

华里丝·辛普森 ,温莎公爵夫人,1937

英国王室有多少公主:英国公主结婚 婚纱竟然靠借(4)


Wallis Simpson’s third marriage to Edward Duke of Windsor scandalized the country because he abdicated the throne ofKing of England to wed a twice-divorced American socialite. For her wedding Walliswore a silk crepe dress designed by a fellow American expat Mainbocher whowas working in Paris. The streamlined dress was dyed “Wallis blue ” a pale blueshade that the designer said matched Wallis’ famous light blue eyes. In lieu ofa veil Wallis wore a Caroline Reboux hat.

#3 Queen Elizabeth 1947


英国王室有多少公主:英国公主结婚 婚纱竟然靠借(5)
