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老友记前五的万能句型:听老友记练口语Ronni: Thanks.Monica: Oh c'mon in.Ronni: Yeah uh Joey said I could use your shower since uh Chandler's in ours? 乔伊说我能用你的浴室 因为钱德正在用我们的Monica: Okay...who are you?Ronni: Oh I'm Ronni. Ronni Rappelano? The mistress? 我叫罗妮 情妇

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's morning. Someone knocks on the door and Monica gets it.]


Ronni: Hi.

Monica: Hi...May I help you? 有事吗?

Ronni: Yeah uh Joey said I could use your shower since uh Chandler's in ours? 乔伊说我能用你的浴室 因为钱德正在用我们的

Monica: Okay...who are you?

Ronni: Oh I'm Ronni. Ronni Rappelano? The mistress? 我叫罗妮 情妇

Monica: Oh c'mon in.

Ronni: Thanks.

Rachel: Hi I'm Rachel.

Ronni: Hi.

Rachel: Bathroom's up there.

Ronni: Great.

Rachel: Hey listen Ronni how long would you say Chandler's been in the shower? 罗妮,钱德进浴室多久了?

Ronni: Oh like uh five minutes?

Rachel: Perfect. Fasten your seatbelts it's peepee time. (She goes into Joey and Chandler's apartment where Mr. Tribbiani is reading the paper) Hey Mr. Trib. 请系好安全带 “小弟弟”时间到了 崔先生

Mr. Tribbiani: Hey. Morning dear.

(Rachel goes up to the door of their bathroom)

Rachel: Chandler Bing? It's time to see your thing. 钱德,该我看你的小弟弟了

(She opens the door and whips back the curtain. It's Joey. They both scream)

Joey: (Runs out in a towel) What's the matter with you?! 你是怎么搞的?

Rachel: I thought it was Chandler! 我以为你是钱德

Chandler: (Comes out of his room) What? What?


Rachel: You were supposed to be in there so I could see your thing! 你应该在浴室 这样我才能看见你的小弟弟

Chandler: Sorry my my thing was in there with me. 抱歉,我的小弟弟和我在那儿

[Scene: Central Perk everyone is there as Phoebe enters.]

All: Hey Pheebs.

Phoebe: Hey.

Monica: How's it going?

Phoebe: Good. Oh oh! Roger's having a dinner thing and he wanted me to invite you guys. 罗杰想邀大家一起吃晚餐

(Chandler laughs)

Phoebe: So what's going on? 怎么了?

Monica: Nothing um it's just um... It's Roger.

Ross: I dunno there's just something about... 我说不上来,有些事…

Chandler: Basically we just feel that he's... 基本上我们认为他…

Rachel: We hate that guy. 我们讨厌他…

All: Yeah. Hate him.

Ross: We're sorry Pheebs we're sorry.

Phoebe: Uh-huh. Okay. Okay don't you think maybe though it's just that he's so perceptive that it freaks you out? 是不是他观察入微反而吓到你们了

All: ...No we hate him.

Rachel: We're sorry.

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment Joey is trying to turn the sofabed back into a sofa. Someone knocks on the door and it rears up at him.]


Joey: Ma! What're you doing here? 妈,你来干什么?

Mrs. Tribbiani: I came to give you this (Gives him a bag of groceries) and this. (Whacks him round the ear) 我拿这个来给你 还有这个

Joey: Oww! Big ring!

Mrs. Tribbiani: Why did you have to fill your father's head with all that garbage about making things right? Things were fine the way they were! There's chicken in there put it away. For God's sake Joey really. (She gives the sofabed a tiny push and it folds away) 你为何讲一大堆要你爸改正的垃圾? 何不顺其自然呢? 里面有鸡肉,拿去放 拜托,乔依,真的

Joey: Hold on you-you knew? 慢着,你都知道?

Mrs. Tribbiani: Of course I knew! What did you think? Your father is no James Bond. You should've heard some of his cover stories. "I'm sleeping over at my accountant's " I mean what is that? Please! 我当然知道,你认为呢? 你爸又不是詹姆士庞德 你应该听过他的谎言 “我在会计这儿睡” 那是什么?拜托

Joey: So then how could you I mean how could you?! 你怎能…

Mrs. Tribbiani: Do you remember how your father used to be? Always yelling always yelling nothing made him happy nothing made him happy not that wood shop not those stupid little ships in the bottle nothing. Now he's happy! I mean it's nice he has a hobby. 记得你爸以前的模样吗? 总是大吼大叫 总是不开心 连木店和瓶内的小船也无法让他开心 这样也好,他总算有个嗜好

Joey: Ma I don't mean to be disrespectful but... what the hell are you talking about?! I mean what about you? 妈,恕我直言 你到底在说什么? 你呢?

Mrs. Tribbiani: Me? I'm fine. Look honey in an ideal world there'd be no her and your father would look like Sting. And I'll tell you something else. Ever since that poodle-stuffer came along he's been so ashamed of himself that he's been more attentive he's been more loving... I mean it's like every day's our anniversary. 我很好啊 在理想的世界中没有她 你爸也长得和史汀一样帅

再告诉你别的 自从那女人出现后 他感到内疚而开始对我体贴 每天都像我们的结婚纪念日

Joey: I'm...happy...for you?

Mrs. Tribbiani: Well don't be because now everything's screwed up. I just want it the way it was. 不需要 因为现在全搞砸了 我只想回到从前

Joey: Ma I'm sorry. I just did what I thought you'd want. 妈,对不起 我以为自己做了你想做的事

Mrs. Tribbiani: I know you did cookie. Oh I know you did. So tell me. Did you see her? 我知道 告诉我,你看见她没?

Joey: Yeah. You're ten times prettier than she is. 你此她漂亮多了

Mrs. Tribbiani: That's sweet. Could I take her? 嘴巴真甜 我斗得过她?

Joey: With this ring? (Her engagement ring.) No contest. 你有戒指,她斗不过的 
