14个翻译热词:八月热词翻译汇总国家卫健委计划到2020年将六个月以下婴儿纯母乳喂养率提高至50%(raise the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of life to 50%)。专家称,阻碍纯母乳喂养率提升的因素包括公共和工作场所缺乏相关设施(a lack of facilities in public areas and workplaces)、产假落实不力(poor implementation of maternity leave)、未严格遵守《国际母乳代用品销售守则》(poor compliance with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes)。中国发展研究基金会8月1日发布的统计显示,六个月内婴儿的喂养方式中,基本纯母乳喂养(predo
exclusive breastfeeding
More than 61% of children 6 months or younger in China are now predominantly fed breast milk but the rate of exclusive breastfeeding remains low according to new research.
最新研究显示,目前我国六个月内婴儿的基本纯母乳喂养率超过61%,但纯母乳喂养率仍偏低。2018年8月1日至7日是第27个"世界母乳喂养周(World Breastfeeding Week)",主题是"母乳(breast milk)喂养,生命之源"。
纯母乳喂养,是指除治疗目的的药物糖浆(syrup)、营养素补充剂外,不给宝宝喂母乳之外的任何液体和食物,水也不例外(giving a baby no other food or drink - not even water - except breast milk)。世界卫生组织(WHO)和联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)建议:产后一小时内及早开始母乳哺育;纯母乳哺育六个月;继续母乳哺育至两岁及以上,同时在六个月时添加营养充分和安全的辅食(nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods)。
中国发展研究基金会8月1日发布的统计显示,六个月内婴儿的喂养方式中,基本纯母乳喂养(predominant breastfeeding)占61.2%,部分母乳喂养占22.5%,人工喂养(完全由母乳以外的食物喂养)占6.3%,纯母乳喂养(exclusive breastfeeding)率仍偏低。
国家卫健委计划到2020年将六个月以下婴儿纯母乳喂养率提高至50%(raise the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of life to 50%)。专家称,阻碍纯母乳喂养率提升的因素包括公共和工作场所缺乏相关设施(a lack of facilities in public areas and workplaces)、产假落实不力(poor implementation of maternity leave)、未严格遵守《国际母乳代用品销售守则》(poor compliance with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes)。
胡同游 hutong tourism
Companies that conduct tours of Beijing's classic alleys or hutong should only be allowed to take groups to lanes that display traditional culture or contain historical sites according to a draft guideline on hutong tourism from the city government.
北京市旅游委近日在其官网发布了"关于征求北京市地方标准《胡同游服务规范》意见的通知",并向社会开展为期一个月的意见征求(solicitation of opinions)。征求意见稿规范了"胡同游(hutong tourism)"的定义,即以北京城市特有的具有传统文化、风俗人情(folk customs)、历史风貌的胡同(一条或若干条胡同组成的街区)为载体,向游客提供吃、住、行、游、购、娱和文化展示(cultural display)服务的特色游览业态。
在设施方面,胡同游客接待量应与经营总体规模相匹配(hutong should not be able to accept more people than they can handle);夜间营业的胡同,公共场地应有充足的灯光照明和应急照明设施(hutong that are open during the night should be equipped with sufficient lights and emergency power supplies in public areas);胡同应有不少于2个主要出入口(each hutong should have at least two entry or exit points)。
在交通方面,胡同长度超过1000米的,宜提供环保型代步工具(eco-friendly transportation methods);应设置盲道、无障碍设施(barrier-free facilities);胡同主要出入口附近宜设置机动车和非机动车停车场地 (parking for cars and non-motor vehicles should be placed at main entrances)。
餐饮方面,要求胡同内的餐饮店应布局合理,就餐环境安静、整洁、无异味;各种饮食、菜品应明码标价(mark the price clearly);厨房食品加工、存放,冷热、生熟、荤素分开,无交叉污染(cross-contamination);胡同内应有北京特色、品牌、符合属地民族生活习惯的餐饮店。
还要求胡同内应设置公共卫生间(public toilet),宜配置洁手设备、洗手液和纸张用品,胡同商户卫生间应向游客免费开放使用(all the toilets in businesses along the hutong should be open to tourists for free);胡同游服务人员宜提供一种以上外语服务(provide services in more than one foreign language);此外,还要求胡同游的各类活动不应影响周边居民的正常生活(disturb daily life of residents living nearby)。
胡同文化 hutong culture
四合院 quadrangle or Siheyuan
旅游厕所革命 tourist toilet revolution
旅游专列 tourist train
可持续旅游 sustainable tourism
红色旅游 red tourism
follow-up inoculation plan
A follow-up inoculation plan has been issued by the National Health Commission and the State Drug Administration for people who have received rabies vaccines from Changchun Changsheng Bio-tech Co.
方案指出,接种过长春长生狂犬病疫苗且尚未完成整个接种程序者(those who have received the vaccines from Changchun Changsheng Bio-tech Co but have not gone through the entire inoculation procedure),接种单位免费续种其他公司合格疫苗。已完成接种程序者(those who have completed the procedure),如受种者有补种意愿(still want reinoculation),接种单位在告知防控知识、疫苗的保护作用、接种后注意事项等内容后(being informed by vaccination institutions about prevention and control the functions of the vaccines and post-inoculation tips),可免费补种(get vaccines for free)。
根据世界卫生组织2018年4月的有关报告,狂犬病潜伏期(the incubation period of rabies)通常为1-3个月,罕有超过1年。为保障受种者健康,对接种时间不满1年的受种者,接种单位提供跟踪观察和咨询服务(provide tracking observation and advisory services)。接种时间1年以上的,如发生异常情况(abnormalities),卫生健康部门继续受理。
方案明确,接种单位设置醒目标识,安排有经验的医务人员提供服务,向社会公开联系方式(make contact information public)。县级以上地方卫生健康部门要各确定1家医疗机构,作为辖区内进一步临床观察的定点医疗机构(designated medical institution)。国家级、省级和地市级组建专家组(expert panel),包括临床研究(clinical studies)、疾病预防控制(disease prevention and control)以及管理领域等专家,指导做好相关服务。
静脉注射 intravenous injection
皮下注射 hypodermic injection
疫苗注射 vaccination/vaccine injection
注射死刑 execution by lethal injection
disclose information information disclosure
China's Ministry of Civil Affairs has unveiled a regulation requiring charities to disclose information in accordance with the law.
近日,民政部印发《慈善组织信息公开办法》(以下简称办法),办法对慈善组织(charities/charity groups)信息公开(information disclosure)作出详细规定,明确了慈善组织重点公开的财产活动信息,以及有公募资格的慈善组织要公开的募捐信息。办法将于今年9月1日起施行(go into effect)。
办法规定,慈善组织应当依法(in accordance with the law)履行信息公开义务,在民政部门提供的统一的信息平台,向社会公开基本信息、年度工作报告和财务会计报告(yearly work and financial accounting reports)、公开募捐(public fundraising)情况、慈善项目有关情况、慈善信托(charitable trust)有关情况、重大资产变动(major asset changes)及投资、重大交换交易及资金往来、关联交易(connected transactions)行为等情况。
办法明确,慈善组织应当对信息的真实性负责,不得有虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏(any false records misleading statements or major omissions are not allowed),不得以新闻发布(news release)、广告推广等形式代替应当履行的信息公开义务。慈善组织不及时公开信息(fail to disclose information in a timely manner)或者公开的信息不真实的(disclose false information),任何单位或个人可以向民政部门(civil affairs authorities)投诉、举报。
募捐 raise donations
财务透明度 financial transparency
社会组织 social organization
援助机构 aid agency/organization
食物银行 food bank
义卖会 bazaar
Asian Games emblem
Called "Surging Tides" the emblem for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 consists of six elements: a Chinese fan the Qiantang River a tidal bore a running track the internet icon and the glowing red sun of the Olympic Council of Asia. Below the motif is the lettering denoting the host city and the year of the Asian Games.
6日,杭州2022年第19届亚运会会徽(the emblem for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022)"潮涌"正式发布。潮涌的主体图形由扇面、钱塘江、钱江潮头、赛道、互联网符号(internet icon)及象征亚奥理事会(the Olympic Council of Asia OCA)的太阳图形六个元素组成,下方是主办城市(host city)名称与举办年份的印鉴,两者共同构成了完整的杭州亚运会会徽。
据杭州亚组委方面介绍,扇面造型反映江南人文意蕴(the cultural heritage unique to the southern regions of the Yangtze River),赛道代表体育竞技(sports competitions),互联网符号契合杭州城市特色,太阳图形是亚奥理事会的象征符号。同时,钱塘江和钱江潮头是会徽的形象核心(the core elements of the emblem),绿水青山展示了浙江杭州山水城市(a city of natural landscapes)的自然特质,江潮奔涌表达了浙江儿女勇立潮头的精神气质。
体育赛事 sports event
吉祥物 mascot
田径运动 track and field
电子竞技 e-sports
打破世界纪录 break/beat/shatter the world record
illegal ghostwriting services
As the end of the summer holiday approaches Chinese elementary and junior high school students increasingly find themselves bogged down with too many school assignments. However emerging illegal ghostwriting services offered on different online platforms seem like a great "help" to them.
近年来,我国教育相关部门响应国家"减负(burden alleviation)"号召,努力减少学生的家庭作业(try to cut back on homework for students),但越来越多的家长却往往利用假期等课余时间安排孩子上课外辅导班(parents tend to arrange their children's spare time including vacations for extracurricular classes)。学生显然无法负荷学校和补习班两方面的作业(cannot bear the homework form by both the school and the cram school),于是为不法写手和商贩提供了商机(business opportunity)。
有报道称,代写行业的服务链(the chain of the ghostwriting industry)是"联系客服(contact customer service)——告知要求(tell the requirements)——确定价格(set the price)——邮寄作业(mail the notebook)——支付议价(pay the agreed fee)——收到成品(get the returned manuscript)"。国内最大电商平台(e-commerce platform)淘宝网上有不少提供代写服务的网店。微博等社交媒体平台上也能看到代写广告。据报道,大学生是代写主力军(the main force of the ghostwriters)。他们暑期时间充裕,加上渴望挣零花钱(desire to earn pocket money),所以乐于"帮忙"。
抄袭 plagiarism
欺诈行为 an act of fraud
写作软件 writing software
课业负担 homework loads
教育改革 education reform
spiritually Finnish
The term "jingfen" or "spiritually Finnish" is inspired by a comic from Finland called "Finnish Nightmares " starring a cartoon figure named Matti who prefers minimal contact and avoids social situations.
该漫画集的作者卡罗丽娜·克罗恩对马蒂的描述是:一个典型的芬兰人,喜欢平静、安静,享受个人空间(a stereotypical Finn who appreciates peace quiet and personal space)。芬兰人热情、好客,对人真诚又特别注重个人空间。哪怕是外向的芬兰人在我们看来也可能是内向的。芬兰人有句自嘲的话是这样说的:"内向的芬兰人跟你说话的时候看着自己的鞋子(an introverted Finn looks at his shoes when talking to you),外向的芬兰人跟你说话的时候看着你的鞋子(an extroverted Finn looks at your shoes)。"
这个漫画集的中文版出版以后,迅速引起了许多中国读者的共鸣(strike a chord with many Chinese readers),大家纷纷感叹:这不就是我吗!于是乎,很多患有轻微"社交恐惧(social anxiety disorder)"的网友都自嘲是"精神上的芬兰人(spiritually Finnish)"。对于为什么"精芬"会成为当下部分中国年轻网友认可或者自我认同(self-identification)的状态,专家认为,人是群居动物(social animal),我们都害怕孤独,但我们更渴望自我空间(personal space)和个人隐私(individual privacy)得到尊重。"精芬"们渴望的是一种和陌生人保持礼貌距离的空间感。
宅男 homebody
私人空间 private space
无谓的社交 unnecessary socializing
大众生活 public life
嫦娥四号 the Chang'e 4
Chinese scientists unveiled their latest lunar probe the Chang'e 4 on Wednesday saying it will be launched in December on a mission to land on the far side of the moon.
探月工程(lunar exploration program)嫦娥四号任务月球车(rover)全球征名活动启动仪式15日在京举行,由中国航天科技集团有限公司抓总研制的嫦娥四号着陆器(lander)和月球车外观设计构型首次公开。探月工程嫦娥四号任务计划于今年12月实施,将首次实现人类探测器(probe)在月球背面(far side of the moon)软着陆(soft landing)和巡视勘察(patrol survey)。
嫦娥四号月球车呈长方形盒状,长1.5米,宽1米,高1.1米。肩部有两片可以打开的太阳能电池帆板,腿部则是六个轮状的移动装置。嫦娥四号月球车基本继承了"玉兔号"的外形和状态(largely keep the shape and conditions of its predecessor Yutu or Jade Rabbit),但针对月球背面复杂的地形条件、中继通信(relay communication)新的需求和科学目标实际需要(the actual needs of the scientific objectives),作了适应性更改和有效载荷配置(payload configuration)调整。
而且嫦娥四号月球车总重量约140公斤,将是全球迄今重量最小的月球车。月球车上搭载的测月雷达(lunar penetrating radar)设置了两个不同频段,借助其探测出的数据,研究人员可以绘制出第一幅月球背面剖面图(first geologic cross-section of the moon's far side)。
无人月球探测器 unmanned lunar probe
月球表面 moonscape
设计寿命 design life
空间站 space station
载人飞行 manned flight
生育基金 childbirth fund
The proposal of setting up a childbirth fund to cover expenses of families having second child has drawn a wave of criticism.
江苏省委机关报《新华日报》14日发表的《提高生育率:新时代中国人口发展的新任务》一文引发热议。文章建议,40岁以下公民不论男女,每年必须以工资的一定比例缴纳生育基金(childbirth fund)。家庭在生育第二胎时,可申请取出生育基金,作为育儿贴补(families having a second baby are allowed to draw money from the fund as subsidy for their child rearing)。如公民未生育二孩,账户资金则待退休时再行取出(if a family does not have a second child it can withdraw the money deposited in the fund upon retirement)。
此文在社交媒体上引发了网友和学者们的一致抨击(draw a wave of criticism from internet users and scholars)。独立人口学者(demographer)何亚福表示,国人已缴纳了较高的社保费(pay a relatively high level of social insurance premiums),约占总收入的39%,如果再加上一项生育基金支出,会令许多家庭负担更重。他表示,国家鼓励生育应在税收、教育、医疗等方面切实减轻多生孩子家庭的养育负担。
房贷 housing mortgage
车贷 car mortgage
低生育率 low fertility rate
育龄妇女 women of child-bearing age
断崖式下跌 drop dramatically
ease financial burdens on families
七夕节 Qixi Festival
Qixi Festival or Chinese Valentine's Day which falls this Friday will be a money-spinner for the hospitality and tourism sector in the country. According to data from major online travel agencies those born after 1995 were driving festival consumption.
由于今年七夕恰逢周五,情侣可以选择连同周末假期出行,七夕节酒店和旅游产品(tourism product)预订情况均表现火爆。根据携程、途牛等在线旅行社(online travel agency)的统计数据,95后群体(those born after 1995)成为今年七夕节酒店和旅游产品预订的主力军。
根据数据,今年七夕期间的酒店预订量(hotel bookings)同比上升了近200%。值得注意的是,女性在预订七夕节酒店时拿到了决定权,60%的订单由女性用户下单。而95后用户群体更是异军突起,贡献了近半数的预订量(contribute to nearly half of the reservations)。在酒店种类的选择上,95后们也显得不拘一格。艺术酒店、主题酒店(theme hotel)等大受欢迎,和舒适度相比,他们更倾向于选择在社交网络(social networks)上走红的打着个性烙印的"网红酒店"。
在出境游方面,除了伦敦、布拉格、京都、巴黎和马德里等火爆的境外目的地(outbound destination),马尔代夫、普吉、斐济、巴厘等对国内游客实行免签或落地签政策(visa-free or visa-on-arrival policy)的海岛在年轻情侣中也颇受欢迎。
一见钟情 fall in love at first sight
公开恋情 go public with one's romance
节日消费 holiday spending
办公室恋情 office romance
网恋 online romance
sky-high remuneration of stars
Three major online movie and television platforms Youku iQIYI and Tencent along with six major movie and television production companies including Huace Media have issued a statement on curbing the sky-high remuneration of stars.
天价片酬(sky-high remuneration of stars)之所以饱受指责,主要是演员的收入与影视剧质量不成正比。主要演员的不合理片酬(unreasonable payment of lead actors and actresses)挤压了影视剧的其他制作费用(squeeze the money spent on other production costs),耗费巨资拍摄的影视剧最终成了口碑低劣的烂片(flop)。制作方习惯依靠流量明星来获得好的票房回报,而不是将功夫花在影视剧质量上。
9家公司的这则联合声明再次将明星天价片酬推上娱乐风口。声明为演员片酬设定了上限(stipulate the maximum paychecks actors and actresses can receive)。未来所有演员总片酬不得超过各公司制作的影视剧总预算(overall budget)的40%,主要演员(starring actors and actress)片酬不得超过演员总片酬的70%。这些公司还对单个演员的片酬设限(set salary caps on the remuneration of a single actor or actress),要求其电视剧总片酬(含税)最高不得超过5000万元,单集片酬不得超过100万元。
艺人 entertainer
逃税 tax evasion
金钱崇拜 money worship
制作成本 production costs
online media streaming platform
外挂 plug-in
Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi Chuxing announced on Thursday it has removed a plug-in that used to double the cost of a ride.
此前有媒体报道称,有滴滴快车司机使用"外挂(plug-in)",增加实际费用,可使乘客定位的费用翻倍甚至更多。通过使用外挂,司机可以改变车辆在滴滴出行应用上的正常导航和行驶路线(change the vehicles' normal orientations and driving courses)。报道称,这款外挂还能让滴滴司机通过设定具体的出发或目的地对订单进行筛选(filter orders by specific departures or destinations),获得长途行程的订单,使司机有更多针对大额车费加倍获利的机会。
据了解,目前安装这款作弊器(cheating program)的司机已无法使用,作弊司机悉数被封。滴滴出行相关负责人表示,目前网约车行业作弊器有数十种,滴滴上线了反作弊策略来识别作弊应用(launch a counter-measure system for detecting the cheating app),一旦确认立即封号处理(block any accounts identified to be using the plug-in),并依据作弊订单金额进行罚款。
网约车 online car-hailing
叫车软件 car-hailing app
拼车 carpooling
抢票插件 ticket-buying plug-in
宰客 overcharge
unmanned era
Chinese scientists have installed an unmanned ice station system for the first time in the Arctic Ocean ushering in an "unmanned era" for scientific observation of the North Pole.
18至22日,中国第九次北极科学考察队(Arctic expedition team)在北冰洋首次成功布放我国自主研发的(independently developed by China)无人冰站系统(unmanned ice station system),标志着中国北极冰站观测开始迈入"无人时代(unmanned era)"。此次布放的无人冰站,全称为"北极海-冰-气无人冰站观测系统",可以实现对北极的海洋、海冰、大气(the ocean the sea ice and the atmosphere)三个界面多个通量的无人值守观测(unattended observation)。
当前,各国利用破冰船考察北极(use icebreakers to explore the Arctic),主要集中在夏季这个非常有限的时间窗口,导致对海冰春季融化、秋季冻结等关键过程缺乏了解,而这些过程对了解海冰变化极为关键。科考队首席科学家助理雷瑞波表示,研究北极海冰变化和海-冰-气相互作用(research on the changes in sea ice and air-sea-ice interactions in the Arctic)机理,需要海-冰-气界面多参数长期基础环境数据,无人冰站正是为解决这一问题而设计的,尤其科考船(scientific expedition vessel)不在北极科考时,无人冰站的相关观测是一个非常有效的补充(supplement)。
如今,在中国的极地科考(polar expedition)中,越来越多"中国制造"的考察装备在水下观测(underwater observation)、冰情监测等方面崭露头角,此次布放的无人冰站也不例外。雷瑞波说,这套无人冰站是我国自主研发的,能够观测到较为全面的要素。此外,考虑到北极恶劣的自然环境(harsh natural environment)和有限的布放保障支持,我们设计了由A、B两型样机(prototype)共4个子系统组成无人冰站的方案,这些在国际上并无先例(unprecedented in the world)。这套无人冰站还包含了多项自主研发的核心技术(core technology),如海冰内部光辐射长期观测(long-term observation by light radiation inside sea ice)技术、冰面风速观测防冻雨技术和冰下拖曳剖面长期观测技术等。
北极圈 Arctic Circle
极光 aurora polar lights
海冰减少 sea ice loss/decline
冰上融池 melt pond
冰裂缝 ice crack
观测数据 observation data
气候变化 climate change
online users
The number of online users in China has crossed the 800 million mark for the first time as of the end of June according to an official report.
中国互联网络信息中心近日发布第42次《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》。报告显示,截至今年6月30日,我国网民规模达8.02亿(the number of China's online users hit 802 million),较2017年末增加3.8%。报告称,共有7.88亿国人用手机上网(use mobile phones to surf the internet),在网民中占比达98.3%。同时,我国的互联网普及率(internet availability rate)达57.7%,其中有26.3%的人群居住在农村地区。此外,我国国际互联网网关带宽(international internet gateway bandwidth)增至8826302兆比特每秒,速度较2017年末提升20.6%。
截至2018年6月,我国网络购物用户和使用网上支付的用户占总体网民的比例均为71%(online shopping and online payment users both accounted for 71% of China's total online users)。此外,我国网民的互联网理财服务使用率(the percentage of internet users using online financial services)由2017年末的16.7%提升至2018年6月的21%,互联网理财用户增加3974万,半年增长率达30.9%。
报告还称,我国在线政务服务用户(users of China's online government services)规模达到4.7亿,占总体网民的58.6%。经过新浪平台认证的政务机构微博(verified Sina Weibo microblog accounts run by government agencies)数量达到137677个。
互联网产业 internet industry
网购狂欢节 online shopping spree
网络生态 online ecosystem
网络霸权 internet hegemony
gender equality education
Students in Guangdong will receive gender equality education starting September which experts said will help to further equalize the social status of men and women in Chinese society.
日前,广东印发通知,将于2018年9月开始在全省中小学(primary and middle schools)、中职学校全面开展性别平等教育(gender equality education)工作。通知要求,各地各中小学要结合实际和学生需求(student needs)开展性别平等教育,将性别平等教育内容融入德育课、心理健康(mental health)教育活动课及其他校园文化活动(cultural activities)。
事实上,2012年,广东省妇儿工委、省教育厅、省妇联就选取了中山市、茂名市作为性别平等教育试点城市(pilot city),开展了一系列探索,率先编写教学大纲(syllabus)和指南,大胆开展教学实践,将性别平等理念融入中小学各类学科课程中,从小培育学生的性别平等意识(awareness of gender equality)。以中山为例,中山市编写的国内首个中小学性别平等教育指导大纲提出:低年级(1-2年级)学生要学习保护自己的身体隐私(protect their physical privacy);5-6年级学生要了解性骚扰(sexual harassment)和性侵害(sexual assault)的危害;初中学生则要接纳自己的性别特点(gender traits),了解生涯规划(career planning)可以突破性别限制;高中学生则要消除性别分工的偏见和误解(prejudice and misunderstanding),理解性与爱的关系,消除对性行为困惑。
国务院妇儿工委办公室副主任宋文珍表示,2011年中国妇女发展计划(2011-2020)通过后,中国的性别平等教育才开始发展(gender equality education in China only gained ground after the Program for the Development of Chinese Women (2011-2020) was passed in 2011)。她表示,性别平等涉及男性与女性的合法权益和社会地位(gender equality involves legitimate rights interests and the social status of men and women),这就是为什么性别平等应当走入课堂、让学生从小接触性别平等观念的原因(that's why it should be taught in schools to expose students to it at a very young age)。
男女平权 equal rights for men and women
性别歧视 gender discrimination
性别收入差距 gender pay gap
性别刻板印象 gender stereotype
玻璃天花板 glass ceiling
新生儿男女比例 male to female ratio at birth
popular foreign language
More students took A-level Chinese than German this year in Britain's A-level test for the first time making it the third most popular foreign language in the test according to data released by the Joint Council for Qualifications.
今年共有3334名青少年选择汉语作为A-level的考试科目(take an A-level in Chinese),人数较去年增加8.6%。同时,有3058名学生选择德语为考试科目,人数同比下降17%。法语仍是最受欢迎的A-level现代语言(modern language)考试科目,西班牙语紧随其后,但参考这两门语言的人数均较去年有所下降。
培生集团高级官员理查森称,汉语逆转了现代语言受欢迎程度下降的趋势(bucked the trend of the fall in popularity of modern languages)。英国私立学校理事会主席莱农说,过去,因为德国经济的重要性(because of the importance of the German economy),学生被大力鼓励学习德语(be strongly encouraged to study German)。现在,尽管德国经济依然很强,但是这种观点正在逐渐消失,中国在过去25年中已经崛起,成为全球发展最快的经济体(the fastest growing economy in the world)。
英国文化协会学校和技能总监赫伯特对在A-level考试中报考汉语的人数增加表示欢迎(welcome the rise in Chinese A-level entries)。他说:"在整体呈下降趋势(overall downward trend)的背景下,汉语越来越受欢迎证明我们的年轻人可以充满热情地学习语言(our young people can be enthused to study languages)。"他还表示,研究显示,对英国未来的繁荣和全球地位(global standing)来说,汉语将是最重要的语言之一。
教育改革 education reform
课业负担 homework loads
招生制度 enrollment system
教育强国 education power
Nanny-sharing is making a sole caregiver affordable for families on many rungs of the economic ladder who might not have given such a situation a second thought in the past.
在美国,共享民宿(sharing home)和共享汽车(shared car)已创造出数十亿美元的产业,而下一个风口便是保姆。共享保姆(nanny-sharing),即保姆定期照顾来自两个家庭的孩子(a nanny cares for children from two families on a regular basis),这样既可以让那些原本雇不起保姆的家庭雇得起一个保姆(afford a nanny),又可以提升保姆的经济收益(lift nannies' economic fortunes)——她们每年的收入将比只为一个家庭工作高出几千美元。
今年早些时候,CareGuide旗下网站之一Nanny Lane开始推出共享保姆服务(roll out its nanny-sharing service)。自诩为CareGuide"首席执行爸爸"的格林(John Philip Green)表示,他能预见Nanny Lane将把共享经济带到儿童保育领域(bring the sharing economy to child care)。
保姆荒 nanny shortage
共享护士 nurse sharing
分享经济 sharing economy
共享平台 sharing platform