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汉堡王说麦当劳,汉堡王又正面怼麦当劳了汉堡王的这一举动也是在取笑麦当劳。麦当劳一直在推行开心乐园餐,其儿童套餐中还有一个玩具。汉堡王在油管视频网上发布了一则广告,视频中展现了不同情绪状态下的人物剪辑,并配上了这样的广告词:“没有人一直快乐,但这也没关系。”“Burger King restaurants understands that no one is happy all the time. That’s why they’re asking guests to order a Whopper meal based on however they might be feeling ” an online release says.汉堡王选择了五月心理健康意识月这一时机,推出“真实情绪套餐”,其中包括“忧郁套餐”、“逗笑套餐”、“亢奋套餐”和“无动于衷套餐”。套餐里有一个大汉堡、炸薯条和一杯饮料。Timed to Menta



Burger King takes on McDonald’s with a range of ‘unhappy’ meals.


No one is happy all the time. That’s the message Burger King is trying to communicate with a lineup of burger meals focused on “real” moods to help raise awareness about mental health.



Timed to Mental Health Awareness Month in May the “Real Meals” include the Blue Meal Salty Meal Yaaas Meal and DGAF (Don’t Give a F---) Meal. They include a Whopper french fries and a drink.


“Burger King restaurants understands that no one is happy all the time. That’s why they’re asking guests to order a Whopper meal based on however they might be feeling ” an online release says.



The effort also pokes fun at McDonald’s which markets Happy Meals boxed kids’ deals that include a toy. Burger King launched an ad on YouTube showing a montage of people in various emotional states using the line: “No one is happy all the time. And that’s OK.”

这则广告改编了汉堡王20世纪70年代著名的合唱曲,把“Have it your way”(我选我味)改为“Feel your way”(我感我味)。这首曲子的改编也更忠于“人们可以有不同的情绪”这一理念。

The ad swaps Burger King’s well-known chorus from the 1970s “Have it your way ” with “Feel your way.” The music also has been changed to be more authentic to the idea that people can have a range of feelings.
