中文sci难还是英文难(经济学人文艺某些语言更难学的真正原因)某些语言更难学的真正原因网页版标题:The real reasons some languages are harder to learn英文部分选自经济学人20210508期文艺板块Some languages are harder to learn than others—but not for the obvious reasons有些语言学习难于其他语言,但原因并非显而易见。
01 导读感谢思维导图作者 Summer,女,QE在职,梦想能仗翻译/音乐 /健康走天涯
Diamond 男,搬砖工,理工科永久脑损伤,学习翻译的小学生
02 听力|精读|翻译|词组Tongue-twisters
Some languages are harder to learn than others—but not for the obvious reasons
The real reasons some languages are harder to learn
They slice up the messy reality of life differently from your own
① WHEN CONSIDERING which foreign languages to study some people shy away from those that use a different alphabet. Those random-looking squiggles seem to symbolise the impenetrability of the language the difficulty of the task ahead.
So it can be surprising to hear devotees of Russian say the alphabet is the easiest part of the job. The Cyrillic script like the Roman one has its origins in the Greek alphabet. As a result some letters look the same and are used near identically. Others look the same but have different pronunciations like the P in Cyrillic which stands for an r-sound. For Russian that cuts the task down to only about 20 entirely new characters. These can comfortably be learned in a week and soon mastered to the point that they present little trouble. An alphabet in other words is just an alphabet. A few tricks aside (such as the occasional omission of vowels) other versions do what the Roman one does: represent sounds.
- 西里尔字母,也译作基里尔字母、西瑞尔字母,又称斯拉夫字母,是通行于斯拉夫语族部分民族中的字母书写系统。2011年时在欧亚大陆约有二亿五千万人的国家语言是以西里尔字母为标准文字,是除了拉丁字母和阿拉伯字母后世界第三多人使用的拼音文字系统,其中有半数在前苏联疆域范围内。
- 罗马字母:拉丁字母的别称。
Foreign languages really become hard when they have features that do not appear in your own—things you never imagined you would have to learn. Which is another way of saying that languages slice up the messy reality of experience in strikingly different ways.
This is easily illustrated with concrete vocabulary. Sometimes the meanings of foreign words and their English equivalents overlap but don’t match exactly. Danish for instance does not have a word for “wood”; it just uses “tree” (trae). Or consider colours which lie on a spectrum that different languages segment differently. In Japanese ao traditionally refers to both green and blue. Some green items are covered by a different word midori but ao applies to some vegetables and green traffic lights (which to make matters more confusing are slightly blueish in Japan). As a result ao is rather tricky to wield.
这一点用具体的词汇就很容易说明。有时外语单词和对应的英语单词的意思部分重叠,但不完全吻合。例如,丹麦语中没有“木头”(wood)一词 而只使用“树”(trae)一词。再说说颜色,不同语言片段划分的颜色光谱也有所差异。在日语中,“ao”通常指既指绿色、又指蓝色。有些绿色的物体要用另一个词“midori”描述,而“ao”则适用于形容青菜和绿灯(更令人迷惑的是,在日本,绿色交通信号灯还略带一点蓝色)。因此,“ao”的使用相当棘手。
Life becomes tougher still when other languages make distinctions that yours ignores. Russian splits blue into light (goluboi) and dark (sinii); foreigners can be baffled by what to call say a mid-blue pair of jeans. Plenty of other “basic” English words are similarly broken down in their foreign corollaries. “Wall” and “corner” seem like simple concepts until you learn languages that sensibly distinguish between a city’s walls and a bedroom’s (German Mauer versusWand) interior corners and street corners (Spanish rincón andesquina) and so on.
These problems are tractable on their own; you don’t often have to refer to a corner in casual conversation. But when other languages make structural distinctions missing from your native tongue—often in the operation of verbs—the mental effort seems never-ending. English has verbs-of-all-work that seem straightforward enough until you try to translate them. In languages like German “put” is divided into verbs that signify hanging laying something flat and placing something tall and thin. “Go” in Russian is a nightmare with a suite of verbs distinguishing walking and travelling by vehicle one-way and round trips single and repeated journeys and other niceties. You can specify all these things in English if you want to; the difference is that in Russian you must.
- “put” is divided into verbs that signify hanging laying something flat and placing something tall and thin. 这句话大家不理解 德语中像“put"一样的词可以用作这样的动词有哪些呢,又为什么德语偏偏会有这样的单词呢?经过和懂德语的老师、同学探讨,我们明白,德语里面,比较关注的是放置的东西和它所在的平面的关系。在德语中有一些这样的单词,比如stellen.stellen这个词本身是悬挂、放置的意思,它所加的宾语都是扁平类的长而薄、竖高的物品比如盘子。另一个例子是liegen 这个单词和stellen不同的是,liegen更多的是平放。而且有的时候要把竖着的物体放倒(比如把竖着的背包放倒)而它同样也可以接一些扁平、长而薄的物品做宾语比如杂志。
Sometimes verb systems force choices on speakers not only for individual verbs but for all of them. Many English-speakers are familiar with languages such as French and Italian which have two different past tenses for completed actions and for habitual or continued ones. But verb systems get much more exotic than that.
“Evidential” languages require a verb ending that shows how the speaker knows that the statement made is true. Turkish is one of them; others such as a cluster in the Amazon have particularly complex—and obligatory—evidentiality rules. Many languages mark subjects and direct objects of sentences in distinct ways. But in Basque subjects of intransitive verbs (those that take no direct object) look like direct objects themselves while subjects of transitive verbs get a special form. If Martin catches sight of Diego Basques say the equivalent of “Martinek sees Diego.”
- 言据性(evidentiality)指信息的来源(言之有据)及说话者对该信息来源可靠程度的评价(言之有信)。任何语言对言据性都具有编码能力,而负载这类意义的语言单位被称为“言据性成分(evidential)”。言据性能够帮助说话者更好地利用词汇手段和语法手段表达语言意义,表明说话者对信息真实性的承诺,使听话者能够更加准确地把握说话者的语用意图及命题态度。
In the end the “hard” languages to learn are not those that do what your own language does in a new way. They are the ones that make you constantly pay attention to distinctions in the world that yours blithely passes over. It is a bit like a personal trainer putting you through entirely new exercises. You might have thought yourself fit before but the next day you will wake up sore in muscles you never knew you had.
Cathy,春都MTIer 专业翻译爱好者
Mia,女,期待快点毕业的MTIer 有志从事翻译的小文青
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