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50句英语美句(英文美句欣赏与学习We)* There was a feeling of optimism in the country when the new government was elected. 经选举产生新政府 举国上下对前景十分乐观。He was still full of optimism for the future despite his many problems. 他尽管有许多问题 但对未来仍十分乐观。 My mother says she's looking forward to meeting you.*Frank was looking forward to that evening's date.弗兰克期待着那天晚上的约会。*Jim has been working hard and looks forward to spending his vacation lying on the


We may now look forward with optimism.我们现在可以乐观地展望未来。


look forward: anticipate with pleasure or satisfaction; expect or hope for 期待look forward to: wait for with pleasure wait eagerly for; be excited and pleased about something that is going to happen expect; be eager for; anticipate 期待;盼望

If you look forward to something that is going to happen you want it to happen because you think you will enjoy it.

He was looking forward to working with the new Prime Minister.

If you say that someone is looking forward to something useful or positive you mean they expect it to happen.

Motor traders are looking forward to a further increase in vehicle sales.

My mother says she's looking forward to meeting you.

*Frank was looking forward to that evening's date.弗兰克期待着那天晚上的约会。

*Jim has been working hard and looks forward to spending his vacation lying on the beach doing nothing.吉姆一直工作努力,他渴望能躺在海边什么也不干,度过假期。


optimism / ˈɔptɪmɪzəm; ˋɑptəˏmɪzəm/ n. tendency to expect the best in all things; confidence in success; belief that good will triumph over evil in the end 乐观; 乐观主义:

He was still full of optimism for the future despite his many problems. 他尽管有许多问题 但对未来仍十分乐观。

* There was a feeling of optimism in the country when the new government was elected. 经选举产生新政府 举国上下对前景十分乐观。

