java架构师笔记:Java中的转换器设计模式在这篇文章中,我们将讨论 Java / J2EE项目中最常用的 Converter Design Pattern。由于Java8 功能不仅提供了相应类型之间的通用双向转换方式,而且还提供了转换相同类型对象集合的常用方法,从而将样板代码减少到绝对最小值。我们使用Java8 功能编写了此模式的源代码。
public abstract class Converter < T C > { private final Function < T C > fromDto; private final Function < C T > fromEntity; /** * @param fromDto * Function that converts given dto entity into the domain * entity. * @param fromEntity * Function that converts given domain entity into the dto * entity. */ public Converter( final Function < T C > fromDto final Function < C T > fromEntity ) { this.fromDto = fromDto; this.fromEntity = fromEntity; } /** * @param customerDto * DTO entity * @return The domain representation - the result of the converting function * application on dto entity. */ public final C convertFromDto( final T customerDto ) { return(fromDto.apply( customerDto ) ); } /** * @param customer * domain entity * @return The DTO representation - the result of the converting function * application on domain entity. */ public final T convertFromEntity( final C customer ) { return(fromEntity.apply( customer ) ); } /** * @param dtoCustomers * collection of DTO entities * @return List of domain representation of provided entities retrieved by * mapping each of them with the conversion function */ public final List < C > createFromDtos( final Collection < T > dtoCustomers ) { return( this : : convertFromDto ).collect( Collectors.toList() ) ); } /** * @param customers * collection of domain entities * @return List of domain representation of provided entities retrieved by * mapping each of them with the conversion function */ public final List < T > createFromEntities( final Collection < C > customers ) { return( this : : convertFromEntity ).collect( Collectors.toList() ) ); } }
public class CustomerConverter extends Converter<CustomerDto Customer> { public CustomerConverter() { super(customerDto - > new Customer( customerDto.getCustomerId() customerDto.getCustomerName() customerDto.getCustomerLastName() customerDto.isStatus() ) customer - > new CustomerDto( customer.getCustomerId() customer.getCustomerName() customer.getCustomerLastName() customer.isStatus() ) ); } }
步骤3: 创建customerdto类。
public class CustomerDto { private String customerId; private String customerName; private String customerLastName; private boolean status; public CustomerDto( String customerId String customerName String customerLastName boolean status ) { super(); this.customerId = customerId; this.customerName = customerName; this.customerLastName = customerLastName; this.status = status; } public String getCustomerId() { return(customerId); } public void setCustomerId( String customerId ) { this.customerId = customerId; } public String getCustomerName() { return(customerName); } public void setCustomerName( String customerName ) { this.customerName = customerName; } public String getCustomerLastName() { return(customerLastName); } public void setCustomerLastName( String customerLastName ) { this.customerLastName = customerLastName; } public boolean isStatus() { return(status); } public void setStatus( boolean status ) { this.status = status; } }
步骤4: 创建Customer实体类。
public class Customer { private String customerId; private String customerName; private String customerLastName; private boolean status; public Customer( String customerId String customerName String customerLastName boolean status ) { super(); this.customerId = customerId; this.customerName = customerName; this.customerLastName = customerLastName; this.status = status; } public String getCustomerId() { return(customerId); } public void setCustomerId( String customerId ) { this.customerId = customerId; } public String getCustomerName() { return(customerName); } public void setCustomerName( String customerName ) { this.customerName = customerName; } public String getCustomerLastName() { return(customerLastName); } public void setCustomerLastName( String customerLastName ) { this.customerLastName = customerLastName; } public boolean isStatus() { return(status); } public void setStatus( boolean status ) { this.status = status; } }
步骤5: 现在,让我们通过创建Client类来测试这个模式。
在以下情况下 使用转换器模式:
- 如果要根据上下文提供不同类型的转换方式