- Women with higher IQ's have a harder time finding a mate. Intelligent women would rather remain single than be with wrong person.
- 高智商的女人更难找到满意的伴侣。他们宁愿保持单身也不愿意和一个错误的人在一起生活。
- According to some survey 70% of females use silence to express pain. You know she’s truly hurt when she chooses to ignore you.
- 一些调查显示,70%的女人用沉默表达痛苦。当她选择忽略你的时候她是真的受伤了。
- Women can understand and read emotions better than men but sometimes they are emotionally vulnerable.
- 女人有时比男人更容易理解情感,她们更容易在情感上受伤。
- A woman’s favorite song will tell you more about her feelings than her lips ever will.
- 女人喜欢的歌曲比她的语言更能表达她的感受。
- When a woman tells you about her problems it does not mean that she is complaining. It only means she trusts you.
- 当女人告诉你她的问题时,她不是在抱怨,而是因为她信任你。
- According to researchers women who have shown ideal and perfect body images usually lower their satisfaction with their own attractiveness.
- 研究显示,有表现欲和理想完美身材的女人通常对自己的吸引力不太满意。
- Women looks more attractive when they are fertile.
- 女人处于可生育期时更有吸引力。
- Women are more prone to extreme mood swings. They tend to think more of those who ignore them than those who constantly talk to them.
- 女性更容易产生极端的情绪波动。她们更重视那些忽略她们的人而不是那些经常与她们交流的人
- Women can empathize more can feel what others feel and are highly caring and protective to their loved ones.
- 女性更能感同身受,可以感到其他人的感受并高度关心和保护她们挚爱的人
- Females are more emotional compared to males.
- 女性比男性更感性
- Females are more likely to say "I’m sorry” because they are more likely to think they have done something wrong.
- 女性更容易说对不起,因为她们更容易认为是她们做错了事。
- Females are better at multitasking than males according to studies.For example household things cooking cleaning etc.
- 研究显示,女人更擅长同时处理多项事情。比如做家务,烹饪和打扫等等
- Females are better than males at remembering faces.
- 女性在记忆面部表情方面比男性做的更好
- Females deal with stress by joining or socializing with others where as males love to fly away or get into fight with others.
- 女性处理压力的方式是进行社交活动,而男性处理压力更倾向于远离人群或者投入战斗
- Men socialize by insulting each other but they don't really mean it...
- Women socialize by complementing each other and they don't really mean it either.
- 男人通过冒犯他人进行社交,但他们没有意识到这点。女人通过与他人互补进行社交,而且她们也没有意识到这一点
- Most women if not all have their own dream world and wish them to be true one day.
- 大多数女人并不是所有,有她们自己的理想世界,并且希望有一天能梦想成真
- If a girl asks you a question it’s better to just give her the truth. Chances are she’s asking you because she already knows the answer - They are good at this.
- 如果女孩问你问题,最好告诉她真相。很可能她问你是因为她已经知道了答案。她们很擅长这样做。
- Women tend to argue more with the person they care. If they don’t they aren't interested.
- 女人很擅长和她们在乎的人争吵,如果不是这样,说明她们不在乎你。
- Women are more attracted to men who pay attention someone who remember details about them without having to be reminded.
- 女人喜欢那种关心她们并在没有提示的情况下记住细节的男人
- Females have twice as many pain receptors on their body than males but a much higher tolerance than males.
- 女性的身体里有是男人两倍的痛苦受体,但是女人的忍耐力比男人更高
- Women are better at remembering pretty girls’ faces because they are seen them as potential threats.
- 女人更能记住漂亮女孩的脸,因为她们是潜在的威胁。
- A study found that curvy women maybe more clever than skinny women due to fatty acids in their hips that improve their mental abilities.
- 研究发现富有曲线美的女性比骨瘦如柴的女性更聪明因为她们的屁股富含的脂肪酸能提升她们的智商。
- Women like forehead kisses above everything.
- 女人最喜欢被亲吻前额了
- Women tend to fall in love with those who talk naughty. Just know your limit or they may find you creepy pervert.
- 女人喜欢说话调皮的人,但要注意界限,否则她们会发现你是个变态。
- Women crave for sex more than men do.
- 女人比男人更喜欢性爱
- Females take longer time to make decision than males do but once they’ve made a decision they are more likely to stick to it..
- 女人做决定所花的时间比男人更长,但是一旦她们下了决定,她们更容易坚持这个决定。
- Humor is associated with intelligence and honesty this is why most women tend to be attracted to men with a good sense of humor.
- 幽默与智商和真诚有关,这就是为什么女人喜欢有幽默的男人
- In every girl’s life there’s a boy she will never forget.
- 每个女孩的生命里都有一个难以忘怀的男孩
- Ignoring her is only teaching her how to live without you. You think she's suffering whole time she’s adjusting.
- 忽略她只会教会她如何在没有你的情况下生活。你认为她很难受,其实她一直在调整自己。
- Women’s eyes speak a lot and it’s a doorway to her heart
- 女人的眼睛可以透漏很多信息,眼睛是通向她的心门的路。