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个人注册公司有哪些好处(注册公司的十大好处)4 Convenient financing and credit personal financing and bank loans are more difficult owning a company is different able to apply for credit loans from banks corporate mortgages and other methods to raise funds etc. in this piece of capital can have a very good supplement. It is surprising that a good scope of business can attract venture capital large corporate acquisitions etc. which


In recent years many entrepreneurs will first register a company when starting a business which seems to be common knowledge but some entrepreneurs still think about why they want to open a company so today SFBC will tell you about ten benefits of registering a company.


1 Having a legal business subject which is also the mainstream of China's economic forms amd enjoying the protection of national policy more widely. After the establishment of the company the daily production and operation can deal with the government inspection and it can pour more and more thoughts into the customer instead of fearing inspection and hiding.


2. The need to work with customers and to operate with a license. The establishment of a company is obviously a prerequisite for the standardization and legitimization of operations. Imagine in the case of the same price and the same conditions will people usually pick a fully qualified business as a partner or nothing individual? Then we can understand that the establishment of a company is to a certain extent a great boost to the creditworthiness of the company and the integrity of the entrepreneur.


3 Facilitating the creation of the company brand the company registered not only has the qualification to apply for domestic trademarks the company is mutual branding. The company is the main body of the brand solid good reputation strong strength of the company often able to shape excellent brand these are every company happy to see but also every customer to the brand cognitive confidence guarantee.


4 Convenient financing and credit personal financing and bank loans are more difficult owning a company is different able to apply for credit loans from banks corporate mortgages and other methods to raise funds etc. in this piece of capital can have a very good supplement. It is surprising that a good scope of business can attract venture capital large corporate acquisitions etc. which in turn allows the business to grow rapidly.


5 The need for invoicing and business dealings. Invoicing is a step that can not be skipped. In the past you may be subject to some small business are not invoiced and do not have to develop invoices to buyers then you can only flow in this limited circle although not to meet the needs of your development. Large businesses and companies all need invoices and are the direction that a proper business should be heading towards. Setting up a company enables you to apply for and issue your own invoices plus you can offset tax if you meet certain conditions.


6 The purchase of social security for some foreign account entrepreneurs are trying to create a bigger blueprint for development here. According to today's policy many places in foreign countries individuals are not able to buy social security let alone enjoying social security treatment here. In this particular regulatory environment setting up a company can solve this problem as you as the employer can buy it so can your company staff.


7 The products and services to carry out Internet promotion. The global networked business environment requires entrepreneurs to have a network concept the implementation of network marketing plans in line with the development of the company. Nowadays the trend is hot in Tmall Mall Alibaba JD Mall and other major e-commerce requirements there is a need to have a business qualification this one that is individuals you can not enter you have to bring a business to. There are also increasingly stringent requirements from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to build a network to build a business website must have a company qualification. In other words for entrepreneurs who want to seek greater development whether actively or passively setting up a company will become the best choice.


8 Bear limited legal liability. Shareholders to its capital contribution as the limit the company's debts to bear the corresponding repayment responsibility. For example if you register a 100 000 yuan company the shareholders will be limited to 100 000 yuan to repay the debt and then can apply to the court for bankruptcy of the company at worst which will ultimately minimize the risk of shareholders operating. Unlike a self-employed person who has to bear unlimited joint and several liability a serious case will make their own and their family's economy suffer a heavy blow and it is not unexpected that they will lose all their money.


9. The company is a legal person capable of assuming independent civil liability carrying out various economic activities exercising various economic activities in the name of the company and playing an important role in promoting the image of the company and the marketing of its products (services). As an independent legal person it can invest in other types of companies and enjoy the rights and interests as a shareholder of a legal person. This is something that is not possible for the individual businessman or the general enterprise


10、Last but not least the registered company also enjoys preferential treatment for business start-ups and university students.

