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转基因西红柿营养含量(英国转基因西红柿)If government legislation gets through Parliament successfully the vitamin-boosting fruits could be among the first gene-edited crops allowed on supermarket shelves in England.One in six people in the UK are deficient in vitamin D which is vital to strong bones and muscles and helps reduce risk of cancer.Prof Cathie Martin who led the research at the John Innes Centre said that the development


  1. Gene-edited 基因编辑的

Tomatoes that boost the body's vitamin D could be among the first gene-edited crops allowed on sale in England.

  1. boost 促进;使增
  2. vitamin 维生素
  3. on sale 出售

Researchers in Norwich created the plants by turning off a specific molecule in their genetic code.

  1. turn off 关闭
  2. specific 特定的
  3. molecule [ˈmɒlɪkjuːl] 分子
  4. genetic code 遗传密码

A bill will be introduced on Wednesday to allow commercial growing of gene-edited crops in England.

  1. bill 法案
  2. commercial growing 商业种植

The technique is currently not used for food production in the UK because of rules set by the EU but Brexit has enabled the UK to set its own rules.

  1. because of 由于;因为
  2. Brexit 英国脱欧

One in six people in the UK are deficient in vitamin D which is vital to strong bones and muscles and helps reduce risk of cancer.

  1. be deficient in 缺乏
  2. be vital to 对…至关重要

Prof Cathie Martin who led the research at the John Innes Centre said that the development published in Nature Plants could be hugely beneficial.

  1. beneficial 有益的

"With humans half an hour in the sunshine every day is enough to make enough vitamin D. But a lot of people don't have that time outside and that's why they need supplements. The tomatoes themselves could provide another source of vitamin D in their diet."

  1. that's why 那就是为什么…
  2. supplement 增补(物);补充(物);添加物

If government legislation gets through Parliament successfully the vitamin-boosting fruits could be among the first gene-edited crops allowed on supermarket shelves in England.

  1. legislation [ˌledʒɪsˈleɪʃn]法规;法律;立法;制订法
  2. get through 通过
