1.1 批判式对立
(1)Archer Margaret S. 1982. “Morphogenesis versus Structuration: On Combining Structureand action.” The British Journal of Sociology.
(2)King Anthony. 1999. “Against Structure: A Critique of Morphogenetic Social Theory.” The Sociological Review 47 (2): 199–227.
(3)Piiroinen Tero. 2014. “For ‘Central Conflation’: A Critiqueof Archerian Dualism.” Sociological Theory 32 (2): 79–99.
(4)Wan Poe Yu-ze[万毓泽]. 2011. “Emergence À La Systems Theory: Epistemological Totalausschluss or OntologicalNovelty?” Philosophy of the Social Sciences 41 (2): 178–210.
命名:常见的是A Critique of 自己的立场中的关键词,或者直接来个vs.吧。
1.2 转换式对立
(1)Reed Isaac. 2008. “Justifying Sociological Knowledge: From Realism to Interpretation.” Sociological Theory 26 (2): 101–29.
(2)Hirschman Daniel and Isaac Reed. 2014. “Formation Stories and Causality in Sociology.” Sociological Theory 32 (4): 259–82.
1.3 比较式对话
(1)Liu Sida[刘思达] and Mustafa Emirbayer. 2016. “Field and Ecology.”Sociological Theory 34 (1): 62–79.
(2)Wang Yingyao[王颖曜]. 2016. “Homology and Isomorphism: Bourdieu in Conversation with New Institutionalism.” The British Journal of Sociology 67 (2): 348–70.
解读:虽然与Wan都是有两个关键词在标题中,但较于Wan的Intervention,此类更平和,不仅会用conversation,而且两个关键词本身往往相近,比如刘思达和王颖曜都是从field and ecology homology andisomorphism之间的亲近性出发,再谈其中的分歧,再进入对话。
(1)Wallerstein Immanuel. 2000. “From Sociology to Historical Social Science:Prospects and Obstacles.” The British Journal of Sociology 51 (1): 25–35.
(2)Opp Karl-Dieter. 2013. “What Is Analytical Sociology? Strengths and Weaknesses of a New Sociological Research Program.” SocialScience Information52 (3): 329–60.
(3)Zelditch Morris. 1992. “Problems and Progress in Sociological Theory.”SociologicalPerspectives 35 (3): 415–31.
(1)Heiskala Risto. 2014. “Toward Semiotic Sociology: A Synthesis of Semiology Semiotics and Phenomenological Sociology.” Social ScienceInformation 53 (1): 35–53.
(2)Stryker Robin. 1996. “Beyond History Versus Theory: Strategic Narrative andSociological Explanation.” Sociological Methods & Research 24 (3):304–352.
(3)Alwin D. F. “Integrating Varietiesof Life Course Concepts.” The Journals ofGerontology Series B no. 2 (March 1 2012): 206–20.
解读/命名:常见的是Toward beyond,integrating——把看似冲突地并在一起,让人觉得——我擦,其实不冲突,可以合在一起讲。比如Stryker(1996)是回应90s初的历史学与社会学间对立关系的争论,认为Narrative和explanation没法整合在一起。Moore(2011)把reproduction和event(=structuraltransformation)搞在了一起。
4.1 共时的脉络
(1)Karakayali Nedim. 2015. “Two Ontological Orientations in Sociology: Building Social Ontologies and Blurring the Boundaries of the ‘Social.’” Sociology 49 (4): 732–47.
(2)Elliott Anthony and Bryan S. Turner. 2015. “Three Versions of the Social.”Journal of Sociology 51 (4): 812–26.
(3)Porpora Douglas V. 1989. “Four Concepts of Social Structure.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 19 (2): 195–211.
解说/命名:一目了然,文章中就是说有几种类型,各有哪些特点。不用多说了。但可以有主有次(如Leistle)、有人有己,从而把综述式写成original article。可以直接在标题上写出几个维度(如简洁),也可以只说数字。主体内容,一般就是一种approach一个部分,最后有自己的看法,当然也可以成列联表(像Karakayali)
4.2 历时的梳理
(1)Kohli Martin. 2007. “The Institutionalization of the Life Course: Looking back to Look Ahead.” Research in Human Development4 (3–4): 253–271.
(2)Riley Matilda White. 1994. “Aging and Society: Past Present and Future.” The Gerontologist 34 (4): 436–446.
(1)Jindra Ines W. 2014. “Why American Sociology Needs Biographical Sociology—European Style.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (4): 389–412.
(2)Franzosi Roberto. “Narrative Analysis-Or Why (And How) Sociologists Should Be Interested in Narrative.” Annual Review of Sociology 24 (1998): 517–54.
解说/命名:标题中充满了张力。比如美国和欧洲、叙事/社会学、并以一种吸收人/惊讶的方式连接,关键在于第三点:why and how ..should be interested in..是重要性的问题。命名往往一生一熟,连接用need and as
6.1 甩你一脸问号!
(1)Emirbayer Mustafa and Ann Mische. 1998. “What Is Agency?” American Journal ofSociology 103 (4): 962–1023.
(2)Bunge Mario. 2004. “How Does It Work? The Search for Explanatory Mechanisms.” Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34 (2): 182–210.
命名:What Where How When……..?
6.2 宣言
(1)Emirbayer Mustafa. 1997. “Manifesto for a Relational Sociology.”AmericanJournal of Sociology 103 (2): 281–317.
(2)Wagner-Pacifici Robin. 2015. “A Manifestion for a Quantum Sociology of Events.” Divinatio no. 39–40: 49–60.
命名:宣言 自己创见(作为一个的新的理论研究纲领)
6.3 堆大词
(1)Bunge Mario. 1997. “Mechanism and Explanation.” Philosophy of the Social Sciences27 (4): 410–65.
(2)Ermakoff Ivan. 2015. “The Structure of Contingency.” American Journal of Sociology121 (1): 64–125.
(3)Gorski Philip S. 2016. “The Matter of Emergence: Material Artifacts and SocialStructure.” Qualitative Sociology 39 (2): 211–15.
(4)Sewell William H. 1992. “A Theory of Structure: Duality Agency and Transformation.” American Journal of Sociology 98 (1): 1–29.
7.1 脉络在人物中:以韦伯为例
(1)Guzmán Sebastián G. 2015. “Substantive-Rational Authority:The Missing Fourth Pure Type in Weber’s Typology of Legitimate Domination.” Journalof Classical Sociology 15 (1): 73–95.
(2)Kalberg Stephen. 1980. “Max Weber’s Types of Rationality:Cornerstones for the Analysis of Rationalization Processes in History.” AmericanJournal of Sociology85 (5): 1145–1179.
(3)布鲁默:Azarian R. (2017). Joint Actions Stories and Symbolic Structures: A Contribution to Herbert Blumer’s ConceptualFramework. Sociology51 685–700.
解说:以韦伯 missing为标题的有好些。这种命名法一般适用于韦伯学这种实在是大家中大家。“韦伯学”本来就是一个脉络,因而能说清楚韦伯文本中的missing/type,挑战“韦伯式常识”(理性、权威),就很了不起了。不过,需要提醒的是,这种类型往往要注意新观点与老文本之间的融贯性——光批评是没用的,还要证明老文本中已有暗示。
命名:人名’s 或者 in 人名
7.2 人物在脉络中:以福柯为例
(1)Lemke Thomas. 2015. “New Materialisms: Foucault andthe ‘Government of Things.’” Theory Culture & Society 32 (4): 3–25.
(2)Olssen Mark. 2008. “Foucault as Complexity Theorist: Overcoming the Problems of ClassicalPhilosophical Analysis.” Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (1):96–117.
(3)Sayer Andrew. 2012. “Power Causality and Normativity: A Critical Realist Critique of Foucault.” Journal of Political Power 5(2): 179–94.
(4)塔尔德 King Anthony. 2016. “Gabriel Tarde and Contemporary Social Theory.”Sociological Theory 34 (1): 45–61.
命名:呈现出旧人物(如Foucault/Tarde) and /as/critique of 新脉络(如New Materialisms/Complexity/ ANT)
7.3 多人物联合写作:Beyond
(1)Lizardo Omar. 2010. “Beyond the Antinomies of Structure: Levi-Strauss Giddens Bourdieu and Sewell.” Theory and Society 39 (6): 651–88.doi:10.1007/s11186-010-9125-1.
(2)Elder-Vass D. (2007) 'Reconciling Archer and Bourdieu in an Emergentist Theory ofAction'. Sociological Theory 25:4 325-46.
当然不能忘了Beyond…似乎在中文社会学界,不太会标题上出现一连串的人物。我认为这是很可惜的一件事。如果有本事在标题上出现像Omar Lizardo这样的【学术自信】,我相信是好事。