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十七天背完gre单词(每天一个GRE单词002GASH)Vandyke abrade abrasion abysm abyss amputate arroyo ax bark bezel birthmark bisect blaze blazeatrail blemish bloody blotch bones boxcanyon brand breach break burn butcher canal canalize canyon carve castemark cavity chafe chaff chalk chalkup chamfer channel chap chase chasm check checkoff checkmark chimney chink chip chisel chop cicatrix cicatrize c

Gash /gæʃ/ n.深长的伤口 裂缝


Definition of Gash

Pronunciation: /gæʃ/

v. t.


To make a gash or long deep incision in; - applied chiefly to incisions in flesh.在…上开一个深而长的切口;-主要用于肉的切口。

Grievously gashed or gored to death.- Hayward.



A deep and long cut; an incision of considerable length and depth particularly in flesh.又深又长的伤口;相当长且深的切口,尤指在肉中。

Related Words ‘325个’

Vandyke abrade abrasion abysm abyss amputate arroyo ax bark bezel birthmark bisect blaze blazeatrail blemish bloody blotch bones boxcanyon brand breach break burn butcher canal canalize canyon carve castemark cavity chafe chaff chalk chalkup chamfer channel chap chase chasm check checkoff checkmark chimney chink chip chisel chop cicatrix cicatrize claw cleave cleft cleuch clough col concussion corrugate corrugation coulee couloir crack crackle cranny craze crena crenellate crenulate crevasse crevice crimp culm cutapart cutaway cutintwo cutoff cwm dado dapple dash deadwood defile define delimit dell demarcate depression dichotomize dike discolor discoloration dishwater dissever ditch donga dot draff draw dregs dust earmark engrave engraving excavation excise fault filings fissure flashburn flaw fleck flick flume flute fluting fracture fray frazzle freckle fret furrow gall gap gape garbage goffer gorge gouge graving groove gulch gulf gully hack halve hatch hogwash hole hurt husks impress imprint incise incision indent indentation injure injury jag jigsaw jog joggle joint jot kerf kloof knurl laceration lance leak leavings lees lentigo lesion line machicolate macula maim makeamark makemincemeatof mark markoff markout marking maul microgroove mill moat mole mortalwound mottle mutilate mutilation nevus nick nip nock notch nullah offal offscourings open opening orts pare parings pass passage patch pencil pepper picot pink pleat plow point polkadot potsherds prick print prune punch punctuate puncture rabbet rags raspings ravine refuse rend rent riddle rifle rifling rift rime rip rive ruck run rupture rut savage saw scald scallop scar scarification scarify scissor scissure scorch score scotch scourings scrapiron scrape scraps scratch scratching scuff scum seal seam second-degreeburn serrate sever shards shavings skin slack slag slice slit slop slops slot snip sore speck speckle splash split splotch spot sprain stab stabwound stain stamp stick stigma stigmatize strain strawberrymark streak stria striate striation stripe stubble sulcation sulcus sunder sweepings swill tares tattoo tattoomark tear third-degreeburn tick tickoff tittle tooth trace trauma traumatize trench trough underline underscore valley void wadi wastage waste wastematter wastepaper watermark weeds well-worngroove whittle wound woundsimmedicable wrench wrinkle
