趣味英语谜语100题(趣学语言脑筋急转弯)5. Answer: teapot. (The pronunciation of letter C is the same as the word sea.)3. Answer: Wet! (It will be wet in the water. There is no change of the colour.)4. Answer: Letter C.
这期与大家分享5个英语谜语riddles,快让脑子转起来,看看你猜对了没有。Question 1: Why did the boy eat his homework?Question 2: How many letters are there in the alphabet?
Question 3: If you drop a yellow hat into the red sea what does it become?
Question 4: Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?
Question 5: What begins with T ends with T and has T in it?
1. Answer: His teacher said it was a piece a cake!
(The teacher meant that the homework is easy. Silly boy!)
2. Answer: Eleven! (Most people answer 26 but count
( The letters in "the alphabet": t - h - e - a - l - p - h - a - b - e - t)
3. Answer: Wet!
(It will be wet in the water. There is no change of the colour.)
4. Answer: Letter C.
(The pronunciation of letter C is the same as the word sea.)
5. Answer: teapot.
(Teapot starts with T and ends with T and has tea in it.)