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划船出游自由行(免费划船游欧洲)avid['ævɪd]:adj.渴望的,热心的“绿色皮艇”提供了基本的装备:一件救生衣、一只桨、垃圾捡拾器、垃圾桶和两个小时的免费皮划艇时间。你不一定得是一名经验丰富的皮划艇运动员或狂热的游泳爱好者,因为你不需要与水进行直接的身体接触(谢天谢地)。To bring awareness to the problem of water pollution Greenkayak a Denmark-based environmental group is letting travelers kayak for free on a number of Europe’s rivers and lakes—as long as they pick up any garbage they find along the way which is a lot less disgusting than



Photo: Greenkayak (Facebook)

All over the world our oceans lakes and rivers are full of trash. There’s a heap of plastic garbage swirling around in the Pacific Ocean right now and much of it is the result of our own littering and improper trash disposal. Some waterways in Europe suffer the same littering problem which led to the EU banning single-use plastics like cutlery and bags outright back in March.


To bring awareness to the problem of water pollution Greenkayak a Denmark-based environmental group is letting travelers kayak for free on a number of Europe’s rivers and lakes—as long as they pick up any garbage they find along the way which is a lot less disgusting than it sounds.



Greenkayakers are provided with the basics: a life-vest a paddle a trash picker a bucket for the garbage and two hours of free kayak-time. You don’t need to be an experienced kayaker or an avid swimmer as you won’t need to make direct physical contact with the water (thankfully).



Since the program began in April 2017 Greenkayakers have collected nearly 24 000 pounds of trash—including plastic bags bottles lighters shoes and tote bags—from European waterways.


tote bag:大手提袋,托特包


Photo: Greenkayak (Facebook)

“In Denmark people hang out on canals and eat pizza and unfortunately see trash floating by ” Tobias Weber-Andersen one of Greenkayak’s co-founders told USA Today of the program’s origin.


“You can’t take your shirt off and jump in but you can get in a GreenKayak and make an impact.”


Currently the program provides kayaks in cities throughout Germany Ireland Norway and Denmark. If you want to take advantage of the free kayak tour a city from its river and do your part to curb the problem of water pollution you can sign up for a time on Greenkayak’s website.


And if you’re grossed out by the idea remember: Trash is everywhere and paying for a kayak somewhere “cleaner” is a pointless endeavor.


gross out:惹人讨厌;冒犯



