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晚安方知人间冷暖(晚安世间浮沉你是人间归途)The world is floating you are the way back.世间浮沉,你是人间归途。He is not the best but he is light in my world.英语课,老师抽他回答问题woman这个单词什么意思,他是个英语白痴,我对他使了个眼色,然后指指自己。他看了看我,一脸可爱地说“宝贝'”。 ​​​​In English class the teacher asked him to answer the question "woman". He is an English idiot. I winked at him and pointed to myself. He looked at me and said "baby" lovingly. ​​​​

我浑浑噩噩走过二十年,做过天上仙也受过万人谴 ,自以为甘甜苦楚全都尝过一遍 ,可只当你回首看我一眼,才知这 是人间。

I have been ignorant for 20 years. I have been a celestial immortal and condemned by thousands of people. I think I have tasted all the sweet and bitter things. But only when you look back at me can you know that this is the world.



He is not the best but he is light in my world.


英语课,老师抽他回答问题woman这个单词什么意思,他是个英语白痴,我对他使了个眼色,然后指指自己。他看了看我,一脸可爱地说“宝贝'”。 ​​​​

In English class the teacher asked him to answer the question "woman". He is an English idiot. I winked at him and pointed to myself. He looked at me and said "baby" lovingly. ​​​​



The world is floating you are the way back.


你是日落弥漫的橘,天边透亮的星,你值得我这翻山越岭的喜欢。 ​​​​

You are the orange with sunset and the bright star in the sky. You are worthy of my love. ​​​​



One day your quilt will be changed into the color I like your wardrobe will be mixed with my floral skirt your mirror will be filled with my cosmetics and your children will be like me.




“因为太想拥抱你,三步并做两步走。” ​​​​

"As long as you take a step forward I'll take the remaining 66 steps."

"Why don't you have 99 steps left?"

"Because I want to hug you so much three steps are only two steps." ​​​​


喜欢而不被喜欢大概是,怕水不会游泳的人,每天还是要鼓起勇气潜入海底,去敲敲这个人的心 ,从来不会去学会教训,因为全都甘愿。 ​​​​

Like you and you don't like me it's like a person who is afraid that the water can't swim. Every day he or she should summon up courage to dive into the sea and knock on this person's heart. He or she will never learn a lesson because he or she is willing. ​​​​



These trivial things derived from you in a few years like a day's day and night melt into a soft and distant river of light still shining on me.


【图片来源: mood.doop】
