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Welcome to Firry's learning log. This is the _129th day of my record.













▶“我对任何唾手可得,快速,出自本能,即兴,含混的事物没有信心。我相信缓慢,平和,细水流长的力量,踏实,冷静。我不相信缺乏自律精神和,不自我建设,不努力,可以得到个人或集体的解放。” ——卡尔维诺








  • 四本中文书
  • 杨帅每日三句


❶I wish you all the best in the year of the tiger. 祝您虎年万事如意。

❷Wishing you health wealth 祝您在新的一年里

and happiness in the year ahead. 健康、富有、幸福。

❸Out with the old in with the new. 辞旧迎新

Sending you my best wishes for 谨向您致以最美好的祝愿

better days ahead in the year of the tiger. 祝您虎年万事如意。

  • Albert


Pethetic itty-bitty; petite; small; mediocre; tolerable; acceptable; big; huge; substant ial; hefty; massive; ginormous; astronom ical

  • Jessica卡卡课堂


01She is having / carrying a baby. 02She is expecting.

03She has a bun in the oven.

04She is in the family way. 05She is eating for two.

  • 其他


以书为伴 Unit 6 Companionship of Books 第六课以书为伴 A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company whether it be of books or of men. 通常可由一个人所阅读的书以及所结交的朋友而知 其为人;因为书可作伴就和人可作伴一样;而且人 们应该永远与最好的为伴,不管是书或是人。 A good book may be among the best of friends. 一本好书可能就是最好的朋友之一。 It is the same today that it always was and it will never change.










▶进度__163__ /313



▶进度__134__ /193

❸ 原版书《The Old Man and the Sea 》


▶进度_01 /52

❹ 《大学》刘强编译➽20220124开始

▶第八章修身齐家 第七章修身正心 第六章诚意

▶进度__34__ %

❺ 散文

▶谁偷走了我们的美感? 纸寿千年

❻ 有声记录


▶英:better ideas等
