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国外寓言故事大全6-12岁(双语寓言故事二百一十三)“我们不能再这样争执下去了,让我们双方各派一个代表,我们讲和吧,好不好? ” 豹子首先向狮子提出了自己的想法,“我方决定派猫作为我们的代表,它是一个内心善良的小精灵。至于你们呢,可以选择驴子作为代表,它的地位比较高…… 总之,你们要相信我,我是你们的朋友,我所说的任何一句话都是可靠的。由猫和驴子谈判好了,我们双方再一致批准。”从前,狮子和豹子是一对死冤家。它们总是因为一些事情而争吵不休。有时候,它们会为了一座山头、一个洞穴、一片森林而大动干戈。有时候,它们还会为了一头野兽、一片湖泊而大吵大闹。到底谁对谁错,它们可没工夫去研究,因为强者无视法律。它们有自己的一套不成文的规定:谁最后赢了,谁就占有永恒的真理;输了的话,就只有任人摆布的份儿了。但是,当胜负难分的时候,这战斗也不能继续打下去了,难道非得弄个头破血流不成?这个时候,它们就会自动退出战争,迎来短暂的和平时期。在这段时期中,它们甚至可以

Lions and Leopards

Once upon a time the lion and the leopard were sworn enemies. They are always fighting about something. Sometimes they fight over a hill a cave a forest. Sometimes they would quarrel with each other over a wild animal or a lake. They have no time to study who is right and who is wrong for the strong ignore the law. They have their own set of unwritten rules: whoever wins in the end takes possession of eternal truth; If you lose you're at the mercy of others. But when the result is too close to call the battle cannot go on must it be broken and bloodied? At this point they will automatically withdraw from the war and usher in a brief period of peace. During this period they can even become good friends. But that friendship could only last on the eve of the next war.

"We can't keep arguing like this. Let's send a representative from each side and make peace shall we?" The leopard first put forward his idea to the lion "We have decided to send the cat as our representative he is a kind spirit. As for you you may choose the donkey who has a higher status... In a word you must believe me I am your friend whatever I say is reliable. Let it be negotiated between the cat and the Donkey and then we will agree."

The lion thought the leopard's proposal was very good but he chose the fox instead of the Donkey as the leopard suggested.

The lion said to himself "Think carefully about the tactics your enemy has given you."

Even if your opponent's advice seems credible don't be wary. Why would your opponent try to benefit you?




“我们不能再这样争执下去了,让我们双方各派一个代表,我们讲和吧,好不好? ” 豹子首先向狮子提出了自己的想法,“我方决定派猫作为我们的代表,它是一个内心善良的小精灵。至于你们呢,可以选择驴子作为代表,它的地位比较高…… 总之,你们要相信我,我是你们的朋友,我所说的任何一句话都是可靠的。由猫和驴子谈判好了,我们双方再一致批准。”


精通世故的狮子自言自语地说道:“敌人给你的策略 你可要仔细考虑考虑。”

