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美语中常用的45个短语(今日美语与)This coach tried to soft pedal his team's chance to win the title but from everything I hear he really ought to have the number one team in the whole country.这位教练说自己的球队获得全国冠军的机会并不怎么大 但是从我听到的种种消息,他的球队实在是全国数一数二的。


1、soft soap 意思是“奉承”或者是“过分地恭维”某个人。Soft soap大概是指奉承的话跟肥皂水一样滑溜。

Don't listen to this guy. He is full of soft soap about what a great bargain he is selling.


2、soft pedal,Pedal指的踏板,就像钢琴下面的踏板,或者是缝纫机或自行车的踏板。Soft pedal的意思是不强调你正在说的事,就像我们常说的“低调处理”。

This coach tried to soft pedal his team's chance to win the title but from everything I hear he really ought to have the number one team in the whole country.

这位教练说自己的球队获得全国冠军的机会并不怎么大 但是从我听到的种种消息,他的球队实在是全国数一数二的。
