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保罗麦卡特尼同台(80岁生日说出披头士乐队解散的原因)The breakup of Lennon's marriage to Cynthia spurred McCartney to write ‘Hey Jude ’ for Lennon's son; it would go on to be the Beatles' most successful single.列侬与辛西娅的婚姻破裂促使麦卡特尼为列侬的儿子写了《嘿 裘德》它成为了披头士乐队最成功的单曲。McCartney married Eastman in 1969 - and Lennon married Ono just days later after divorcing his first wife Cynthia whom he and the band had known since childhood.麦卡特尼于 1969 年与伊士曼结婚 -

Rock and Roll legend Paul McCartney is celebrating his 80th birthday on June 18 prompting a look back on an incredible life and career.摇滚传奇人物保罗麦卡特尼将于 6 月 18 日庆祝他的 80 岁生日,这促使人们回顾了他令人难以置信的生活和职业生涯。

Famed as part of legendary 60s band the Beatles McCartney and his bandmates Ringo Star John Lennon and George Harrison were the most popular and influential band in the world.作为 60 年代传奇乐队-披头士的一员、麦卡特尼和他的乐队成员林戈·斯塔、约翰·列侬和乔治·哈里森是世界上最受欢迎和最有影响力的乐队。

Their music symbolised an era of freedom and experimentation and the foursome soon became psychedelic avatars whose outspoken views on politics sexual freedom and drug use challenged the status quo of stuffy gone-by eras.他们的音乐象征着一个自由和实验的时代,四人组很快成为迷幻化身,他们对政治、性自由和吸毒的直言不讳的观点挑战了沉闷的过去时代的现状。

Their split in 1970 traumatised fans but the music they created at their glorious peak has been discovered and cherished by each subsequent generation. McCartney and writing mate John Lennon created a song catalogue revered for its wit sophistication and enduring beauty.他们在 1970 年的分道扬镳给歌迷带来了创伤,但他们在辉煌巅峰时期创作的音乐却被后世的每一代人发现和珍视。麦卡特尼和写作伙伴约翰列侬创建了一个歌曲目录,因其机智、复杂和持久的美丽而备受推崇。

They went from fairly simple rockers like "She Loves You" to unique layered masterpieces like "Penny Lane" and "Strawberry Fields Forever" in four short years of astonishing artistic growth.在短短四年的惊人艺术发展中,他们从“She Loves You”等相当简单的摇滚乐到“Penny Lane”和“Strawberry Fields Forever”等独特层次的杰作。

Why did the Beatles split up?披头士乐队为何分道扬镳?

McCartney and Lennon the creative heart of the band started to spend less time together as the pair found love McCartney with American photographer Linda Eastman and Lennon with famous artist Yoko Ono.麦卡特尼和乐队的创意核心列侬开始减少在一起的时间,因为他们找到了爱情,麦卡特尼与美国摄影师琳达伊士曼,列侬与著名艺术家小野洋子。

McCartney married Eastman in 1969 - and Lennon married Ono just days later after divorcing his first wife Cynthia whom he and the band had known since childhood.麦卡特尼于 1969 年与伊士曼结婚 - 几天后,列侬与小野在与他的第一任妻子辛西娅离婚后结婚,他和乐队从小就认识她。

The breakup of Lennon's marriage to Cynthia spurred McCartney to write ‘Hey Jude ’ for Lennon's son; it would go on to be the Beatles' most successful single.列侬与辛西娅的婚姻破裂促使麦卡特尼为列侬的儿子写了《嘿 裘德》它成为了披头士乐队最成功的单曲。

Was Paul McCartney’s solo career a success?保罗麦卡特尼的独唱生涯成功了吗?


After a series of acrimonious financial and creative disputes in 1970 McCartney signalled the Beatles would part ways by releasing his first solo album.在经历了一系列激烈的财务和创意纠纷之后,1970 年,麦卡特尼暗示披头士乐队将通过发行他的第一张个人专辑而分道扬镳

McCartney found success in his post-Beatles life with sixteen albums under his belt (not including collaborations) and was still capable of selling out the world's largest arenas in his 70s.麦卡特尼在披头士乐队后的生活中取得了成功,他发行了 16 张专辑(不包括合作专辑),并且在 70 多岁时仍然能够在世界上最大的舞台上销售一空。

McCartney went on to form the band Wings in 1971 - giving his wife Linda a place in the band despite her limited musical range. The band lasted for a decade before he embarked on a solo career again.麦卡特尼在 1971 年继续组建了 Wings 乐队——尽管她的音乐范围有限,但他的妻子琳达在乐队中占有一席之地。在他再次开始独奏生涯之前,乐队持续了十年。

Paul and Linda launched a vegan food line together in the 90s and fought for animal rights causes. Linda died of breast cancer in 1998 after nearly 30 years of marriage.保罗和琳达在 90 年代一起推出了纯素食品系列,并为动物权利事业而奋斗。琳达在结婚近 30 年后于 1998 年死于乳腺癌。

McCartney married Heather Mills in 2002 but the marriage collapsed after four years leading to an ugly divorce in 2008 that attracted much media attention.麦卡特尼于 2002 年与希瑟米尔斯结婚,但四年后婚姻破裂,导致 2008 年丑陋的离婚引起了媒体的广泛关注。

Mills testified that McCartney was an abusive husband and made a number of sordid assertions that were rejected by the judge. The divorce case shed light on the scope of McCartney's personal fortune which was estimated to be €760 million and included luxury real estate and artworks by Pablo Picasso and Auguste Renoir.米尔斯声称麦卡特尼曾虐待她并列举了许多肮脏的证词,但这些证词都被法官驳回了。离婚案揭示了麦卡特尼的个人财富范围,估计为 7.6 亿欧元,其中包括豪华房地产和巴勃罗·毕加索和奥古斯特·雷诺阿的艺术品。

来源:Everything you need to know about Paul McCartney on his 80th birthday | Euronews
