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mariasherbinina作品赏析(解体 妮可科迪尼尔艺术作品赏读)

mariasherbinina作品赏析(解体 妮可科迪尼尔艺术作品赏读)孩子意识到了这个男人捏住鸭子脖子的险恶而自恋的一面,并试图伸出她的手来挽救鸭子;她的母亲把孩子的手拉了回去,因为这个男人用他的鳄鱼头试图迷惑她的徒劳尝试让她感到恶心,因为他无法以任何形式摆脱自己的真实角色。他试图用一只手捂着脸来掩盖自己的现实,但过去受害者的影子不断浮现出来。The child recognises the sinister narcissistic aspect of the man crushing the duck at its neck and tries to save it with her hand outstretched; her mother pulls the child’s hand away sickened by the man’s futile attempts to charm her under his crocodile head as

mariasherbinina作品赏析(解体 妮可科迪尼尔艺术作品赏读)(1)




There is nothing premeditated concerning my art save for the procuring of the paint and canvas and preparing the floor. Its entirety unfolds as the varying tools of application are unconsciously directed by my hand. The outcome is a mere depiction of sorrow nurturing love and intuition depletion surrender suffering and unlitmately my sentiment and observations of humanity. Artistically painting for me is an attempt to soothe my soul while recognising unveiling and ultimately celebrating others.


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mariasherbinina作品赏析(解体 妮可科迪尼尔艺术作品赏读)(3)

The artist presents an interpretation of society through the feelings of pain and the fractured sense self that she has absorbed from others that she has worked and interacted with; confused in perceived helplessness and hopelessness in the alienation of predictability stability and therefore the known of even themselves.


mariasherbinina作品赏析(解体 妮可科迪尼尔艺术作品赏读)(4)

mariasherbinina作品赏析(解体 妮可科迪尼尔艺术作品赏读)(5)

The child recognises the sinister narcissistic aspect of the man crushing the duck at its neck and tries to save it with her hand outstretched; her mother pulls the child’s hand away sickened by the man’s futile attempts to charm her under his crocodile head as he is unable to free himself from his real character in any guise. He attempts with one hand by his face to hide his reality but the shadows of his past victims keep coming to the fore.


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mariasherbinina作品赏析(解体 妮可科迪尼尔艺术作品赏读)(7)
