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贾跃亭为梦想窒息的ppt演讲(贾跃亭英文演讲)大家下午好,感谢你们出席今天的全员会。Good afternoon everyone,Thank you for being here.FF称,在全员大会后,FF全体员工收到了承诺的期权。他们通过登录自己的Solium账户,查看到股权信息。贾跃亭FF全员会演讲全文:Fight to the First


雷帝网 乐天 3月22日报道

乐视控股创始人贾跃亭在此亮相美国FF全员大会,并用英文进行演讲。贾跃亭透露了一些FF 91及工厂的进度细节,称FF获得15亿美元融资,其中5.5亿美元已经到账。

贾跃亭说,汉福德工厂已经正式动工 ,所有的长周期生产设备都已经下单。






Fight to the First

Good afternoon everyone,Thank you for being here.


Today I would like to talk about the management transformation of our company ,in order to deliver FF 91 on time and realize our vision.

今天 我讲话的主题是公司变革,以按时交付FF 91,实现我们的愿景。

We have already achieved some transformational victories,in the first quarter of this year. During restart phase we have secured more than 1.5 Billion US dollars investment with $550 Million already in the bank.

我们已经在今年一季度 取得一些变革性胜利。在公司重启阶段,我们成功融到超过15亿美金 其中5亿5千万已经到账。

We have hired many top new talents We are even seeing some people realize the grass is not always greener on the other side. And we have welcomed them back through Home Coming Program. We have re-engaged our suppliers at CES and Global Supplier Summit and we have released a majority of the vehicle parts.

我们招聘了许多顶尖人才,我们甚至看到,其中一些人已经意识到那山并不一定比这山高。我们也通过归巢计划,把他们招了回来。我们已经在CES和全球供应商峰会中重启供应商关系 放行了FF 91的大部分零件。

I will share with you for the first time Construction at Hanford factory has already started We have ordered all the long lead-time equipment.

我第一次和大家分享,汉福德工厂已经正式动工 ,所有的长周期生产设备都已经下单。

And great news Shortly after this meeting you will be able to log in to your Solium account and see your stock options We are all owners of FF.


These achievements demonstrate our progress more than just words – these are actions. Thank you for making these possible


However we must consider the challenges that lie ahead. You all know that we have a grand vision that is unique. but this year we must focus on our 5 strategic goals In order to achieve these challenging goals we need to transform the management of our company in three ways.


First we must transform our organization. I believe Strategy determines organization organization determines success. We will finalize the tier 2 and 3 organization with clear roles and responsibilities We will rebuild the muscle in key areas through hiring top talents . and give everyone the necessary tools to be successful。


Second we need to transform our operations from chaotic to organized and manual to digital As you all know McKinsey is an industry leader in change management. They are working side by side with us to transform our operations to be data driven process driven and transparent. As an example we have set up the FF 91 program control tower on the second floor of the big building Any employee can look at the details and we encourage you to do so. Soon you will see the cloud based control tower around our buildings. This shows our commitment to management transformation and improve your daily experience at FF

第二,运营变革。要进行集中化、数字化改革。众所周知,麦肯锡在变更管理方面是行业领袖。他们正与我们并肩努力,实现运营数据化、流程化、透明化。举个例子,我们已在二楼建起FF 91项目控制塔。


Lastly we must transform our culture. including how we communicate. I realize we have an organization that has many tribes Changing our culture is going to take hard work The change should start from me.


Many of you know I am trying to improve my English Many days I wish I could wake up one day and speak English like you do.

That would make me happier than getting $1 Billion US dollars. I am NOT kidding Learning a new language at my age is a big challenge. But I put in the work because I think it’s worth fighting for The bigger the fight the sweeter the victory



That is what our 2018 slogan Fight to the First describes. Just as we will fight for a better culture. We will fight to get the first of the new species - FF 91 on the road And we will fight until January first to produce FF 91 We will fight for FF to be the first of a new species to lead the future of mobility

这正是我们2018年的口号Fight to the First的含义。正如我们为改善文化努力奋斗一样,我们要为第一辆FF 91的投产而努力奋斗。我们要坚持奋斗,直到1月1号首辆FF 91下线。我们要为成为首个新物种而努力奋斗。

Finally I want to remind everyone that we must Fight to the First as a team. A quick show of hands -- how many of you watched the Winter Olympics a few weeks ago? Did any of you see the team speed skating events?This sport is very interesting to me because is not measured by which member of the team finishes first but which member finishes last. When the team works Together it is beautiful to watch.


So how does this apply to FF? First we need to build team chemistry A team that has great chemistry will always outperform a team that has great individuals For those teams that are stable we must find a way to support our teams that have not had time to rebuild their strength.And for those teams that are recovering you have the full weight of our resources to catch up with urgency


My commitment to you is I will remove roadblocks for our talented employees . so you can each do your part to launch FF 91. In summary some people – even people in our company – would say getting FF 91 on the road by the end of the year is impossible. However as I told our suppliers to make a miracle you have to be a little crazy. Its crazy people like us that make the impossible possible.

我对你们的承诺是,我要为优秀员工剔除路障。让你们顺利完成各自的部分,最终成功发布FF 91


Our management transformation starts today. Together let’s fight to the First

我们的管理变革从今日开始。一起,让我们Fight to the First。


