奇怪的算命真实故事(童年记忆之算命趣事)算命的特别熟悉这种情况,如果丢失的羊不是被狼吃了,就会被某一家收留了,等着主人来认领。所以算命先生蒙对的概率是很高的。比如,我小时候住的那个小山村主要住着哈萨克族牧民,大家都会遇到马、牛、羊丢失的问题,焦虑的失主就会去算命,通常失主的脸会出卖他,算命先生看一眼就知道他是丢了牲畜,就开始玩概率,他会说你的羊正困在某处,好像是在某个人的羊圈里,这两天如果找不到,就凶多吉少了。这样的氛围下,如果我们对他提出质疑,就是我们在亵渎他的神灵,而且他也会把自己的失误圆回来。有一次,他说妈妈有七个姊妹,我立刻反驳,他气炸了,妈妈吓傻了。因为妈妈家共五个姊妹,最后,这位算命先生对自己的失误解释说:因为今天他接待了太多,导致了他的神灵特别疲乏,难免会有些差错。算命者用这样的迷信的东西来蛊惑群众,伎俩实在可恶!伎俩二 :知晓通常事例法则生活在同一地域的,同一文化背景下的人们,通常有着共同的风俗习惯,生活习惯,遇
伎俩二 :知晓通常事例法则
There was a time when people in our village were keen on going to the fortuneteller to have their fortunes read among whom was my Mum. She would take me on a regular basis As time went by I found myself having some kind of epiphany which cast light upon their tricks of trade. Mum was very depressed because when you shake the belief that one has long held it is heartbreaking.As far as I'm concerned It is the first time that there have been a substantial divergence in cognition between Mum and me.
tricks of trade 1:
Create very mysterious atmosphere
Fortunetellers often create a seemingly sacred and mysterious atmosphere by their settings and speaking something unintelligible.
Take the Fortuneteller that Mum used to visit for instance his assistant said he spoke Arabian and His assistant claimed that he was talking with his jinn in a loud voice and in a whisper alternately and his authority was not allowed to be challenged.if so It seemed as if it was blasphemy for him . for instance on one occasion he said Mum had seven siblings and I said "No " in retort which made him hit the ceiling.Mum was paralyzed with fear.Later He explained that his jinn was exhausted because he had told too many fortunes thus causing that error.By using such tricks to fool the people the Fortunetellers are very mean.
Tricks of trade 2
Get the hang of everything that common to the specific people and area.
For instance My hometown a small village was mainly inhabited by nomadic Kazak ethnic group .As is often the case many people would lose their livestock for example if a shepherd lost one of his sheep he would go to the Fortuneteller and normally his concerned face gave him away. the Fortuneteller told him that his sheep was caged in someone's pen if not found in one or two days it would be at stake. Obviously the Fortuneteller had a good command of probability: At that time a lost sheep would be either eaten by a wolf or caged by a fellow shepherd waiting for its owner to claim it.
Tricks of trade 3.
Rule of thumb 经验法则
Many Fortunetellers are good observer .They closely observe the way people walk their initial greetings and their clothes.
They are also good microexpression experts. because faces and eyes are most revealing: a weathered face denotes he or she might do manual work;A depressed face of a young girl infers she might be dumped by her boy friend and a timid and flushed face suggests the girl longs for love…
Once My cousin went to have her fortune told and She is slim and tall with a fair complexion.The fortuneteller told her that she had loads of suitors among whom was a short guy who was declined. My cousin was stunned thinking he was uncanny really. but Do you think it hard to perceive a beautiful girl with lots of wooers among whom there should be one who is short and homely -looking?
In conclusion Fortunetellers never know what your future is in store for you! You are the architect of your own destiny.