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初三英语完形填空100篇(4篇精选英语完形填空题)( )1. A. creativity B. kindness C. courage D. fairnessIn July our school will have a graduation ceremony for all the Grade 9 students. Although I can't see my classmates very often after I graduate I 9 that I will keep in touch with them. We may 10 one another during holidays.I will always remember my class teacher Miss Cheung. She has been so nice to me and I'm thankful for her 1






A 易读度 ★☆☆

I will always remember my class teacher Miss Cheung. She has been so nice to me and I'm thankful for her 1 . I also thank my English teacher Miss Leung. She once said “Never 2 when there is a problem. There's always a solution (解决办法) if you keep working on it.” I gave my teachers little presents as I wanted to thank 3 for teaching me.

My friend Katie is a friendly girl. She is helpful too. She 4 helps me with my homework. I'm sure we will still be good 5 after we graduate. My classmate Thomas and his family will move to New York after graduation 6 we are going to hold a farewell (告别) party for him. I feel 7 to say goodbye to my classmates and teachers.

I haven't decided which high school I want to go to yet. The final examination is coming! I will try my best to get into a good 8 .

In July our school will have a graduation ceremony for all the Grade 9 students. Although I can't see my classmates very often after I graduate I 9 that I will keep in touch with them. We may 10 one another during holidays.

( )1. A. creativity B. kindness C. courage D. fairness

( )2. A. give up B. call back C. talk back D. show up

( )3. A. him B. her C. you D. them

( )4. A. never B. still C. only D. always

( )5. A. sisters B. cousins C. friends D. neighbors

( )6. A. so B. if C. unless D. because

( )7. A. sad B. proud C. shy D. nervous

( )8. A. bank B. hospital C. school D. museum

( )9. A. imagine B. regret C. request D. promise

( )10. A. help B. meet C. teach D. remind


B 易读度 ★★☆

It's hard to believe — but a beautiful silk dress comes from thousands of tiny worms (虫子) called silkworms! It takes about 5 500 silkworms to make 2.2 pounds of silk. The process was 1 by the Chinese about 5 000 years ago.

2 is silk made? The process starts with silkworm eggs. The eggs are collected and kept warm. After a few days silkworms come out of the eggs. They are 3 leaves from mulberry trees every 30 minutes all day and all night. The room 4 be kept warm without loud noises or bad smells. After a month they start to make cocoons (茧). After four days the cocoons are 5 .

The cocoons are heated and the silkworms are killed inside them. Then the cocoons are put into water to make the silk loose (松散的). The silk 6 three or four cocoons is put together and made into a thread (线). One cocoon can make a thread 1 kilometer long! 7 the silk threads are made into cloth and the cloth is used for things like dresses scarves and neckties.

Today silk is produced in many 8 including India and Thailand but more than 80 percent of the world's silk comes from China. Every year enough silk thread is 9 to go from the earth to the sun 300 times. People love silk clothes because they are beautiful and 10 — silk feels cool in warm weather and warm in cool weather. Now you know why silk is so expensive!

( )1. A. examined B. discussed C. mentioned D. discovered

( )2. A. How B. Why C. When D. Where

( )3. A. bought B. fed C. taken D. made

( )4. A. can B. must C. can't D. mustn't

( )5. A. late B. right C. ready D. over

( )6. A. for B. about C. with D. from

( )7. A. Gradually B. Finally C. Suddenly D. Recently

( )8. A. villages B. towns C. cities D. countries

( )9. A. wasted B. checked C. produced D. separated

( )10. A. soft B. bright C. expensive D. comfortable


C 易读度 ★★★

As a child Laura Dekker loved the sea. She was born on a boat in New Zealand and has 1 stepped off one since. Laura first sailed (乘船航行) by herself at age 6 showing a talent for understanding her boat and the confidence (自信) to 2 it. At 13 years old Laura set a big 3 for herself — becoming the youngest person ever to sail around the world alone.

4 she could do that she had to face many challenges. While her parents were confident that she could do it the Dutch government tried to stop 5 arguing that she was too 6 to risk her life. Many people also felt that she as a student should pay more attention to her 7 . After a long fight she finally got permission. But she had to go for classes to learn how to 8 herself while alone at sea and had to use a bigger boat than the one she was used to. To 9 falling behind in her studies she also had to promise to do her homework at sea.

Finally at the age of 14 Laura was ready. In August 2010 she 10 from the island of St. Maarten on her sailboat Guppy. Her trip lasted (持续) 518 days 11 partly because she had to stop at different ports (港口) to study and check her 12 . Laura was alone for most of her journey but she kept a blog that was read 13 many people around the world.

Laura 14 to St. Maarten at the age of 16 and was 15 by her family friends and many fans. She had become the youngest sailor to sail around the world alone.

( )1. A. nearly B. simply C. normally D. hardly

( )2. A. build B. sell C. control D. repair

( )3. A. date B. goal C. price D. record

( )4. A. Before B. Since C. Until D. Because

( )5. A. him B. her C. us D. them

( )6. A. tall B. short C. old D. young

( )7. A. job B. friends C. studies D. family

( )8. A. deal with B. care for C. look up to D. get on with

( )9. A. enjoy B. keep C. avoid D. practice

( )10. A. set out B. tried out C. hung out D. went out

( )11. A. by accident B. at first C. in total D. in person

( )12. A. car B. boat C. bike D. plane

( )13. A. for B. by C. with D. to

( )14. A. moved B. flew C. rode D. returned

( )15. A. greeted B. changed C. touched D. introduced


D易读度 ★★☆


also lead pass but sofa experience step danger it health

Blind people can't see so they need help getting around. Guide dogs can help them. People think guide dogs are pets (1)________ they are much more than that.

Guide dogs (2)________ their owners as they walk around. The dogs “see” (3)________ things and help their owners avoid them. This is why some people call guide dogs “seeing eye dogs”.

For the first (4)________ of guide dog training each baby dog is placed with a caring family until it is around one year old. The family cares for the baby dog making sure it stays (5)________ and learns to get along well with people. The family takes the baby dog to different places. They allow it (6)________ different environments and situations. The baby dog also learns good house manners. It learns to stay off furniture (家具) like (7)________ and beds.

When the dogs are about one year old they go to the guide dog training school. There they learn commands (命令) such as “go” “wait” and “stop”. They must (8)________ learn when to obey (遵守) and when not to obey. For example at a street corner a dog must not “go” when a car is coming even if (9)________ owner tells it to. When the training is finished each dog must take many tests. If it (10)________ it is carefully paired with a blind person to help him or her live a better life.

责编 | 杨宁

审稿 | 李栋

校稿 | 吕放



