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befullof的用法以及例句(除了fullof)Some believe that tourist sites usually teeming with visitors during the holidays will be still in 2020.下次我们想说 “一些人认为 那些节假日人头攒动的旅游景点今年恐怕要歇菜” 可以这么写.teem with 和be full of 意思相近 相比之下 更书面化一点.《经济学人》的一篇文章写道“油管这类的视频网站充斥着大量重复、劣质的视频”. 如果是你 你会怎么写呢?Sites like Youtube teem with videos that are duplicates or are so bad as to be unwatchable.teem with 也能理解为 have a great number of.

提到“充满...” 多数人想到的 恐怕是be full of.


His life has been full of sad moments.


be full of 是一个不错的表达. 然而 学英语时 我们需要多掌握些同义词 才能避免写作时表达匮乏的窘境.

teem with

teem with 和be full of 意思相近 相比之下 更书面化一点.《经济学人》的一篇文章写道“油管这类的视频网站充斥着大量重复、劣质的视频”. 如果是你 你会怎么写呢?

Sites like Youtube teem with videos that are duplicates or are so bad as to be unwatchable.

teem with 也能理解为 have a great number of.

下次我们想说 “一些人认为 那些节假日人头攒动的旅游景点今年恐怕要歇菜” 可以这么写.

Some believe that tourist sites usually teeming with visitors during the holidays will be still in 2020.


除了be full of和teem with 你还能想到其他表达吗? 我先提供2个 抛砖引玉.

replete with

《华盛顿邮报》4月4日的报道 有这么一句话:

Outside his house was a yard replete with flowers vegetables vines and trees.

replete是形容词 与with形成固定搭配 用法与be full of 一样 因此上句也能改写为

Outside his house was a yard full of flowers vegetables vines and trees.


abound with/ something abound(s)

有一个更简洁的表达 abound with.

The yard abounds with flowers vegetables vines and trees.

abound可以追根溯源到拉丁文abundāre (overflow溢出). 这也不难理解abound为什么表示“...大量存在”. 从它延伸出另一个很常用的形容词abundant.

我们也可以用something abound(s)表达“一个东西很多 很常见 很流行”.比如Lauren Green在一篇报道中提到

It's a very difficult concept in a world where pluralism abounds and is valued above any one truth.

  • be full of
  • teem with
  • replete with
  • sth abound(s)
  • abound with sth

天赋不够 努力来凑. 我是一天学习25小时的自学英语 期待在下篇文章与你相遇.
