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gre词汇用法总结(GRE词汇Day23:)■派: rehabilitation n.康复,复原■同: habilitate reclaim redeem regenerate■反: debilitate enervate enfeeble weaken 使虚弱;relapse I 曰病复发考点2: vi./vt.(使)洗心革面: to make better in behavior or character■e.g.an organization that rehabilitates criminals so they can reenter society 一个让罪犯洗心革面的机构,以便让他们能重返社会


rehabilitate 英 [ˌriːəˈbɪlɪteɪt] 美 [ˌriːəˈbɪlɪteɪt] vt. 使康复;使恢复名誉;使恢复原状 vi. 复兴;复权;恢复正常生活

考点1: vt.使复原,使康复: to restore to a former state (as of efficiency good management or solvency) or a healthy condition

e.g.n.ew policies in hopes of rehabilitating the national economy 被指望能振兴国家经济的新政策 She decided to undergo physical therapy to help rehabilitate her broken elbow.她决定采取理疗来治疗受伤的手肘。

: cure fix mend rejuvenate resuscitate revitalize revive set up

: debilitate enervate enfeeble weaken 使虚弱;relapse I 曰病复发

考点2: vi./vt.(使)洗心革面: to make better in behavior or character

e.g.an organization that rehabilitates criminals so they can reenter society 一个让罪犯洗心革面的机构,以便让他们能重返社会

: habilitate reclaim redeem regenerate

: rehabilitation n.康复,复原

imperious 英 [ɪmˈpɪəriəs] 美 [ɪmˈpɪriəs] adj. 专横的;迫切的;傲慢的

考点1: adj.爱发号施令的: fond of ordering people around

e.g.an imperious little boy who liked to tell the other scouts what to do 一个爱发号施令的小男孩,总是喜欢指挥别的童子军做事

: authoritarian autocratic despotic dictatorial domineering masterful tyrannical

考点2: adj.傲慢的,专横的: arrogantly domineering or overbearing

e.g.an imperious movie star who thinks she's some sort of goddess 一个把自己当成某种女神的傲慢的影星

: arrogant bumptious haughty lofty lordly peremptory pompous presumptuous supercilious superior

: humble lowly modest 谦逊的

考点3: adj.迫切的: intensely compelling

e.g.As war casualties mounted the need for trained nurses became imperious. 随着战争伤亡人数的攀升,对于受训护士的需求变得愈发迫切

: clamant compelling critical crying dire emergent exigent imperative importunate pressing urgent

: n.oncritical unimportant 不重要的

ally 英 [ˈælaɪ] 美 [ˈælaɪ] n. 同盟国;伙伴;同盟者;助手 vt. 使联盟;使联合 vi. 联合;结盟

考点1: n.盟友,支持者: one in helpful association with another

e.g.enter the war as an ally of America以美国的同盟者身份加入战争

: supporter confederate sympathizer

: adversary rival 对手

考点2: v.加入联盟: to enter into an alliance

e.g.several tribes allied to fend off the invaders 几个部落联合起来抵抗侵略者

: disband解散

volatile 英 [ˈvɒlətaɪl] 美 [ˈvɑːlətl] adj. [化学] 挥发性的;不稳定的;爆炸性的;反复无常的 n. 挥发物;有翅的动物

考点1: adj.多变的: characterized by or subject to rapid or unexpected change

e.g.a boss of volatile moods 一个性情多变的老板 The stock market can be very volatile.股市瞬息万变。

: capricious changeable fluid inconstant mercurial skittish temperamental variable versatile

: certain changeless constant immutable invariable settled stable stationary steady unchangeable unvarying 固定的,不变的

: v.olatility n.易变性,易挥发性

assert 英 [əˈsɜːt] 美 [əˈsɜːrt] vt. 维护,坚持;断言;主张;声称

考点1: vt.断言,肯定地说出: to state or declare positively and often forcefully or aggressively

e.g.asserted one's innocence坚称自己无罪

e.g.He asserted that there were corrupt officials in the government他断言道政府里面一定存在腐败的官员。

: aver allege avow avouch insist

: deny gainsay否认
