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乳腺癌化疗后明显缓解的英文(绝命毒师用英语说出化疗时会出现的反应)Without making any promises But the treatments we have at our disposal can be very effective.There's no denying it's very serious.Skyer: But is it It is curable? Doctor: I prefer the word "treatable."



Doctor: Non-small cell adenocarcinoma.(非小细胞腺癌)

Stage 3a which means it's spread

from the lung to the lymph nodes.(淋巴结)

There's no denying it's very serious.

Skyer: But is it It is curable?

Doctor: I prefer the word "treatable."

But the treatments we have at our disposal can be very effective.

Without making any promises

I can tell you that the specific course of

radiation and chemotherapy(放射和化疗)

I'm going to suggest has been successful.

In certain cases

it prolonged patients' lives and even resulted in remission.

remission: / rɪˈmɪʃ(ə)n/noun 缓解;宽恕;豁免

1.the cancellation of a debt charge or penalty.

"The scheme allows for the partial remission of tuition fees"

2.a temporary diminution of the severity of disease or pain.

"Ten patients remained in remission"

Walter: What about the side effects?(副作用)

Doctor: Well they can be mildto practically non-existent

mild: /mʌɪld/adjective温和的;轻微的;淡味的;文雅的;不含有害物质的的

1.not severe serious or harsh.

"mild criticism"

2.gentle and not easily provoked.

"She was implacable despite her mild exterior"

or they can be pretty darnawful.


It varies from patient to patient.

Typically there's hair loss(脱发)

which begins a couple of weeks after the start of chemotherapy.

You may find yourself unusually fatigued(疲劳) not much energy.

You won't want to get out of bed.

You may lose weight(消瘦)due to

reduced appetite and certain intestinal issues.


Muscle aches and pains gums get sore and bleed.


And of course there's the possibility of nausea.

nausea:/ˈnɔːsɪə -z-/noun呕吐

a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit.

"A wave of nausea engulfed him"

Although we'll prescribe an anti-emeticand try to counteract that.

(anti-emetic: /antɪɪˈmɛtɪk/止吐药)

Possible kidney or bladder irritation.

(kidney or bladder irritation: 肾脏或者膀胱过敏)

You may wind up with increased bruising and bleeding.

(bruising and bleeding: 淤青和出血)

There may be sexual side effects.

Your skin may become dry and irritated.



Usually stage 0 isin situ cancer(原位癌) that is abnormal cells are present but have not spread to nearby tissue;

stage 1is localised cancer(局限性癌) that is cancer is limited to the place where it started with no sign that it has spread ;

Stage 2 and stage 3 are called regional cancer(局部癌) that is cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes(淋巴结) tissues(组织) or organs(器官).

stage 2also usually includes spread to the nearest lymph nodes;

stage 3usually indicates more extensive lymph node involvement;

stage 4is distant cancer(扩散癌) always indicates distant spread.

资料来源:National Cancer Institution

