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卷福看到自己的偶像(卷福究竟喜欢茉莉还是艾琳)我不肯定卷福之前有没有意识到真心实意说出“我爱你”三个字是多么的困难,他第一次说的时候,我也不肯定他知不知道这是真心话,但第二次说的时候,明显是他的肺腑之言。I'm not sure if Sherlock realized just how hard it is to say "I love you" when it's true -- until he had to say it. Even when he said it the first time I'm not even sure he knew it was true for him. That second time though he clearly meant it.关键是第三个实验,让小夏伤透了心,他不得不面对茉莉和自己对她的感情。This was difficult for Sherlock in all ma


Euros the Holmes sister was a complicated soul. She was smarter than both Sherlock and Mycroft but without the emotional understanding that allowed her to have any ethics or moral compass. So her experiments at Sherrinford were the most revealing but also the most harrowing.


Euros' third experiment however was the one that broke Sherlock forcing him to confront both Molly's emotions and whatever it is he feels for her.



This was difficult for Sherlock in all manner of ways. There was the sheer terror on his face when he thought Molly could get killed. There was the pain he felt when he knew he was going to hurt Molly.


I'm not sure if Sherlock realized just how hard it is to say "I love you" when it's true -- until he had to say it. Even when he said it the first time I'm not even sure he knew it was true for him. That second time though he clearly meant it.


My heart was breaking for Molly as she struggled with telling this impossible insensitive brilliant man how she felt. I loved how she showed that quiet strength it took for Molly to demand that Sherlock said it first.



Of course he loves Molly. She was the one person he trusted when he had to fake his death she's always the first one he turns to when he and John are on the outs.


Whether he loves her more than platonically will be likely to be argued for the ages (I think he does) but there was no question that at that moment what he said was true for him.



That's why he reacted so violently.He was faced with unequivocaltruththat Molly Hooper is in love with him he basically was just confronted with his own feelings for her he thought she was going to die and she lived only for him to be taunted by Euros with his emotions.


The montage at the end of "The Final Problem" really made it feel like a series finale. John and Sherlock rebuilt 221B and continued solving mysteries together. Baby Rose Watson looked like she was growing up. Mrs. Hudson continued to be exasperated with Sherlock's penchant for shooting and stabbing her home.


We saw Molly Hooper came over which means that somewhere along the way that "I-love-you" conversation either got repressed or dealt with in a good way.


Which confuses me even more since we also saw that Sherlock finally texted Irene Adler back.


I suppose it's reasonable to assume that Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman may never have time to film another series given how insanely busy they've become. They're both in the Marvel universe now for crying out loud.




If that's the case I'm happy with the little glimpse of happily-ever-after that we got.


When all else fails there are two men sitting arguing in a scruffy flat like they've always been there and they always will. The best and wisest men I have ever known. My Baker Street Boys. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.


So what did you guys think? Let me know in the comments!

