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带有颜色的英语谚语与俚语(与颜色有关的俚语)例句:Can you give me the green light to roll in this school without test.? Absolutely not possible!to give permission for someone to do something or for something to happen:例句:She looks happy ever day. She see the world through rose-tinted glasses.2 give someone the green light看到green light 就知道是让你一路畅通无阻的绿灯了。所以 give someone the green light 就是给某人绿灯,允许某人做某事的意思。


1 see sth through rose-tinted glasses

带着有色眼镜看待这个世界?NO, rose-tinted 是玫瑰色的,希望的,乐观的意思。

所以 see through rose-tinted glasses 是乐观地对待事物。最近在学习记忆法提高术,看到这个俚语我会想到一个胖胖的乐观派戴着粉红色桃心的眼镜,笑哈哈地张着嘴。OMG 想忘都忘不了。

例句:She looks happy ever day. She see the world through rose-tinted glasses.


2 give someone the green light

看到green light 就知道是让你一路畅通无阻的绿灯了。所以 give someone the green light 就是给某人绿灯,允许某人做某事的意思。

to give permission for someone to do something or for something to happen:

例句:Can you give me the green light to roll in this school without test.? Absolutely not possible!


3 Paint the town red


Paint 意思是“绘画、喷涂”,paint the town red字面意思是是“把城市涂成了红色”。在有些表达中,红色在西方代表愤怒,冲动。不过也有褒义之说。据说 red 的褒义是从远东经波斯传到西方的,在中国文化中红色是喜庆,快乐的意思。所以结合两者,快乐和冲动,就是狂欢作乐的意思。It means to have a good time through visiting nightclubs and bars etc.

paint the town red

英 [peint ðə taun red] 美[pent ði taʊn rɛd]

[词典] 狂欢作乐;

[例句] With so much money we can really paint the town red.



4 blue / white collared

collar就是衣领的意思。马上就明白 blue / white collared 是蓝领 / 白领了有木有!

例句:Do you want to be a blue or white collared worker? Why don't you ask me what kind of career are you pursuing?


5 in black and white


in black and white

英 [in blæk ænd hwait]美[ɪn blæk ənd hwaɪt]

[词典] 白纸黑字;

[例句] He gave me assurance in black and white.


例句:This details are firm evidence in black and white. You are convicted!
