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当不喜欢你的时候(在你不喜欢自己的时候)5.眼泪不会说谎,你和我的一个梦长得好像Tears don't lie you and I have a dream that looks like.3.你是我在这平凡而又无味的生活里,最好的安慰。You are my best comfort in this ordinary and tasteless life.4.人心与阳光愿能温暖你。People and sunshine are willing to warm you.

1.在你不喜欢自己的时候,让我喜欢你吧。Let me like you when you don't like yourself.

2.最美的你不是生如夏花,而是在时间的长河里,波澜不惊。The most beautiful you are not born like summer flowers but in the long river of time you are not shocked.


3.你是我在这平凡而又无味的生活里,最好的安慰。You are my best comfort in this ordinary and tasteless life.

4.人心与阳光愿能温暖你。People and sunshine are willing to warm you.


5.眼泪不会说谎,你和我的一个梦长得好像Tears don't lie you and I have a dream that looks like.

6.最永恒的幸福是平凡,最长久的拥有是珍惜。The most eternal happiness is ordinary and the longest possession is cherished.


7.再大的雨,最终会停下。再刺人的伤,也会结痂。The big rain will eventually stop. If you hurt your wounds you will also be scarred.
