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米妮双丸子头(米妮换新颜红裙变裤装)Pantsuits are a staple in female leaders' wardrobes with politicians including former German Chancellor Angela Merkel former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and US Vice President Kamala Harris each having their own recognizable take on the style. Clinton caused a stir in 2004 when her official White House portrait was unveiled three years after the Clinton administration ended showing her



Credit: Disney

For the first time in her nearly century-long life Minnie Mouse will add a pantsuit to her wardrobe. And it won't be just any old pair of tailored slacks but an iconic silhouette from British fashion designer Stella McCartney.


Though a sneak peek of Minnie's new sartorial statement hit the internet early her full makeover will be unveiled in March to commemorate two different dates: International Women's Day and the 30th anniversary of Disneyland Paris.


"Minnie has always had a special place in my heart " McCartney said in a press video. "We share the same values and what I love about Minnie is that she personifies happiness self-expression authenticity...plus she has such great style."


Pantsuits are a staple in female leaders' wardrobes with politicians including former German Chancellor Angela Merkel former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and US Vice President Kamala Harris each having their own recognizable take on the style. Clinton caused a stir in 2004 when her official White House portrait was unveiled three years after the Clinton administration ended showing her in a midnight black suit -- a first for a first lady's portrait.


Minnie's own statement-making ensemble is a bespoke blue tuxedo with black polka dots and matching bow. McCartney hopes the new look will make Minnie "a symbol of progress and empowerment for a new generation."


Internet users however have pointed out that this is not Minnie's first time foregoing her dress. In 2019 Disney Cruise Line debuted Captain Minnie in a red and white maritime uniform with pants -- both as an inspirational outfit for young girls and presumably a practical one to be out at sea.

不过,网友们指出,这不是米妮第一次换新装。2019年,迪士尼邮轮推出了穿红白海军服 裤装的米妮船长形象,这套服饰既是为了给年轻女孩带来启迪,在海上穿着也很实用。

For this International Women's Day the collaboration with McCartney will also include a limited T-shirt collection -- featuring Minnie with the phrase "Divine Feminine" -- which will appear on the runway at the March 7 Stella McCartney Winter 2022 show and be available for purchase the following day.




