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印度为何成不了一流大国(在拥有四大发明后)当我在印度小学里上学时,我们的老师曾经告诉我们,当世界其他种群还在茹毛饮血时,中国就已经在制作日历,研究天文学了。When I was in a primary school in India our teacher once told us that China was already making calendars and studying astronomy when other species in the world were still eating their hair and blood.在我看来:农业文明培育下温良的民族性格是最直接的原因。China is a very peace loving country. They love life and have lofty aspirations. The Chinese civilization is great a






In my opinion the most direct reason is the gentle national character cultivated by agricultural civilization.


China is a very peace loving country. They love life and have lofty aspirations. The Chinese civilization is great and long-lasting and much more advanced than the rest of the ancient world.


When I was in a primary school in India our teacher once told us that China was already making calendars and studying astronomy when other species in the world were still eating their hair and blood.


1. Why should China attack other countries under this completely leading civilization? Taking over other uncivilized worlds is often a burden. Educating and supporting them is not only laborious but also easy to stimulate contradictions which is of little significance to China.


2. Chinese Confucianism promotes harmony non violence family values and karma which is still actively practiced by the younger generation of Chinese.


When I was a visiting scholar in China I saw and felt these peace loving principles practiced by the Chinese people in their daily life. For thousands of years this has become their subconscious habit.


3. Chinese people are very hardworking. For thousands of years China has been an economy based on agriculture. They believe in the strength of the big family. They think they have enough labor force and wisdom and do not want the outside world to intervene in their own work. Moreover they may be burdened by foreign illiteracy or more or less uncivilized human resources.


4. In short China is self-sufficient and advanced. In essence they believe in the values of complete peace and harmony and are very satisfied with their own life. I think although India has the ambition to become a world power it does not have such sincere faith as the Chinese.


5. Chinese don't play politics. They advocate a simple way of life. They are model citizens all over the world. Almost no Chinese are involved in any crime. For them education is the first. They only care about their own affairs attach importance to culture and education and respect teachers.


In contrast the reason why Europe can develop several world power countries I think the most convincing theory is obviously mentioned in Paul Kennedy's rise and fall of great powers. It is driven by the geographical differences between Europe and Eurasia.


He believes that the terrain of Europe is easily cut apart by natural barriers such as lakes rivers forests and mountains. Although these natural barriers cause inconvenience they are never insurmountable.


This means that Europe is highly divided politically. Even now a large number of pocket countries still exist but in history none of these kingdoms has survived the conquest of strong neighbors.


This led to the European powers either always in a state of war or facing the risk of war at any time.


This is an evolutionary process. You must move forward quickly or you risk being destroyed. This has led to the rapid development of weapons and equipment as well as scientific and economic progress. There is a Chinese saying "born of hardship and die of happiness" which is just suitable for the current situation in Europe hundreds of years ago.


If a nation-state tries to cut off its trade ties with neighboring countries the countries around it will completely leave it behind economically. Many European leaders are stupid or short-sighted and many are peace loving and trust others. Their rule often does not last long.


In contrast empires such as the Ottoman Empire and the Ming Dynasty can easily limit their centralized rule. In the areas under their control they are quite safe from external intrusion.


If an emperor issues a decree but the promotion and implementation are hindered for some reasons the empire can still survive and their need for progress is far less urgent.




Let me explain it from another angle. China has no religion that distinguishes between mysticism and philosophy and judicial theories and precedents based on civil law common law or customary law are also missing. Scholars have not found the connection between mathematics philosophy and engineering and no natural philosopher like Archimedes Apollonius or diophantos has ever used mathematics to solve philosophical problems and prove concepts.


Without these capabilities scientific methods will not really be developed which means that engineering will not become a science - it will continue to be an art mended on the basis of repeated experiments.


Science and mathematics can also be applied to the economy and China has never developed a capitalist system and economy. Although China's economy is more developed than Arab countries or Russia they have never developed a real capital market.


Ancient China has never had similar legal jurisprudence and judicial traditions as the Romans. Before the Qing Dynasty there was no civil procedure law rule of law and clear judicial system. The emperor was the decision-maker of law and their whim was the law. In terms of contract personal judicial security and property and ownership security it is up to one person to decide.


The technical weakness is that China has not invented important artifacts such as glass mechanical clock Pinyin and granular gunpowder (Corning).


No glass means no decent glassware no lens no chemical instruments and containers no scientific instruments which is an insurmountable obstacle in the field of science.


The lack of a mechanical clock means that the time cannot be measured accurately. This also means that ocean voyage is almost impossible. The Chinese also have large ships but they must sail along the coast or drift aimlessly on the sea.


The Chinese have a compass but they mostly use it in religious ceremonies and Feng Shui rather than geographical exploration and navigation at sea.


The Chinese have paper and printing presses and 40000 Chinese characters. Although they are beautiful and can carry a lot of information by vision alone they are basically hieroglyphics and difficult to recognize unless you know their pronunciation and meaning.


Before literacy and computers were popularized the printing press was almost useless - it just spent too much time casting words and arranging printed matter and literacy was not universal.


China invented gunpowder but the large granular gunpowder (Corning) was an innovation of Germany in the 14th century. Without Corning powder it is more like a psychological weapon and incendiary than a propellant or explosive. The improved gunpowder can increase its efficiency eight times and can make decent bombs cannons and rockets.


There are also great paradigm differences between European and Chinese thinkers in philosophy.


In China the thoughts of Mencius Confucius and Lao Tzu prevailed. Confucius' goal was to seek harmony and balance. In ancient Chinese tradition dissent was difficult to tolerate which led to a stable society but it also led to social rigidity.


In this case Europeans tend to be more outgoing and open. It can be said that Europeans have not even reached an agreement on what is the best social model today.


Europeans have the ancient Greek Jewish Roman tradition of holding big debates and open debates in squares universities and schools and have the courage to raise objections and challenges to the current situation.

