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社招英语跟读(双语听读Generousincentives)The past few years have seen Zhengzhou's ever-growing input in new talent policies which manifests its greater determination to build a talent-rich city with greater strength and through targeted measures. On the basis of attracting and training the best minds Zhengzhou is going to great lengths to offer them opportunities to show their talent and embrace a bright future.不断加大人才政策的实施力度In recent y


652nd article652期双语推文



NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

On April 26 th the People's Dailypublished a four-page promotional article regarding Zhengzhou talent Policies with highlighted powerful Chinese calligraphy of "Shan" "He" "Zu" and "Guo" (the Songshan Mountain the Yellow River the Chinese nation's ancestor Yellow Emperor and the Heluo Kingdom respectively) printed on the Chinese red background.


In recent years Zhengzhou has been working to promote the human resource development as a strategic project and has put forward a series of new ideas new methods and new requirements aiming to build Zhengzhou into a place where top-notch personnel gather and thrive and have access to infinite opportunities for self-fulfillment.



Photo: Li Xinhua

Making more efforts to implement talent policies


The past few years have seen Zhengzhou's ever-growing input in new talent policies which manifests its greater determination to build a talent-rich city with greater strength and through targeted measures. On the basis of attracting and training the best minds Zhengzhou is going to great lengths to offer them opportunities to show their talent and embrace a bright future.


Zhengzhou published the "1125 Talent Policies" in 2015 the "Gather Talents to Zhengzhou" Human Resources Program in 2017 and the Opinions on Implementing the "Yellow River Talent Plan" to Accelerate the Building of Zhengzhou into a Talent-rich Cityon September 15 th 2020. These policies are all formulated according to the actual situation in Zhengzhou to remove obstacles in the way of the city's talent development. Numerous excellent personnel have been and more will be attracted to Zhengzhou a soon-to-be national central city.



Photo: Ma Jian

From April 27 thto28 th 2021 the Zhengzhou delegation visited innovative high-tech enterprises and held a promotional meeting in Beijing to introduce Zhengzhou the Zhongyuan Science and Technology City and Zhengzhou Talent Policies as well. This trip aimed to attract high-tech projects best minds and platforms to settle in Zhengzhou to advance Zhengzhou's high-quality economic and social development. At the promotional meeting the delegation unveiled the Zhengzhou Plan for bringing in both investments and intelligence and sent a "letter of invitation" with utmost sincerity.


In the future this "policy mix" will be further promoted to the Yangtze River Delta the Pearl River Delta the whole country and even beyond the border.


Pushing forward "one city" complying with "one policy" and providing "one-stop solution"


On April 26th a press conference was held on the implementation of "Zhengzhou Talent Policies" and the launch of a "One-Stop Solution" for attracting and retaining talents. According to Mayor Hou Hong these policies are designed to enable a more favorable and more secure environment for excellent individuals who choose Zhengzhou as their base for career prosperity innovation and start-up business. First Zhengzhou will speed up the construction of "one city" the Zhongyuan Science and Technology City to form an "industry human capital innovation finance service" integrated system and make the Zhongyuan Science and Technology City an engine for replacing traditional drivers with new ones a source of scientific and technological innovation in the Central Plains and a leading area for high-quality development along the Yellow River Basin. Second Zhengzhou will implement a range of talent-related policies and bring together elements of innovation with human resources as the core. By using approaches like "talent project platform" and "talent capital scenario" it aims to build a dynamic regional sci-tech and innovation center. Third more efforts will be made to facilitate the talent work-related "one-stop solution" services. That is procedures regarding 20 issues under six themes including subsidy and talented individual recognition reward can be completed at the same window within one week relying on an integrated administrative service system.

4月26日,郑州系列人才政策实施暨人才工作“一件事”上线新闻发布会举行。郑州市市长侯红表示,郑州围绕人才引进培育和创新创业发展,将打造“一城”,即加快中原科技城建设,构建产业、人才、创新、金融、服务“五链融合”创新生态,打造新旧动能转换发动机、中原地区科技创新策源地和黄河流域高质量发展引领区;落实“一策”,即实施郑州系列人才政策,坚持以人才为核心集聚创新要素,通过“人才 项目 平台”“人才 资本 场景”等方式,建设国家极具活力的区域科技创新中心;办好“一事”,即推进人才工作“一件事”,围绕人才补贴、人才认定奖励等六大主题,梳理上线20个人才工作“一件事”,实行一窗受理、一网通联、一次办好、一周办结的优质服务,让广大人才落地发展和创新创业更加舒心顺心。


Photo: Li Xinhua

Development relies on innovation for which talented personnel is the key.


The Beijing trip ended with fruitful outcomes including reaching several cooperation agreements on major projects. Projects to be settled in the Zhongyuan Science and Technology City include the Zhengzhou Intelligent Technology Institute of the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) and the Sanqiang civil non-power nuclear technology project. Projects to be settled in the Zhengzhou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone include the Green and Intelligent Manufacturing Institute of the Beijing (Zhengzhou) National Innovation Institute of Lightweight LTD and the Yellow River Institute for Collaborative Innovation of Applied Mathematics and Intelligent Technology of the Beijing Institute of Collaborative Innovation. Projects to set up in the Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone include the National Key Laboratory of Mathematics Information and Behavior. By vigorously bringing in talent-centric innovation-leading enterprises platforms and institutions it hopes to create a broader and more promising stage for various talented people in Zhengzhou for their innovation and entrepreneurship.


Shoring up the confidence of high-caliber talents in employment and entrepreneurship



Photo: Ma Jian

Zhengzhou has developed a sound plan to attract skilled personnel and aims to register additional 18 500 highly-skilled talents including 5 550 technicians in 2021. On May 6 th Zhengzhou published theImplementation Plan of Zhengzhou City for Highly-Skilled Human Resource Work in 2021 announcing the implementation of training plans for urgently-needed skilled workers skilled workers in strategic emerging industries and advanced manufacturing industries professionals in modern service industries participants for vocational skill competitions highly-skilled talent team and application-oriented highly-skilled personnel. According to theImplementation Plan the number of highly-skilled personnel trained by various units will be an indicator for their annual comprehensive assessment by the municipal party committee and the municipal government.


The Zhengzhou Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security has started the high-caliber talented personnel identification and classification. Zhengzhou has recently issued the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Public Service Guarantee Measures for High-caliber Talents in Zhengzhou focusing on solving problems concerning housing settlement and children's education for the top-notch group removing their worries and securing them a good work environment in Zhengzhou. TheDetailed Rulesstipulate corresponding measures and services to facilitate the medical care housing settlement and children's education of high-caliber talents recognized by Zhengzhou.


Zhengzhou with economic boom is chosen by much more people to work live and contribute their wisdom to the prosperity of the city.




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