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ensure assure的区别(assure和ensure有什么区别)

ensure assure的区别(assure和ensure有什么区别)当你想以一种强烈的方式告诉某人某事将要发生或某事是真的时,使用assure。When you want to say that something makes (something else) certain use either assure or ensure.当你想说某事(另一事物)是确定的,可以用assure或ensure。When you want to tell someone in a strong way that something will happen or is true use assure.


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ensure assure的区别(assure和ensure有什么区别)(1)

Both assure and ensure mean "to make (something) certain" but assure also means "to tell someone in a very strong and definite way that something will happen or that something is true."


When you want to say that something makes (something else) certain use either assure or ensure.


  • Leaving early will assure/ensure a prompt arrival. [=leaving early will make a prompt arrival certain]
  • 早点离开能确保你及时到达。[=早点离开就一定能及时到达]
  • You can assure/ensure the safety of your home with a security system.
  • 您可以通过安全系统来确保您家的安全。
  • I will assure/ensure that the package arrives on time.
  • 我将确保包裹准时到达。

ensure assure的区别(assure和ensure有什么区别)(2)

When you want to tell someone in a strong way that something will happen or is true use assure.


  • He assured us that we would not be late. [=he told us in a definite way that we would not be late]
  • 他向我们保证我们不会迟到。[=他明确地告诉我们不会迟到]
  • The company assured the family that their house was secure.
  • 公司向这家人保证,他们的房子是安全的。
  • I assure you the package will arrive on time.
  • 我向您保证包裹会准时到达。
