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外刊精读第32期(外刊精读Day56智力与信仰之间的秘密)sensation 感觉tingle 激动,刺痛,强烈的感受unbeknownst 不知道的,不为人所知的chill 冷战,激动goosebumps 鸡皮疙瘩


原文刊登于《Scientific American》(2018.06.01)


Participants completed multiple scales including surveys of the strength of their belief in God of their perception of God as loving versus controlling and of how commonly and deeply they felt inspired in their day-to-day lives.

The most fascinating component of the study may have been the authors’ attempt to connect religious belief to “the chills” that people can feel in response to emotional events. ③ Unbeknownst to me before reading this paper there are two different kinds of chills wonderfully known as goosetingles and coldshivers. Goosetingles as indicated by their name are “a combination of goosebumps and a tingling sensation whereas coldshivers reflects a mix of coldness and a literalphysical shake.” (I have personally experienced the former not infrequently in response to music or poetry but I’m not aware of having felt the latter).


unbeknownst 不知道的,不为人所知的

chill 冷战,激动

goosebumps 鸡皮疙瘩

tingle 激动,刺痛,强烈的感受

sensation 感觉

coldshiver 冷战

literal 字面的,如实的


scale 本意是“规模,范围”,这里是一个测试学的概念,“量表”


1.Participants completed multiple scales including surveys of the strength of their belief in God of their perception of God as loving versus controlling and of how commonly and deeply they felt inspired in their day-to-day lives.

此句主干是“Participants completed multiple scales”,后面是分词“including…”作定语。在里面有三个of结构来表示“survey”的内容。在第三个里面,还包含了一个名词性从句“how commonly…” 与of一起构成介词短语。

2.The most fascinating component of the study may have been the authors’ attempt to connect religious belief to “the chills” that people can feel in response to emotional events.

本句话主干为“The component may have been the authors’ attempt”,后面的“to connect A to B”结构,是不定式作定语修饰attempt;最后的“that people …”是定语从句修饰“chill”





1.They conducted a series of studies in California and Korea to test the hypothesis that feeling inspired encourages a belief in God and that it does so because “inspiration offers a transcendent experience that produces feelings of connection to something greater than the self.”

此句主干为“They conducted a series of studies”;后面的“to test the hypothesis”为目的状语;“that feeling … and that it does so …”是hypothesis的同位语从句,后面又跟了“because ‘inspiration offers a transcendent experience that produces feelings of connection to something greater than the self’”作原因状语从句。原因状语从句中,“that produces feelings of connection”作定语从句。
