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嵩山少林寺达摩一苇渡江(少林达摩剑动中守静)达摩剑,少林武术剑法,为禅宗始祖达摩祖师所传。该套路总内外贯通,神形合一,共分为四十一式,主要以劈、点、撩、抹、绞、架、崩、腕花为技法,演练起来,静中生动,动中守静,尤为注重剑指与剑法的变化。少林达摩剑。The Shaolin Dharma Sword. /CGTNFind the direction and keep your thoughts focused. Only by concentrating your mind on the sword can you cultivate its essence.这便是少林达摩剑的奥义。This is the essence of the Shaolin Dharma Sword.


Why do we practice the sword?


Find the direction and keep your thoughts focused. Only by concentrating your mind on the sword can you cultivate its essence.


This is the essence of the Shaolin Dharma Sword.


少林达摩剑。The Shaolin Dharma Sword. /CGTN


The Shaolin Dharma Sword one of the Shaolin martial arts was passed on from the Bodhidharma. Physically and spiritually the technique has 41 moves including the hack point lift sweep stir hold burst and also wrist tricks. The practitioner alternates between movement and stillness with multiple moves for the sword and the fingers.


所谓十年磨一剑,剑法亦需长期磨炼。10 years to sharpen and practice with a sword. /CGTN Photo


Shi Yanchen came to the Shaolin Temple at the end of 2008. Having practiced for more than a decade he has a deep understanding of the Shaolin Dharma Sword. The techniques though seemingly random are actually powerful and agile. Hacking is for offense while lifting is for defense. This combination is incredibly practical and tests the practitioners' basic skills.


释延宸 少林寺武僧。Shi Yanchen is a warrior monk in the Shaolin Temple. /CGTN Photo


There is no end to learning or practicing but frustration and fear are inevitable. The Dharma Sword is not only for physical cultivation but also for the heart. A calm mind prevails. Everything is cultivation in practicing martial arts.


"I draw the sculptures in the temple. Drawing is also a way of self-cultivation. All the problems are not in the sword but in me. It was the result of my impetuosity " says Shi.


If your heart is strong enough you will be calm when holding the sword. This is the Zen meditation of Shaolin warrior monks. The meditation daily routine burning of incense and praying everything gradually becomes part of your life. Eventually you focus more on what you really want.


习武,是禅修的一部分。Shaolin martial arts are a part of the Shaolin warrior monks’ Zen meditation.


Having practiced for many years Shi considers the Shaolin Temple to be his home and source of his spiritual sustenance. The sword gives him courage and confidence. All these gifts make him more determined on his path of cultivation. To let go of obsessions and to maintain a clear mind is the goal and belief of the Shaolin warrior monks.


释延宸 少林寺武僧。Shi Yanchen is a warrior monk at the Shaolin Temple. /CGTN Photo
