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年月日英语口语表达(英语日常tomorrowis)5. I'm walking here! I'm walking here! Midnight Cowboy 1969试译: 哪你那天过来看我吧! (侬本多情,1993)3. "Show me the money!" Jerry Maguire 1996“给我钱!”——《甜心先生》(1996年)4. Why don't you come up sometime and see me? She Done Him Wrong 1933


【英语日常】 After all,tomorrow is another day!毕竟,明天又是新的一天。

1. "There's no place like home." The Wizard of Oz 1939


2. "I am big! It's the pictures that got small." Sunset Blvd. 1950


3. "Show me the money!" Jerry Maguire 1996


4. Why don't you come up sometime and see me? She Done Him Wrong 1933

试译: 哪你那天过来看我吧! (侬本多情,1993)

5. I'm walking here! I'm walking here! Midnight Cowboy 1969


6. Play it,Sam. Play'As Time Goes By'.

