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▌The Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a press conference on July 18 under the theme of “China in the past decade.” Mr. Tong Jianming deputy secretary of Party leadership group and first deputy prosecutor general of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate attended the press conference. He introduced the progress and effect of legal supervision of the people’s procuratorates in the new era and answered the questions from the press. We will introduce the related procuratorial work in five sections:


▌Following a people-centered approach the people’s procuratorates have worked to resolve the most pressing difficulties and problems that are of great concern to the people. We have strived to handle every case directly affecting the people with concentrated attention. At the “two sessions” in 2019 the Supreme People’s Procuratorate promised that “all letters from the masses will be provided with a procedural reply within seven days and the handling process or result reply within three months.” As of June this year the procuratorial organs have received 3.16 million letters and visits from the people and responded to nearly 95%. We have earnestly implemented the Law on the Protection of Minors and exercised zero tolerance for crimes against minors prosecuting 256 000 people from 2018 to June this year. The mandatory reporting and background check systems of people who mistreat minors established in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Public Security have been included into laws.

