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打卡专栏教程(打卡笔记分享)及早地,及时地in good time在最后一刻,在危机关头at the eleventh hour社会等级a/the pecking order黄油面包片;主要收入来源bread and butter骨瘦如柴的人a walking skeleton

打卡punch the clock

上班打卡clock in

下班打卡clock out

社会等级social status/class/hierarchy

社会等级a/the pecking order

黄油面包片;主要收入来源bread and butter

骨瘦如柴的人a walking skeleton

在最后一刻,在危机关头at the eleventh hour

及早地,及时地in good time

不祥之兆the writing on the wall/ill omen/boding of evil

开玩笑to pull one’s leg/crack a joke

享有盛誉enjoy great popularity

既往不咎;不念旧恶forgive and forget

深刻总结thoroughly review sth.

晚饭后,他喜欢躲到书房里去。After dinner he likes to retire to his study.

处于失败情况,完蛋,衰败go down the tubes

深呼吸,长叹一口气draw a long breath

快活/快乐极了 gay as a lark

哽咽,泣不成声choke with sobs


